Pulse Flashcards
Floating (Superficial)
D: Clearly felt with light pressure, somewhat weak with heavy pressure
- Exterior pattern
- Yin def if Floating and Empty
D: Not clear with light pressure, but clear with heavy pressure
- Interior pattern
- Qi/Blood stag if Full
- Yang def if Weak
D: Less than 4 beats per respiration cycle of the practitioner
- Cold pattern
- Def Cold if Weak
- Excess Cold if Full
D: More than 5 beats per respiration cycle of the practitioner
- Heat pattern
- Excess Heat if Full
- Def Heat if Thin
Empty (Deficient, Vacuous)
D: Feels big but soft and without strength, “Empty” may suggest that nothing can be felt but this is not so, “A ballon partially filled with water”
- Qi/Blood def
- Organ Def
Full (Excess, Forceful)
D: Feels forceful and rather long, pounding hard against the fingers at 3 depths
- Full pattern
- Excess Heat if Rapid
- Excess cold if Slow
Surging (Flooding, Overflowing)
D: Arrives likes aves, hitting the fingers with strength at all 3 depths and overflowing, leaves the fingers w less strength debilitated like receding wave, “A river overflows during a flood”
- Excess Heat if Rapid
- Excess Cold if Slow
Thin (Fine, Thready)
D: Fine like a thread, thinner than normal, but very distinct and clear
- Blood/Yin def
- Dampness w Qi def
Slippery (Rolling)
D: Feels extremely fluid, smooth, rounded, and as if it were oily; Slides under the fingers like a ball bearing covered w viscous fluid; “Pearls in a porcelain basin”
- Accumulation of Phlegm, Damp or food
- Excess Heat
- Normal during pregnancy
Choppy (Hesitant, Rough)
D: Feels as if it has a jagged edge, uneven and rough, and sometimes irregular in strength and fullness; “A knife scraping bamboo”
- Blood/Qi Stasis if Full
- Blood/Essence def if Thin
Wiry (String-Taut, String-Like)
D: Strong and taut, w no fluidity or wavelike qualities; Rebounds against pressure at all levels and hits the fingers evenly, like a guitar string
- LV/GB disharmony (excess or def)
- Pain
- Food Retention
Soggy (Soft, Weak-Floating)
D: Empty, Floating, extremely soft and thin but less clear than Thin; Perceptible only in the superficial level, the slightest pressure makes it disappear; “A bubble floating on water”
- Damp from excess or def
- Essence def
Weak (Frail)
D: Soft, Fine and without Force; Felt only at the deep level; cannot be felt at the superficial level
- Qi/Yang def (b/c of its low amplitude)
- Blood def (b/c its Thin)
Hasty (Abrupt, Hurried, Skipping)
D: Rapid and skips beats irregularly
- Excessive HT Yang, HT Fire
- Congested Qi in the Upper Jiao
- Accumulation of Phlegm or food
- HT Qi def if Weak
Tight (Tense)
D: Arrives tightly and w force and seems to bounce from side to side like a taut rope, vibrating and urgent, Fuller and more elastic than Wiry
- Cold pattern (usually excess): Exterior cold if Floating/Interior Cold if Deep
- Pain
- Food retention
Knotted (Bound)
D: Slow and skips beats irregularly
- Cold retention
- HT Blood stasis, PC Phlegm
- HT Qi/Yang def
Intermittent (Regularly, Intermittent)
D: Regularly skips beats; Usually skips more beats than Hasty or Knotted
- Serious debilitation of all the internal organs
- Wind pattern, pain pattern
- HT problem, palpitation
D: Perceptible beyond the first and third positions, continues to be felt closer to the hand or up toward the elbow
-Excess Heat pattern (Surplus of Yang Qi)
D: Does not fill the spaces under the 3 fingers; Usually felt in only one position
- Severe Qi def
- Qi stag if forceful
Minute (Faint)
D: Extremely Fine and Soft; Difficult to feel, barely perceptible, seems about to disappear, sometimes present, sometimes not
-Extreme def of Qi/Blood
Moderate (Slow-Down)
D: Normal in depth, speed, strength and width, four beats for each respiration cycle of the practitioner
- Generally a healthy pulse
- Damp w SP def if Slippery
Hollow (Scallion)
D: Felt at the superficial level and again at the deep level, but in the middle level it is Empty: “The stem of a green onion”
- Great Blood loss, Blood def
- Forthcoming hemorrhage if Rapid
Leather (Drumskin)
D: Feels large, hard and tight at the superficial level like leather stretched on the top of a drum; but it feels completely Empty at the deep level
- Severe Essence def
- Blood def
Confined (Prison, Firm)
D: Felt only at the deep level; hard and rather Wiry; described as a Wiry pulse at the deep level
- Interior Cold accumulation if Slow
- Blood stasis, pain