Pulmonary Principles Flashcards
How many times doe the lung airways branch? We do they stop being solely conduction airways?
23 total
At 17th branch they become respiratory zones
From what embryonic tissue layer is the lung derived from?
Describe ‘Embryonic’ stage of lung development
4-7 weeks, 3 rounds of branching forms 5 lobes of lung
Describe what happens in weeks 4,5,6,7
Week 4 - single bud from Laryngotracheal groove
Week 5 - single bud branches into right and left lungs
Week 6 - pleural-peritoneal membrane separates spaces
Week 7 - lung growth runs into liver
Describe ‘Pseudoglandular’ stage of lung development
6-17 weeks, 14 rounds of branching giving terminal bronchioles
Describe ‘Canalicular’ stage of lung development
16-26 weeks, terminal bronchioles branch into respiratory bronchioles. At the end of this stage surfactant production begins!
When does surfactant production begin
6 months (24 weeks) at the end of the canalicular stage
Describe ‘Saccular’ stage of lung development
26-36 weeks, respiratory bronchioles become terminal sacs
Describe ‘Alveolar’ stage of lung development
36-3 years old. The majority of this occurs after birth! Lungs grow, alveoli mature, gas exchange unit established.
Which aortic arch do pulmonary arteries come from
Which aortic arch do pulmonary veins come from
Trick question! They don’t, develop off of left atrium
List the timing breakdown for 5 stages of lung development
Embryonic 4-8 weeks Pseudoglandular 6-17 weeks Canalicular 16-26 weeks Saccular 26-36 weeks Alveolar Birth-3yo
Define intrapleural pressure (P-IP)
Pressure in-between visceral pleura on lungs and parietal pleura on chest wall. 2 forces working on pressure. Intrinsic volume of lungs is shrinking (elastic recoil), intrinsic volume of chest wall is expanding.
Define elastic recoil pressure
Lungs intrinsically want to shrink. It is this tendency that creates a positive pressure in lungs to force air out during expiration (doesn’t require activation of muscles)
Which phase of breathing does decreased compliance affect
Inspiration, conversely increased compliance leads to expiratory problems (usually due to air trapping)
Define hysteresis
Tendency for it to take more work to stretch a material than letting the material return to its original length. Lung displays hysteresis with it taking more work to inspire than expire due to elastic and surface tension forces. Shows a right shift in inspiration curve for PV graph
Define transpulmonary pressure (P-TP)
Difference between the pressure in the lung versus the intrapleural pressure (P-Lung - P-pleura). Thus if P-TP is greater than lung pressure, lung expands.
How does decrease in compliance in lung versus in chest differ on the P-V graph.
In chest wall the slope of the line doesn’t change but entire curve will get shifted down. In lung compliance both slope and height on graph can change significantly.
What does surface tension do to the lung
Decreased compliance
Water enters lung
Small alveoli collapse
(All three of these factors are working to decrease the surface area of the air-water interface)
Why do small alveoli collapse when surface tension is high
Because of equation (P need to keep alveoli open = 2 * Surface tension/radius) Thus if radius is small you need even more pressure to keep alveoli open
What happens when you fill lung with saline solution
You have removed the air-water interface, thus surface tension is no longer an issue. Thus compliance increases and hysteresis decreases.
What happens to surfactant when alveolar radius decreases
Its concentration at the air-water interface increases which works to further decrease surface tension forces and keep the alveoli open (away from collapse)
What is the difference in calculation between laminar and turbulent flow
Laminar flow increases directly with change in pressure and to the fourth power of radius. Turbulent flow is proportional to the square root of the change in pressure.
What factors can increase airway resistance (4)
- Chemical (bronchoconstrictors)
- Decreased lung volumes
- Increased mucous production
- Dynamic airway collapse (resistance equal infinity)
What happens when we expire below our functional residual capacity (FRC)
FRC is our equilibrium point, made up of expiratory reserve volume and residual volume. When we expire below FRC it requires recruitment of expiratory muscles (when expiration is usually a passive process). This increases intrapleural pressure and causes dynamic airway collapse. This is largely what accounts for effort independent portion of flow rate during expiration.
Describe inter-relation between emphysema and dynamic airway collapse (3)
- Lung has less elastic recoil, leading to greater chance of positive intrapleural pressures (P-IP)
- Reduced elastic recoil has also conditioned patients to use expiratory muscles also getting positive (PIP)
- Dysfunction in connective tissue also adds to collapse of the airways
What is difference between minute ventilation and alveolar ventilation
Minute ventilation is total volume of air moved by lungs (tidal volume x RR). Alveolar is only the volume that passes the alveoli and is necessarily smaller than minute because of dead space in conducting airways
What are typical values for minute ventilation and alveolar ventilation
6 L and 4.2 L
How does gravity affect ventilation
Causes regional variation. Weight of lungs pulls down on its apex increasing upper intrapleural pressure. This expands the apex volume which decreases compliance since it is higher up on PV curve in a flatter section. Ultimately accounts for 2.5x decrease in ventilation compared to lower lobes
Relate tidal volume and respiratory rate to WORK done during breathing
The forces in play during WORK of breathing are resistance forces and elastic forces. Elastic forces are related to tidal volume (such as restrictive diseases). Resistance forces are related to respiratory rate (such as obstructive diseases).
How are tidal volume and respiratory rate affected when elastic forces increase
Elastic forces are related to tidal volume (restrictive disease). We want the minimal work for optimal ventilation. Increased elastic forces makes use want to decrease tidal volume to make it less of a component of work. To maintain ventilation respiratory rate increases. TV decreases, RR increases.
How are tidal volume and respiratory rate affects when resistive forces increase
Resistive forces are related to respiratory rate (obstructive disease). We want to minimize this increases affect on our work. Thus respiratory rate decreases and tidal volume increases (to maintain proper ventilation)
Define deadspace
Area that does NOT take part in gas exchange
Define anatomic deadspace
Area of your conducting airways, accounts for 30% of lung volume, is reason for minute ventilation > alveolar vent
Define alveolar deadspace
Area of alveoli that ARE well ventilated, but NOT well perfused, thus no gas exchange occurs
Define physiologic deadspace
Combination of anatomic and alveolar deadspace. This is usually extremely close to the value of anatomic deadspace unless there is severe disease (making alveolar deadspace bigger)
In Pulmonary Fibrosis what happens to
- Residual volume
- Functional reserve capacity
- Total lung capacity
- Vital capacity
This is a restrictive disease defined by decreased lung volumes. Thus RV, FRC, TLC, and VC will all be decreased. FEV1/VC thought will actually be normal or increased since VC decreased (increasing the ratio). As well increased elasticity of lung could maintain FEV1.
In Bronchitis what happens to
- Residual volume
- Functional reserve capacity
- Total lung capacity
- Vital capacity
This is an obstructive disease thus TLC is unaffected. However patients breath at higher volumes thus FRC and RV are increased, since VC = TLC - RV, vital capacity decreases. Even though VC decreased the increased airway resistance of the disease greatly lowers FEV1 and thus gives lowered FEV1/VC (hallmark of obstructive disease)
In Emphysema what happens to
- Residual volume
- Functional reserve capacity
- Total lung capacity
- Vital capacity
Although this is an obstructive disease TLC is increased because elastic recoil has been destroyed so patients can reach super high volumes. Just like obstructive disease patients breath at higher volumes thus FRC and RV are increased. Since TLC was also increased VC is preserved. Dynamic airway collapse and decreased elastic recoil gives decreased FEV1/VC (this is why emphysema is an obstructive disease).
What is barometric pressure at sea level? Denver?
760 Torr
620 Torr
How do you calculate partial pressure of oxygen in inspired air (P-IO2)
P-IO2 = (Barometric pressure - 47) * Fraction of oxygen
Atmospheric is 21%
This is Dalton’s Law
Why is the partial pressure of oxygen different between inspired air and alveolar air
Because you have residual gases, particularly CO2 left in the alveoli
What is the respiratory exchange ratio
When new air enters the lungs it can NOT just be mixed with the residual gases and CO2 since lung volume needs to be maintained, thus O2 and CO2 are exchanged. The rate of exchange is based off our cellular metabolism (i.e. diet)
What are the respiratory exchange ratio values for carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and normal average
Carbohydrates 1.0
Proteins 0.8
Fats 0.7
Average 0.8
What do you need to remember to change in your equations when you have a patient on 100% O2
Change FiO2 to 100%
ALSO change respiratory exchange ratio to 1.0 because the discrepancy in exchange ratio is allowed by Nitrogen in air, if no Nitrogen then they have to be traded 1:1
How do you calculate alveolar O2 partial pressure
P-AO2 = (Barometric pressure - 47)*FiO2 - (Partial pressure of CO2/respiratory exchange ratio)
This is alveolar gas equation
Is diffusion or ventilation rate limiting for CO2 removal
CO2 is a nonpolar molecule with very fast diffusion across alveolar membrane, thus ventilation is rate limiting
How do we calculate alveolar ventilation
Using equation V-A = (Amount of CO2 exhaled) / (CO2 in the blood).
What is the alveolar gas equation
P-AO2 = (Barometric pressure - 47)*FiO2 - (Partial pressure of CO2/respiratory exchange ratio)
What is dalton’s law
P-IO2 = (Barometric pressure - 47) * Fraction of oxygen
What is the alveolar ventilation equation
Alveolar CO2 (P-ACO2) = Volume of CO2 produced per minute / Alveolar ventilation
What does alveolar ventilation equation help tell us
Alveolar CO2 (P-ACO2) = Volume of CO2 produced per minute / Alveolar ventilation
That if we double alveolar ventilation we can halve alveolar CO2 (which because of fast diffuse is equal to arterial CO2)
What is normal arterial CO2 at sea level? Denver?
40 - sea level
36 - denver
Define hypoventilation
Ventilation rate that increases arterial CO2 (not necessarily respiratory rate below 22/min)
Define hyperventilation
Ventilation rate that decreases arterial CO2 (not necessarily respiratory rate above 22/min)
Define hyperpnea
Ventilation rate that occurs during exercise to maintain arterial CO2 during time of increased CO2 production
What is the solubility coefficient for CO2 and O2
O2 - 0.0013 mM/Torr
CO2 - 0.0300 mM/Torr
What is difference between C-aO2 and P-aO2
P-aO2 is the free oxygen in the blood
C-aO2 is the total oxygen in the blood including that bound to hemoglobin, granted free oxygen directly correlates to hemoglobin saturation (outside of disease)
What factors affect O2 diffusion from alveoli to blood (3)
- Difference in O2 pressure between alveoli and blood (freely dissociated, which is kept high since O2 gets grabbed up by Hb so fast)
- Thickness of membrane
- Surface area for diffusion
Which is more starkly affected during disease? Oxygen or CO2 diffusion
Oxygen by far, CO2 diffusion is RARELY affected during disease because if its fast diffusion rate and ability to dissolve in plasma much better than O2
What does emphysema do to O2 diffusion
Decreases because surface area to diffuse is decreased
What does interstitial lung disease do to O2 diffusion
Decreases because thickness of alveolar membrane increased
What is typical perfusion to lungs at rest
What factors affect perfusion in lungs (5)
- Chemicals (thromboxane constrict, prostacyclin dilates)
- Capillary recruitment (open up other vessel beds)
- Oxygen tension (hypoxia vasoconstricts)
- Blockage (embolism)
- Gravity (regional differences, more at bottom)
Describe effects of gravity on lung perfusion
Arteries come into the middle of lung, half has to travel up against gravity and other gets aided by gravity. Lower arteries will get 6x more blood than upper (much greater than 2.5x difference in ventilation)
How does ventilation stay normal overall with V/Q mismatch
Because body is SUPER sensitivity to changes in CO2 (to maintain pH), one area of decreased ventilation will stimulate increase in ventilation elsewhere
Describe physiologic V/Q mismatch
It is when overall perfusion and ventilation are normal. However there is a decrease in arterial O2 due to regions of high V/Q being unable to properly balance out regions of low V/Q since hemoglobin is already saturated at 98% in high V/Q regions
What happens to arterial CO2 during physiologic V/Q mismatch
It does NOT change, stays the same because body is so proactive in increasing ventilation to maintain CO2, as well CO2 transport is NOT limited by a protein saturation curve like O2 with Hb
What is V/Q of apex of lung compared to lower lung
Apex V/Q is 2.4 times higher than lower lung. This is because ventilation was 2.5x greater in lower lung but perfusion was 6x greater in lower lung. 6/2.5 = 2.4
Describe the drops in oxygen partial pressure from inhaled air to alveolar air to arterial O2 (at sea level)
Inhaled air 150
Drops to 100 in alveoli because of O2-CO2 exchange
Drops to 90 in arteries because of V/Q mismatch
How does dead space impact V/Q
Dead space is where there is no gas exchange, thus perfusion is zero. V/Q goes to infinity
How does shunt impact V/Q
Shunt is when blood completely bypasses areas of ventilation (think R to L shunt in heart bypassing lungs). V/Q goes to zero
How does body work to combat V/Q mismatch (2)
- If CO2 rises then ventilation increases
- In areas of low ventilation there is hypoxemia, low arterial O2, this causes hyperemic vasoconstriction which limits the amount of blood that is essentially traveling through a shunt (in most extreme case). Works to limit the decrease in arterial O2.
What are four factors that increase Oxygen off-loading of hemoglobin
Decreased pH, increased temperature, increased CO2 concentration, increased 2,3-DPG
Called the Bohr effect, right shifts the Hb dissociation curve
What is oxygen coefficient in mL of O2/100 mL/Torr
0.003 (as opposed to 0.0013 mM/Torr)
This gives you the 0.3 mL of free oxygen in blood at sea level
How much oxygen do we normally deliver to the tissues and how much do we normally consume (sea level)
Deliver 1000 mL = Cardiac output (5L) x arterial oxygen content (20.7)
We consume 240 mL = Cardiac output (5L) x difference in oxygen saturation in arteries from veins (98-75) x hemoglobin concentration (15) x constant (1.39)
Compare hypoxia and hypoxemia
Hypoxia is low oxygen at TISSUES
Hypoxemia is low arterial O2 partial pressure (<65 Torr in Denver)
What is definition of hypoxemia
Arterial Oxygen partial pressure (P-aO2) of <65 Torr in Denver
Compare hypoxemia and desaturation
They are NOT the same there, while in our tables they both decrease together, there are cases where either one can be normal and the other abnormal
What are the causes of hypoxemia (5)
- Low inspired oxygen pressure (altitude)
- Low alveolar oxygen pressure
- Diffusion problems
- V/Q mismatch
- Shunt
During Low P-IO2 what happens to: P-aO2 S-aO2 P-aCO2 A-a gradient
This is what occurs at altitude
P-aO2, S-aO2, and P-aCO2 are all decreased due to the drop in barometric pressure
A-a gradient stays normal
During Low P-AO2 what happens to: P-aO2 S-aO2 P-aCO2 A-a gradient
This is a case of hypoventilation
P-aO2 and S-aO2 are both decreased
However due to definition of hypoventilation P-aCO2 increases
A-a gradient stays normal
How can the tell the difference in cause of hypoxemia between low inspired O2 and low alveolar O2
Inspired O2 is altitude, alveolar O2 is hypoventilation
Both have normal A-a gradients
The big difference is P-aCO2 is increased in hypoventilation
During Diffusion problems what happens to: P-aO2 S-aO2 P-aCO2 A-a gradient
This is case of interstitial lung disease
P-aO2 and S-aO2 are both decreased
Remembering that CO2 diffusion is extremely resilient compared to O2, P-aCO2 is normal
A-a gradient however is extremely increased, there is far more oxygen in Alveoli than in arteries (>10)
During V/Q mismatch what happens to: P-aO2 S-aO2 P-aCO2 A-a gradient
This could present in a case of moderate COPD
P-aO2 and S-aO2 are both decreased
Remembering that body is super sensitive to CO2 changes, ventilation has been compensated to have normal P-aCO2
A-a gradient is high because there are areas where there is inadequate ventilation from obstruction leading to hypoxemia
During Shunt what happens to: P-aO2 S-aO2 P-aCO2 A-a gradient
This could be a case of severe pneumonia where alveoli have filled up
P-aO2 and S-aO2 both decreased
P-aCO2 is normal
A-a gradient is very big as there are full vessels that do not get ventilated leading to overall hypoxemia in comparison to alveoli that are getting ventilated