Pulse- Echo Instumentation Flashcards
- also known as receiver gain
- Gain- Ratio of amplifier output to input electrical power
- Increases amplification at all depths (entire image is brighter)
- relating to or using signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity such as spatial position or voltage.
- the transducer sends analog electrical signals
Analog-to-Digital Converter
In Beam former; converts voltage amplitude to a number; analog to digital suitable for computer memory
Beam Former
- Determines focus, shape and steer of the beam for array transducers
- Steers, shapes during transmission
- Focuses electronically during reception
an electronic circuit that has two stable states.
a small piece, part, or quantity of something.
Cathode-ray tube (CRT)
Image display device
Coded Excitation
resolution enhancement compression (REC), which allow the axial resolution and bandwidth of the imaging system to be enhanced [1]. In addition to improvements in terms of axial resolution, the REC technique has the typical coded excitation and pulse compression benefits, such as deeper penetration due to improvement in echo signal-to-noise ratio
- Increases amplification at varying depths
- Portions of the image become brighter
- Used to make image uniformly bright from top to bottom
Compression/Dynamic Range
- Ratio of the largest to the smallest amplitude or power that a system can handle is called Dynamic Range
- Compression decreases the difference between the largest and the smallest voltages or echo amplitudes
Contrast Resolution
is the ability to distinguish between differences in intensity in an image
- makes image suitable for display
- Conversion of echo voltages from radio frequency (RF) to video form
Depth Gain Compensation
- Increases amplification at varying depths
- Portions of the image become brighter
- Used to make image uniformly bright from top to bottom
Digitial-to-analog converter
In Image Processor; Converts processed digital image data into analog signals suitable for the TV video display
Dynamic Range
- Ratio of the largest to the smallest amplitude or power that a system can handle is called Dynamic Range
- Compression decreases the difference between the largest and the smallest voltages or echo amplitudes