Pulmonary Ventilation Flashcards
Pulmonary Ventilation
AKA ventilation
Is the process of breathing ( a regular cycle of inspiration and experation)
Inspiration= inhalation
Expiration= Exhalation
What are the ways the lungs Expand and Contract?
2 ways:
1. enlargement in depth due to raising and lowering of diaphram
- enlargement in width is done by raising and lowering the ribcage
Motions of the Diaphram
Contracting the Diaphragm pulls it downward (inhalation)
Relaxing the diapragm allows it to return (relaxation)
What is the difference between external intercostals VS internal intercostals?
External intercostals contract the rib cage raising the muscles–> inhalation ALONG with anterior scalene, serratus anterior, SCM
Internal intercostals Contracting the ribcage lowering the muscles –> exhalation ALONG with rectus abdominus
Restful Breathing is Predominantly _______
Vigorous breathing is substantially ______
rib cage based
All of the muscles of ventilation serve to change the shape of the chest and therefore change ________
the pressure of the lungs
Plural cavity (fluid) is under what kind of pressure?
negative pressure
Negative intrapleural pressure is thought to be due to
- Low blood pressure in pulmonary circulation plus evaporative force in alveoli
- tension created by elastic recoiling lungs coupled with elastic expanding chest
Forces acting on the lungs
Elastic recoil due to elastin in all interalveolar septa
elastic expansion of chest from ribs and cartilage
Forces acting on lungs cont
Collapsing tendency of alveoli due to presence of water on walls
counteracting effect of “surfactin” from great alveloar cells (type 2 pnemocytes), lessening H2O effects
Forces acting on the lungs (expansion)
expansion of lungs due to negative intrapleural pressure
Changing the intrapleural pressure (size of thorax) does what
changes the lungs accordingly
all approaches require a consideration of pressure and time
changing volume due to changing pressure previously called?
compliance, compliance behavior of lungs is unusual
(Compliance graph)
in an ideal system, inhalation compliance would rise along the dashed line
there are 3 types of work that must be done