Pulmonology Flashcards
4 types of CT scans
- cCT (conventional)
- HRCT (high-resolution)
- hCT (helical): single-section and multidetector (MDCT)
- electron beam
used to see anatomy, but not great for lungs
conventional CT
used when dz is suspected by H&P, but CXR is either normal or only slightly abnormal (ILD, emphysema (from a1-antitrypsin deficiency), bronchiectasis, lymphangitic spread of malignancy)
HRCT (high-resolution)
first place to start when you suspect ILD or BRONCHIECTASIS
HRCT (high-resolution)
does hCT (helical): single-section use IV CONTRAST?
best method for performing CT-pulmonary angiography, and why
- multidetector (MDCT)
- see subsegmental emboli better than single-section
3 advantages of multidetector (MDCT)
- scan large sections on single breath
- collecting images of specific blood vessels
- “high resolution”
CT buzzwords:
- diagnose ILD or bronchiectasis
HRCT (high-resolution)
CT buzzwords:
- w/u solitary pulmonary nodule
CT buzzwords:
- diagnose PE
CTPA (which can be done by MDCT)
when is MRI useful when evaluating pulmonary disease?
- evaluating tumors near adjacent blood vessels or nerves
- for determining what is TUMOR and what is NOT
- ATYPICAL clinical features and NON-diagnostic HRCT
- need to exclude neoplastic and infectious causes of an interstitial pattern
- what test should be done?
lung biopsy
when should a lung bx be done?
- lymphangitic spread of cancer
- eosinophilic PNA
- vasculitis
- certain infections
is NO LONGER routinely used in evaluating ILDs
lung bx
when is lung bx used in evaluating ILDs?
atypical cases when HRCT is NOT diagnostic