Pulse- Echo Instumentation Flashcards
- also known as receiver gain
- Gain- Ratio of amplifier output to input electrical power
- Increases amplification at all depths (entire image is brighter)
- relating to or using signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity such as spatial position or voltage.
- the transducer sends analog electrical signals
Analog-to-Digital Converter
In Beam former; converts voltage amplitude to a number; analog to digital suitable for computer memory
Beam Former
- Determines focus, shape and steer of the beam for array transducers
- Steers, shapes during transmission
- Focuses electronically during reception
an electronic circuit that has two stable states.
a small piece, part, or quantity of something.
Cathode-ray tube (CRT)
Image display device
Coded Excitation
resolution enhancement compression (REC), which allow the axial resolution and bandwidth of the imaging system to be enhanced [1]. In addition to improvements in terms of axial resolution, the REC technique has the typical coded excitation and pulse compression benefits, such as deeper penetration due to improvement in echo signal-to-noise ratio
- Increases amplification at varying depths
- Portions of the image become brighter
- Used to make image uniformly bright from top to bottom
Compression/Dynamic Range
- Ratio of the largest to the smallest amplitude or power that a system can handle is called Dynamic Range
- Compression decreases the difference between the largest and the smallest voltages or echo amplitudes
Contrast Resolution
is the ability to distinguish between differences in intensity in an image
- makes image suitable for display
- Conversion of echo voltages from radio frequency (RF) to video form
Depth Gain Compensation
- Increases amplification at varying depths
- Portions of the image become brighter
- Used to make image uniformly bright from top to bottom
Digitial-to-analog converter
In Image Processor; Converts processed digital image data into analog signals suitable for the TV video display
Dynamic Range
- Ratio of the largest to the smallest amplitude or power that a system can handle is called Dynamic Range
- Compression decreases the difference between the largest and the smallest voltages or echo amplitudes
Frame Rate
the number of sonographic images stored into memory per second
ratio of amplifier output to input electrical power
Gray Scale
- a range of gray shades from white to black
- postprocessing
Image Memory/Scan Converter
- Temporarily stores images during scanning, for viewing and recording
- Performs scan conversion, enabling the image data to be viewed on video monitors
Image Processer
- any form of signal processing for which the input is an image
- scan conversion
- preprocessing
- storage of image frames
- postprocessing
- the continued or prolonged existence of something.
- preprocessing
- Picture archiving and communications systems
- Used with digital imaging modes
- Allows electronic images to be sent to work stations and external memory and storage (even off-site)
Done after scan converter memory
-can be done on a frozen image
before (pre-) Scan Converter memory
-cannot be done on a frozen image
- each frame is created and displayed quickly, giving the impression of constant motion; “movie”-like
- the actual time during which a process or event occurs.
Real-Time Display
each frame is created and displayed quickly, giving the impression of constant motion; “movie”-like
Scan Converter / Image Memory
- Temporarily stores images during scanning, for viewing and recording
- Performs scan conversion, enabling the image data to be viewed on video monitors
Signal Processer
- includes filtering, detection, and compression
- receives digitized echo voltages from the beam former.
Spatial Compounding
averaging of frames that view anatomy from different angles
Temporal Resolution
the ability to distinguish closely timed events as separate events; and to correctly display rapidly moving structures
Time Gain Compensation
- Increases amplification at varying depths
- Portions of the image become brighter
- Used to make image uniformly bright from top to bottom