Pulmonary Mechanics II: Dynamic- Johnson Flashcards
The bulk movement of air from the external environment to the internal air spaces require what 3 opposing forces be overcome?
- elastic recoil of lungs and chest wall which depend on lung volume and are not affected by motion
- inertance or impedance of acceleration of the respiratory system which depends on the rate of airflow
- frictional resistance
What is the MAJOR force that must be overcome in movement of air? How is this force determined?
frictional resistance which is determined by airflow and not by a change in lung volume
Dynamic lung mechanics deals with properties of airflow in what cylindrical tubes of the respiratory tract?
trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
Airflow is established by what?
pressure gradient (goes from high to low) that is generated by diaphragm contraction
alveolar pressure and barometric pressure
If barometric pressure exceeds alveolar pressure, where does air go?
air goes into the lung
If alveolar pressure exceeds barometric pressure, for example at the end of inspiration, where does air go?
air exits the lung
What are the 3 types of airflow in the bronchi? What are characteristics of each?
laminar: movement of air is parallel to air wall; usually occurs in smaller airways; where gas exchange occurs
turbulent: airflow is perpendicular, parallel, just erratic/chaotic type of air flow; use Reynold’s number to determine when we will see this type of flow; larger airways: nose, trachea, primary bronchi more readily experience this
transitional: due to several branching points in the bronchial division so air has to enter into smaller and smaller bronchial tubes
T/F Laminar flow has better driving force than turbulent flow.
there is a greater driving pressure than any instance where there is turbulent flow
- driving pressure for laminar flow is proportional to gas viscosity
- driving pressure for turbulent flow is proportional to square of flow and is dependent on gas viscosity
- driving pressure for transitional flow is proportional to both gas density and gas viscosity
What type of flow can you have with mucus plugs, inflammation or with any obstruction?
transitional or turbulent flow
Reynold’s number (Re)
Re = 2rvd/η “r” is the radius “v” is the average velocity “d” is the density “η” is the viscosity
- used to calculate whether you’ll have turbulence
- turbulence most likely to occur where average velocity is high and radius is large (upper airway)
What type of gas are often used in treatment for asthmatics?
usually during an asthma attack you want to reestablish the airway,
low density gas such as helium (to deliver the O2) which is much less likely to cause turbulence thus lower Reynold’s number
the conducting zone is being blocked and thus O2 cannot get into the respiratory zone alveoli and thus you cannot get O2 to your blood and thus to your tissue which will suffer from hypoxia
Low density gas such as helium is much less likely to cause turbulence at any given flow rate. (often used in treatment)
What produces sound when listening to airflow?
irregularities in wall surfaces which produces turbulent flow; laminar flow is silent which presents a challenge in identifying small airway disease
bronchitis is a very noisy auscultation; in asthma you will hear wheezing
Much of the small airways will be arranged in series or parallel? Why is this significant?
in parallel which is significant physiology because it reduces total resistance of smaller
What is stridor?
- usually occurs in infants
- noisy breathing with high pitched crowing sound
- laryngomalacia meaning soft larynx; immature cartilage of the upper larynx collapses inward during inhalation, causing airway obstruction
- obstruction to airway will produce turbulent flow (and audible sounds) in attempt to force their way through narrow breathing passages
How does the resistance develop in respiratory tubes?
obstruction inflammation in the air way mucus production bronchitis asthma
Much of the resistance come from what structures in the respiratory system?
rigid structures that have cartilage like the trachea in the very early upper airway; these structures are arranged in series contributing to resistance
When considering resistance what are factors to consider?
- larger diameter: cartilaginous tubes greater than 2mm in diameter)
- cross-sectional area
- arrangement: series
What is the conducting zone?
where you have the majority of the tubes that do not participate in gas exchange; they serve as a conduit for the gas to reach the respiratory (gas exchange) zone
Why does airway resistance significantly drop from conducting zone in the upper airways to the respiratory zone?
shift from series to parallel arrangement
T/F Small airways do make a significant contribution to total airway resistance.
Small airways do not make a significant contribution.
What is the change in the surface area as you go from the conducting zone to the gas exchange zone?
it increases to about the size of a tennis court
What are poor indicators of airway resistance?
Terminal and respiratory bronchioles as they have very little resistance and have laminar flow
What is the normal resistance of the respiratory system?
2 cm H2O/L*sec
What are the percentage contribution of airways to the total resistance in the respiratory system?
- large airways: 80%
- medium airways: 15%
- small airways: 5%
this all speaks to the arrangment of the tubes series (resistance) vs. parallel
Relate resistance, pressure, and flow.
resistance is proportional to pressure but inversely proportional to flow
Resistance= Pressure/Flow
The air flow rate is higher in which part of the respiratory cycle?
The resistance is higher in which part of the respiratory cycle?
expiration as the flow rate is slightly slower
Of the factors contributing to total airway resistance: number, length and cross-sectional area, which is the most important?
cross-sectional area because resistance is inversely proportional to the fourth power radius of the airway
Airways lengthen during _____ and shorten during ________with the phases of respiration.
The number of airways is established by what week of gestation. How does length of conducting airways vary from individual?
- 16th week
- dependent on age, body size, and phase of respiratory cycle
What are the two opposing forces that control cross-sectional area?
- inward traction from airway smooth muscle and elastic forces
- outward traction by alveolar septae and transpulmonary pressure
Which force contributing to the cross-sectional area predominates with reduction in airway size?
inward traction; elastic forces in wairay and tension of airway smooth muscles