Pulmonology - History and physical examination - DONE Flashcards
What questions should be asked of any patient with lung disease?
Think OLD EQQS (onset, location, duration, exacerbation, quality, quantity, associated symptoms)
What are the cardinal symptoms of respiratory diseases?
Dyspnea, wheezing, cough, including hemoptysis, and chest pain or discomfort
What is hemoptysis?
Coughing up any amount of blood
How do we classify hemoptysis?
- Massive hemoptysis—200–600 cc of bleeding in 24 hours
- Minor hemoptysis—anything less than massive
What are the main causes of hemoptysis today?
- Bronchitis
- bronchogenic carcinoma
- TB
- pneumonia
- bronchiectasis
What parts of the social history are vital?
History of smoking, drug use, sexual activity and other HIV risk factors, travel, work, and animal exposure
What findings in someone with obstructive lung disease suggest that a patient’s FEV1 is decreased to 30% or less?
Respiratory rate > 30 breaths/min and the use of accessory muscles of respiration; there may be evidence of CO2 retention on ABG.
What does an increased anteroposterior diameter signify?
Pulmonary hyperinflation, as is seen with obstructive diseases such as COPD
How do patients with significant emphysema breathe?
They exhale through pursed lips.
What does asymmetric chest expansion indicate?
There is volume restriction on the side with reduced expansion such as is seen with pleural effusions, bronchial obstruction, unilateral diaphragm paralysis, and pneumothorax.
What does symmetrically impaired chest expansion indicate?
Restrictive pulmonary disease involving the lung, pleura, respiratory muscles, or thoracic cage bilaterally
What is paradoxical breathing?
The thorax and abdomen move in opposite directions with the abdomen moving in with inspiration.
What is the significance of paradoxical breathing?
It is a sign of diaphragmatic weakness or excessive work of breathing, with accessory muscles assuming the work of breathing.
The patient may require mechanical ventilation if the cause is not fixed promptly.
What causes the trachea to deviate toward the side with the chest abnormality?
Lobar atelectasis causes the trachea to deviate toward the side of atelectasis.
What causes the trachea to deviate away from the side with the chest abnormality?
Large masses, adenopathy, pulmonary infiltrates, large pleural effusions, and tension pneumothorax
How do you interpret an increase in tactile fremitus?
There is a direct solid communication from the bronchus, through the lung, out to the chest wall (i.e., consolidation).
How do you interpret a decrease in tactile fremitus?
A process is preventing communication between the bronchus and chest wall including bronchial obstruction or that the lung is displaced from the chest wall by air, fluid, or scar in the pleural space.
How do you interpret changes in the volume of breath sounds?
Similarly to changes in tactile fremitus
What causes bronchial breath sounds to be heard in the periphery?
Any solid matter—including collapsed lung (atelectasis)—that has replaced the usual acoustic phenomena caused by air- filled alveoli and requires a patent bronchus
What causes percussion to be dull?
Consolidation of the underlying lung parenchyma, the fluid in the pleural space, and the pleural thickening
What physical signs can be observed with a pleural effusion?
Dullness over the fluid area, decreased expansion of the chest, decreased tactile fremitus, decreased breath sounds and bronchial breathing and egophony above the fluid level (from atelectasis).
With massive effusions, the trachea, the mediastinal structures, and the heart may shift away from the affected side.