Define cor pulmonale.
Cor pulmonale is defined as an alteration in the structure and function of the right ventricle caused by a primary disorder of the respiratory system that increases vascular resistance or raises blood pressure in the lungs.
Chronic and acute episodes of pulmonary disease classically affect the heart in different ways. Can you remember how each affects the heart?
Chronic pulmonary disease will more often than not lead to hypertrophy of the right ventricle.
Acute pulmonary disease will more often than not lead to dilatation right ventricle.
What are chronic causes of cor pulmonale? (Name at least 6)
COPD Primary pulmonary hypertension Uncontrolled persistent asthma Loss of lung tissue following trauma or surgery End-stage pneumoconiosis Sarcoidosis Untreated obstructive sleep apnea Interstitial lung disease Sickle cell aneamia Severe thoracic kyphosis Polycythemia
What are the acute causes of cor pulmonare? (Name 2)
Pulmonary embolism
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
What may be seen on an ECG reading from someone with cor pulmonare?
Right axis deviation Prominent R wave in V1 Inverted T wave in V1-V6 Large S wave in I, II, III Large Q wave in III Tall peaked P waves in II, III, aVF
What is primary pulmonary hypertension?
Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) is a rare disease characterized by elevated pulmonary arterial blood pressure with no apparent cause (idiopathic).
What is secondary pulmonary hypertension?
Secondary pulmonary hypertension is more common and is defined as elevated blood pressure in the pulmonary vasculature (arteries, veins or capillaries) as a direct result of a variety of conditions which either increase pulmonary blood flow or increase resistance to blood flow.
What are the symptoms that someone with suspected cor pulmonale might present with? (Name 3)
The symptoms will often be associated to the underlying cause of the pulmonary hypertension.
Shortness of breath
Chronic wet cough
What signs might someone with suspected cor pulmonare commonly present with? (Name 3)
Ascites Pedal Oedema Raised JVP Hepatomegaly Cyanosis Tricuspid regurgitation Wide split of heart sound S2