Pulmonary Rehabilitation Flashcards
Normal Breath Sounds
- Tracheal
- Bronchial
- Bronchiovesicular
- Vesicular
1. Sound
2. I & E
3. Location
- Loud
- I = E
- Neck
1. Sound
2. I & E
3. Location
- Loud
- I<E
- Jugular Notch, Sternal Notch, Manubrium, Between Clavicle
1. Sound
2. I & E
3. Location
- Soft
- I = E
- Parasternum, Sternum, Interscapular
1. Sound
2. I & E
3. Location
- Soft
- I > E
- Periphery
Mediastinal Shift in Ipsilateral Direction
- Atlectasis
- Lobectomy
- Pneumonectomy
Mediastinal Shift in Contralateral Direction
- Edema
- Pneumothorax & Hemothorax
- Abdominal Hernia
COPD Conditions since COPD is an umbrella term
- Acute Bronchitis
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Emphysema
- Bronchiectasis
- Asthma
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Pneumonia
- Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Chronic Restrictive Pulmonary Disease Conditions
- Pneumothorax
- Hemothorax
- Atelectasis
- Pulmonary Edema
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Prescription
- Mode
- Intensity
- Duration
- Frequency
Rate of Perceived Shortness of Breath
0- Nothing at all
0.5- Very very slight (just noticeable)
1- Very Slight
2- Slight
3- Moderate
4- Somewhat Severe
5- Severe
7- Very Severe
9- Very very severe (almost maximal)
10- Maximal
To increase ventilation and improve gas exchange, decrease work of breathing, increase excursion of diaphragm
Diaphragmatic Breathing
To emphasize expansion of hypoventilated segments of lungs.
Segmental Hypoventilation
To relieve dyspnea and keep airway open and improve exercise tolerance
Pursed-Lip Breathing
To improve weaning from ventilator and improve cough
Glossopharyngeal Breathing
To improve strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles and increase the volume of air inspired.
Incentive Respiratory Spirometry
What type of breathing is functional for COPD patients?
Pursed Lip Breathing
The most common and easiest means of clearing the airway.
For collapsible airways
To elicit cough in infant and those disoriented patients.
Tracheal Stimulation
To allow airway clearance for those who cannot cough or huff; takes 10-15 seconds.
Endotracheal Suctioning
Placing the patient in varying positions for optimal gravity drainage of secretions and increased expansion of the involved segment.
Postural Drainage
Indication for the use of postural drainage
- Atelectasis
- Increased pulmonary secretions
- Aspirations
Time per postural drainage position
20 minutes
Cupped hands and rhythmically applied.
Applied throughout exhalation and 5-10 deep inhalations
Shaking (Vibration)
9 Postural Drainages
- Upper Lobe Apical Segment
- Upper Lobe Posterior Segment
- Upper Lobe Anterior Segment
- Right Middle Lobe
- Left Upper Lobe Singular Segments
- Lower Lobe Anterior Basal Segments
- Lower Lobe Lateral Basal Segments
- Lower Lobe Posterior Basal Segment
- Lower Lobe Superior Segment
To prevent occurrence of dyspnea. An activity that usually causes dyspnea needs to be broke down into component parts such that each component can be performed at a rate that does not exceed breathing abilities.
Activity Pacing