Pulmonary Flashcards
What gram postive cocci cause pneumonia?
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus pyogenes, group B
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Being that S. aureus, group B Strep, & Strep. pneumoniae are all gram positive cocci, what are their other morphological features to differentiate themfrom eachother?
S. aureus-Gram + cocci in CLUSTERS, yellowish beta hemolytic colony
Group B strep- gram positive cocci
Strepto. pneumoniae-Gram + cocci in PAIRS; large, mucoid, alpha-hemolytic colony
what is the only gram positive bacilli to cause respiratory illnesses and what are its other morphological traits?
Bacillus anthrax (anthracis)- it is spore forming
What are the gram negative bacilli that cause respiratory illnesses?
Klebsiella pneumoniae Legionella pneumophila Burkholderia spp Bordetella pertussis Haemophilus influenzae Chlamydia pneumoniae Bacteroides fragilis
Of the gram negative bacilli which ones are coccobacilli?
Bordetella pertussis
Haemophilus influenzae
of the gram negative bacilli which ones are pleomorphic?
Legionella pneumophila
Bacteroides fragilis
of the gram negative bacilli which one is anaerobic?
Bacteroides fragilis
What virus causes pneumonia?
What organisms of yeast cause respiratory illnesses?
Cryptococcus neoformans
Pneumocystis Jirovecii pneumonia (PCP)
what fungii organisms caues respiratory illnesses?
Histoplasma capsulatum
Coccidioides immitis
this organism causes less than 5% of pneumonias, & especially after viral infection, it is known to have toxins & invasive toxins as well as adhesive matrix & quorum sensing, super antigens, plasmids?
Staph. aureus
this causes pneumonitis in neonates, has a Hyaluronic acid capsule; antiphagocytic; Erythrogenic toxin (Scarlet fever rash); Streptolysin O and S (cytotoxic)
Streptococcus pyogenes, group B
This is the #1 cause of (Lobar and bronchial ) pneumonia (50-90%): can be a part of normal flora in adults; also has hick capsule, IgA protease, invasive enzymes.
Streptococcus pneumoniae
infrequent cause of pneumonia, seen as a nosocomial infection with neonates and intubations
Klebsiella pneumoniae
This organism is in top 5 for causing pneumonia, it is an INTRACELLULAR PARACITE, resist killing by superoxide & hydroxyl radical; inhibits phagosome/ lysosome/ flagella promotes invasion; secretes protein. what organism is it and what does it cause?
Legionella pneumophila
this is an acute pulmonary infection characterized by localized infection (ulcers/nodule/abscess), delayed leads to necortizing pnuemonia, septicemia and multi-organ involvement. it is a gram negative bacillus?
Burkholderia spp
what are the virulence factors for Burkholderia spp and Tx considerations?
Cytotoxic lethal factor, capsular polysaccharide, actin polymerization factor (nuero), filamentous hemagglutinin (septic)
Most species resistant to multiple antimicrobics
This causes spasms causing cough w/”whoop”, known as bronchitis in adults, has toxins and produces thick exudate. is a gram negative coccobacilli?
Bordetella pertussis
This Gram - coccobacilli, very small, short rod is the #3 cause (5-15%) of pnemonia, esp. adults; strict PARASITE; may be normal URT flora of adult; vaccine available for Type B (HIB). What organism is it & its virulence factors?
Haemophilus influenzae
Type B polysaccharide capsule, fibriae, IgA proteases, ciliostatic factor
this gram negative bacillus causes Pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis and is usually asymptomatic or mild with persistant cough?
Chlamydia pneumoniae
this organism is the #2 cause of pneumonia; primarily in school-age, young adults, military. it is known to cause “walking” peumonia w/Sx of headache, malaise, cough, sometimes chest discomfort; may be scant or no sputum; 1-3wk incubation; 4wk+ Sx. what organism is it & its morphology?
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Atypical, small, no cell wall, poorly staining
this is an acid-fast bacilli (mycolic acids and lipids in cell wall impairs staining with aqueous stains), which causes Pulmonary lesions, diseminated to kidney, liver, testes, CNS; 1º infection mild or asymptomatic (possible flu-like); 2º, (clinical disease) major organ involvement, weight loss? what organism is it and what is the disease name?
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
This organism Initially starts as flu-like; fever, malaise, mild chest discomfort, widened mediastinum on x-ray; on germination lethal toxin produced; 1-6d incubation. spores germinate & produce lethal toxins, is GRAM POSITIVE BACILLUS? what is the disease known as?
Bacillus anthrax (anthracis)
Pulmonary anthrax (& Wool-Sorter’s disease)
this organism causes empeyma (30% of emeyma cases), aspiration pneumonia, lung abscess, deep wound abcesses, is the most active anaerobe?
Bacteroides fragilis
This organism causes pneumonia but the sputum is significantly less, what causes it and what is the name of disease?
Adenovirus (type 37)
Atypical pneumonia