Pulmonary Infections- Clinical Flashcards
What is the most frequent cause of viral respiratory tract infections in the summer and fall?
Zanamivir and oseltamivir are effective against which infections?
Influenza A and B
What is teh subtype of avian influenza A?
What is the reservoir for the hantavirus?
Deer mouse
What are the initial Sx to hantavirus infections?
abrupt onset of respiratory distress, shock, and hypoxemia
What groups are at risk for hantavirus infections?
native american males
What shows on CXR for hantavirus infections?
b/l pulmonary infiltrates with pleural effusions
What shows on labs for hantavirus infections?
hemoconcentration, throbocytopenia, and prolonged aPTT
Which virus causes SARS?
What are the initial Sx of SARS?
fever, headache, malaise, myalgia –> dry cough, dyspnea
Where are there reported cases of SARS?
Asia (hong kong, taiwan, china)
What is the #1 cause of acute sinusitis?
What is the #1 cause of crhonic sinusitis?
True or False: Pneumococci, H. influenzae, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus all contribute to acute AND chronic sinusitis.
What is the #1 cause of community acuqired pneumonia?
strep pneumo
What are the initial Sx of strep pneumo?
fever, cough with blood/rusty tinged sputum
What shows on CXR for strep pneumo?
normal early, late shows lobar PNA, can se cavitations or effusions
Who are the pts at risk for S. aureus PNA?
Severe diabetes, IC pts, dialysis pts, IVDU, pts with influenza or measles
What shows on CXR for S. aureus PNA?
abscesses with air-fluid levels, consolidation, bronchoPNA, pneumotcele, pneumothorax, empyema
What are the 3 pts at risk for P. aeruginosa PNA?
What are the 2 drugs for the Tx of P. aeruginosa?
Cefepime (b-lactam) + Gentamicin (aminoglycoside)
What are the 2 underlying conditions that most pts with H. influenza PNA have?
COPD and alcoholism
What are the 3 diseases caused by moraxella catarrhalis?
Otitis Media
What Hx do pts usually have to get morazella catarrhalis?
COPD, IC, or alcoholism
What are the lab characteristics for moraxella catarrhalis?
beta-lactamase +, resistant to PCN and amicillin
What are the Sx to Legionella infections?
Abrupt cough + pulm Sx
High fever, diarrhea + ALOC
What can u measure in the pee pee for legionella?
Legionella urinary Ag
What is the Tx for legionella?
Azithromycin or levofloxicin
What are the 3 bacterial etiologies of anaerobic PNA?
Bacteriodes melaninogenicus
Fusobacterium nucleatum
Anaerobic cocci + streptococci
What is the big risk factor for anaerobic PNA?
ALOC (aspiration)
What is the big Sx for anaerobic PNA?
foul-smelling sputum (anaerobes!)
What are the initial Sx for mycoplasma pneumonia?
Cough, fever, pneryngitis, coryza, and tracheobronchitis
hemolytic anemia, erythema multiforma, or guillian barre syndrome
What shows on CXR for myocoplasma PNA?
unilateral bronchoPNA with lower lobe involvement
What appears during the 2nd week of infection on labs for M. PNA infections?
Cold agglutinins and Complement fixation
What is the Tx for mycoplasma pneumonia?
Macrolides or fluoroquinolones
Where do u find chlamydia pneumoniae?
schoolchildren, families, military recruits
What are the Sx to clamydia pneumoniae?
Pharyngitis, PNA, brinchitis, sinusitis
What shows on CXR for chlamydia pneumoniae?
Unilateral segmental patchy opacity
What carries psittacosis?
parrots and other birds
What is the causitive agent for Q fever?
Coxiella burnetii
How do u get coxiella burnetii?
How do u get Franciesella tularensis?
wild animals and bites by ticks or deer flies
What do u see on physical exam for F. tularensis infecions?
Cutaneous ulcers and lymphadenopathy
What shows up on CXR for F. tularensis infections?
Unilateral lower lobe patchy infiltrates and pleural effusion