Pulmonary ventilation Flashcards
“State how inspiration leads to expansion of the lung through
intrapleural pressure?”
“1) Contraction of resp. muscles will pull the parietal pleura outwards
- Stretches the cavity
- Decreases intrapleural pressure (P ip)
2) As P (ip) becomes more -ve, the force pulling the pleura together increases.
3) Once force from P (ip) > Force from elastic recoil of lung,
- VIsceral pleura is pulled outwards
- Causing expansion of the lungs”
State the ideal gas law?
P= pressure
R=Gas constant
T= tempeature”
What are differences in pressure between neighbouring spaces described as?
Describe the passage of O2 from atmosphere to tissues
- Atmosphere (atmospheric air)
- > Pulmonary ventilation (via airways). Inspiration
- > Expiration occurs for CO2 in reverse of this step - Lungs (alveoli- alveolar air)
- > Gas exchange via diffusion - Pulmonary circulation (capillary blood)
- > Blood flow - Heart
- Systemic circulation
- Tissues
What is positive pressure?
“increased number of molecules per volume (relative to surroundings)
→ generates expanding force (pushes surfaces of chest wall and lungs apart).
What is pneumothorax?
Abnormal collection of air in the pleural space between the lung and the chest wall.
Explain how the pleural cavity has -ve intrapleural pressure
“The opposing elastic recoil of the tissues of the chest wall (outward) and lungs (inward) attached to the pleura
It strecthes the sealed pleural cavity - decreasing its pressure due to greater volume but same molecules
It can resist changes in volume
Pressure within is sub-atmospheric (under negative pressure) known as -ve intrapleural pressure”
Describe what changes occur to the lung when inspiration occurs?
Diaphragm contracts
Thoracic cavity expands.
Alveolar pressure decreases
Describe how inspiration occurs?
“Respiratory muscles (e.g. diaphragm) contract
Volume of thoracic cavity increases
Intrapleural pressure becomes more negative
Outward force exerted on visceral pleura becomes greater than inward recoil force
Lungs expand, increasing volume
PAlv (alveolar pressure) decreases below PAtm (atmospheric pressure)
Air moves down pressure gradient, through airways into alveoli, expanding the lungs”
What is pulmonary ventilation required for?
Maintain O2 and CO2 gradients between alveolar air and arterial blood.
State the pressure gradients in the lungs during expiration
“Air within the lung is compressed.
↓volume = ↑alveolar pressure.
Palveoli > Patmosphere
Air flows from high (alveoli) to low (atmosphere) pressure.
What factors is the adequate transport of O2 from atmosphere to
respiring tissue dependent on?
Healthy levels of alveolar ventilation
Gas exchange
Cardiac output
Describe alveolar Pressure in terms of its effect during inspiration
“2) As the lungs expand, the increase in volume decreases PAlv.
As air enters the lungs, the pressure re-equilibrates once again
as the increased concentration of gas molecules compensates for the increased volume (P = n/V)”
How does the lung contain a mixture of fresh and stale air?
“Gas exchange only takes place in alveoli, but air must first pass through the airways (airways = “anatomic dead space”)
Also, a residual volume of air remains in the airway & lungs at the end of expiration (even maximal forced expiration)
This means that the final ≈150mL (dead space volume) of each inspiration never reaches the alveoli or takes place in gas exchange.
How can equilibrium be re-established
“In absence of sufficient opposing force,
Movement of liquid/gas
Collapse/expansion of volume (at the expense of surrounding structure)”
What factors are lung volume and capacitance dependent on?
Lung properties (compliance, obstruction/damage due to disease)
Describe Lung volume in terms of its effect during breathing
4) Entry of air into the lungs due to air flow leads to inflation and increased volume, which is reversed during expiration.
Describe the major consequences of a Pneumothorax?
”- Entry of air results in the loss of negative pressure.
(intrapleural pressure increases until it equals atmospheric pressure).
- This entry of air will lead to expansion of the pleural cavity volume (at the expense of lung volume, which decreases).
- Both of these factors then act to reduce intrapleural pressure changes during inspiration.
- Preventing the lungs from expanding properly as the chest wall moves outwards.
“Equation for alveolar minute volume
(the total volume of fresh air entering the alveoli across all breaths over one minute)”
“𝑉 ̇_𝐴=(𝑉_𝑇−𝑉_𝐷 ) ×𝑓
𝑉 ̇_𝐴= alveolar minute volume (alveolar venilation) (mL),
- the total volume of fresh air entering the alveoli across all breaths over one minute.
𝑉\_𝑇 = tidal volume (mL) 𝑉\_𝐷 = Dead space volume (mL), the volume of air 𝑓= frequency (min-1)
𝑉_𝑇−𝑉_𝐷 = the volume of fresh air entering the alveoli in each breath.
State how expiration leads to decreased lung volume through P (ip)
“1) Relaxation of resp. muscles will reduce the outward force on the parietal pleura
- Reduces stretch of cavity
- Increases p(ip)
2) Less -ve p(ip) doesn’t generate sufficient force to overcome the elastic recoil of the lung
- Visceral pleura is pulled inwards along with pariteal pleura
3) Decreases lung volume “
What is pulmonary ventilation?
Movement of air from the atmosphere to gas exchange surfaces within the lung
State difference in effect between a normal expiration and a forced expiration?
“More pronounounced decline in lung volume
- In terms of both speed and magnitude
Forced expiratory volume ( FEV1) is the maximum amount of air you can forcefully exhale in one second”
State the pressure gradients in the lungs during inspiration
“The outer surfaces of the lung are pulled outwards (expansion).
↑volume = ↓alveolar pressure.
Palveoli < Patmosphere
Air flows from high (atmosphere) to low (alveoli) pressure”
State the 4 factors which relate to each other during breathing?
“Lung volume
Intrapleural pressure
Alveolar pressure
Airflow “
Explain what ‘fresh’ and ‘stale’ air mean in the context of the respiratory system
Fresh= air that has just entered the respiratory system from the atmosphere Stale= air that entered the lungs during a previous breath and which has already participated in gas exchange, respectively.