Pulmonary 3 Flashcards
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis - “extrinsic allergic alveolitis”:
Allergic response after inhalation of organic dusts, or simple chemicals in sensitized patient, leading to granulomatous inflammation of the alveolar epithelium - Delayed reaction 4-6 hours after exposure.
Clues: recurrent pneumonia, new home/school, contact with birds, water damage, swimming, sxs get better on vacation.
Etiology: inhaled organic particulates - fibers (cotton, flax) bagasse (sugar cane), hemp, coffee, animal dander, mold, hay, maple bark, saw dust, flour brewer’s yeast, mites, compost, detergent, paints/resins.
Sxs: often nonspecific, chronic cough and SOB or a history or recurrent episodes/exacerbations of acute respiratory symptoms without definite infectious triggers.
Acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis
acute onset, usually within 4-6 hours after exposure. Fevers, chills, dry cough, dyspnea, chest tightness, malaise, headache
PE: ill appearance, tachypnea, crackles, often NO wheezing resolves within 12 hours to days after the antigenic exposure is eliminated.
Subacute hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Gradual onset, less severe and lasts longer. Cough (productive), dyspnea, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss
PE: ill appearance, tachypnea, crackles
Chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis
insidious onset, cough, progressive dyspnea, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, and exercise intolerance
PE: crackles, possible digital clubbing and an inspiratory squawk in some patients.
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis workup, imaging, and complications
Work-up: CBC, allergy testing, PFT, BAL shows lymphocytosis
Lung biopsy
Imaging: Radiographic studies may show irreversible pulmonary fibrosis.
Acute: diffuse interstitial micronodular “ground glass” opacities
Subacute: micronodular or reticular opacities
Chronic: loss of lung volume, alveolar destruction “honey combing”
High resolution CT scan, ground glass opacities.
Complications: permanent lung damage with pulmonary fibrosis, sub pleural blebs may rupture, leading to spontaneous pneumothorax. Cor pulmonale or premature death.
Eosinophilic Pulmonary Disorders - Definition
Accumulation of eosinophils in lung interstitium (alveoli possible) - considered allergic response to parasite, drug (antibiotics, phenytoin, L-tryptophan), inhaled toxins.
Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia
Does not recur, rapid eosinophilic infiltration of lung interstitium.
Chronic Eosinophilic pneumonia
may be recurrent; abnormal chronic accumulation of eosinophils in lung interstitium.
Sx: fever, weight loss, fatigue, dyspnea, dry cough, wheezing, chest discomfort
Note: clinical picture may lead to misdiagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia
Work up: CBC, increased ESR, CXR shows opacities in mid/upper lobes.
Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias
Interstitial lung diseases with unknown etiologies, but very common in smokers. Present similarily, suspect on history. Leads to restrictive lung changes, seen on CXR
History: family history, tobacco use, drug use, home and work environment
Sx: cough, dyspnea, tachypnea, reduced chest expansion, bibasilar crackles
Dx: CXP or CT, PFTs, lung biopsy
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
most common, male smokers, gradual onset, poor prognosis
Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia
Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia
M=F, community-acquired pneumonia like syndrome, progressive dyspnea
Respiratory Bronchiolitis-related ILD
M:F 2:1, heavy smokers; metaplastic cuboid epithelium in bronchioles/alvoli
Desquamative interstitial pneumonia
> 30 yo smokers, pigmented macrophages in distal airways
Acute interstitial pneumonia
healthy men and women >40; abrupt fever, cough, dyspnea. Possible resp. failure
Drug-Induced ILD
many drugs/drug categories have direct toxic pulmonary effects leading to: respiratory symptoms , CXR changes, decreased respiratory function.
Examples: antibiotics, chemotherapy, anti-arrythmics, statins, illicit drugs, anticoagulants.
Diagnosis based on response to withdrawal of the suspected drug.
Environmental causes of ILD
Group of diseases causing replacement of normal lung tissue by abnormal tissue. Restrictive pulmonary changes. Get clear and complete occupational/exposure history.
Sx: insidious onset of dyspnea, exercise limitation, dry cough
PE: mid to late inspiratory crackles, tachypnea; late findings: cyanosis, pulmonary hypertension leading to cor pulmonale.
Workup: CXR shows patchy, sub pleural, bibasilar interstitial infiltrates, cystic radiolucencies, “honeycombing”
Caused by the inhalation of inorganic mineral dusts
inhalation of asbestos fibers. Source: mining, milling, manufacture - insulation leads to pulmonary fibrosis - dose dependent, pleural thickening.
Can lead to: bronchogenic carcinoma (10x > risk in non-smokers; 60-90x in smokers)
Malignant pleural mesothelioma - seen on CXR and staged with chest CT
Sx: insidious onset of dyspnea; may also have coughing and wheezing.
Inhalation of silica particles - source: mining, pottery, sand-blasting, brick-making, foundries, glass makers
Occurs 5-20 years after 1st exposure, worse in smokers
Sx: dry cough, dyspnea, tachypnea, later weight loss, hemoptysis
Imaging: CXR shows >1 cm nodules in upper lobes - eggshell calcification of hillier nodes
DDX: COPD, lung cancer
“Black lung” >15 years exposure, worse in smokers
Sx: may be no resp. sxs, productive cough possible
More severe state leads to progressive massive fibrosis
From mineral beryllium dust
Source: older fluorescent light bulbs, ceramics, electronics, aerospace industry
Sx: dyspnea, cough, weight loss
Irritant Gas Inhalation Injury
Inhaled gases dissolve in respiratory tract fluids, release acidic or alkaline radicals which cause inflammation in trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli and into interstitium.
May be from industrial accidents, mixing household ammonia with bleach
Directly toxic agents: cyanide, carbon monoxide
Sx: depends on extent and duration of exposure. Severe burning of eyes, nose, trachea, bronchi with cough, hemoptysis, wheezing, retching, dyspnea.
May lead to ARDS or bronchiolitis obliterans (granulation tissue accumulates in bronchioles and alveolar ducts).
Air pollution related illness
Airway hypersensitivity to pollutants: oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, ozone, carbon monoxide, lead, volatile organic compounds, chlorofluro carbons, particulates.
Triggers exacerbation’s in asthmatics, COPD
Most vulnerable: elderly, kids, those with underlying lung disease
Sx: airway inflammation,
bronchoconstriction, may be permanent decrease in lung function.
Pulmonary Vasculitides (vasculitis)
Inflammatory leukocytes in pulmonary and other blood vessel walls with reactive damage to mural structures, leading to bleeding hemoptysis, ischemia and necrosis
Wegener’s granulomatosis
Autoimmune condition that affects lung, nose, kidneys. Pulmonary infiltrates, rhinosinusistis, alveolar hemorrhage, glomerulonephritis
Sx: cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, pleuritic pain
Lab: hematuria, proteinuria
Churg-Strauss Syndrome
Allergic ganulomatosis and angitis - allergic rhinitis, asthma, alveolar hemorrhage.
Goodpasture’s Syndrome - Connective tissue disorder with pulomary manifestations
pulmonary hemorrhage with severe and progressive glomerulonephritis. Often in young men, present with severe hemptysis with secondary iron deficiency, dyspnea and rapidly progressive renal failure
Rheumatoid Lung Disease
associated with RA. Autoimmune disease of joints (pain, stiffness, deformity), skin (nodules), lungs, kidneys
Usually in a patient with sero-positive RF
Pulmonary sx: pleuritic chest pain
CXR shows pleural effusion, nodules in lungs, interstitial fibrosis, vasculitis
Lupus (SLE)
Autoimmune disease of blood, heart, joints, skin, lungs, liver, kidneys
Pulmonary sx: pleuritic chest pain, cough, dyspnea, recurrent URI, hemoptysis
CXR: decreased lung volume
Pulmonary Amyloidosis
Rare. Amyloid protein deposition in lung (commonly in heart, spleen, intestine, kidney)
Unknown cause
3 main pulmonary types: tracheobronchial, nodular pulmonary, alveolar septal
Sx: (chronic and mild) fever, dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis
CXR shows multiple pulmonary nodular opacities, low density, irregular contours
Biopsy will confirm.
Chronic disease of unknown cause that affects multiple systems, characterized by non-caseating granulomas, (nodules with macrophages) leading to inflammation of the involved tissues (in genetically susceptible people).
Lungs are usually the first place to be affected, may lead to pulmonary fibrosis.
Incidence: found worldwide, in all races and both sexes.
Age: most common 20-40yo
Sex: F>M
Sx: vary depending on the are involved, and may be mild, moderate, severe.
First sx are usually vague: fever, weight loss, or joint pain, SOB, persistent cough.
Other sxs:
skin: erythema nodosum. Eyes: conjunctivitis, tearing, blurry vision, and photophobia, rarely blindness.
Also affects brain, nerves, heart, liver, and endocrine system.
PE: Crackles on inspiration
Sarcoidosis Labs/DDx
Labs: PFTs, CBC, CMP, LFTs
Imaging: CXR, CT, bronchoscopy
Dx: biopsy of granuloma during bronchoscopy. 90% of cases, CXR shows non-caseating granuloma, hillier adenopathy. CBC reveals anemia, eosinophilia, leukopenia
PFTs in advanced disease
Course: majority of pts. (2/3) is appears and disappears. 20-30% have some permanent fibrosis. Death can occur is spreads to vital organs.
DDx: TB, Aspergillosis, histoplasmosis, RA, lymphomas, Wegener’s granulomatosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
Lung Cancer Rates
Males: #1 Prostate, #2 Lung, Mortality ~30%
Females: #1 Breast, #2 Lung, Mortality ~25%
Tumor of the lung DDx
Seen on CXR
- Carcinoma (up to 50% in >50yo)
- Benign tumor
- Tuberculosis granulomas
- Histoplasmosis (yeast in alveoli)
- Coccidioidomycosis (nodular infiltrates)
Types of Lung Cancer
Small cell (airways)
Non-small cell: Adenocarcinoma, SCC (airways), Large cell carcinoma
Lung cancer etiology
- Smoking - risk is 13.3 times greater than non-smoker
- Second-hand smoke (~15%)
- Asbestos exposure - tobacco smoke + asbestos exposure = risk 80-90 times greater
- Radon exposure
- Other environmental agents
- Genetics
7-10% are asymptomatic, advanced disease - unintended weight loss, respiratory distress.
Primary tumor
Central tumors are usually SCC.
Sx: cough, dyspnea, wheezing, hemoptysis, atelectasis
Peripheral tumors are usually adenocarcinomas or LCC.
Sx: cough, dyspnea, and symptoms of pleural effusion (pleuritic chest pain)
As tumor spreads and grows, downstream there may be problems presenting. Apex tumors can block superior vena cava. Paralysis of laryngeal or phrenic nerve changing voice or diaphragm function. Pressure on sympathetic plexus can cause Horner’s syndrome. Dysphagia resulting from esophageal compression. Pericardial effusion (pancoast tumor)
SCC - associated with hypercalcemia from parathyroid-like hormone production.
Adenocarcinomas - clubbing and Trousseau syndrome (hypercoagulability and venous thrombosis)
Metastasis of lung cancer
From lung to (primary): liver, brain, bone
To lung from (secondary): Breast, stomach, pancreas, colon, thyroid, prostate, kidney, cervix, etc
Lung Cancer: PE, Dx, Prognosis
PE: may find local wheezing over tumor
decreased breath sounds
dullness to percussion with large tumor
enlargement of axillary and supraclavicular nodes hepatomegaly.
Dx: CXR shows opaque mass
PET scan +IV imaging agent
CT scan of the lungs, sometimes with transthoracic needle aspiration biopsy.
Cytology of sputum or pleural fluid
chem panel: high serum calcium
Bronchoscopy - guided biopsy for intralumenal cancer (SCC)
Prognosis: Based on type, staging and grading. Overall prognosis is poor, often because of advanced stage at dx.
1-5 Staging: tumor size, spread, node involvement (seen on CT)
Grading: Amount of cell differentiation (seen on BX), use gleason score.
ARDS - Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Sudden life threatening respiratory failure from inflamed alveoli, causing them to fill with fluid and collapse, gas exchange ceases, and the body becomes hypoxic.
Etiology: variety of acute processes that directly or indirectly damage lung tissue. Conditions that predispose: Sepsis, pneumonia, inhalant injuries, drug overdose, pancreatitis, trauma, emboli, shock, burns, head injury, uremia.
Signs & Sxs: usually develops within 72 hours of initial injury/illness, then acute onset of urgent distress: dyspnea, tachypnea, pulmonary hypertension.
PE: labored breathing and tachypnea, cyanosis and moist skin, scattered crackles, tachycardia, agitation then lethargy
Labs: arterial blood gases
Imaging: CXR shows abnormal bilateral diffuse infiltrates
Dx: presence of fluid in the alveolar spaces of both lungs.
Tx: mechanical ventilation
Complications: Shock, multiple organ failure
Prognosis: high mortality rate. Survival is possible if treated correctly.
Collapse of alveoli (airless area) leading to reduced or absent gas exchange. Due to blockage or compression of airway.
Signs & Sxs: Variable, cough, chest pain, dyspnea, cyanosis
PE: low bp, absent or decreased breath sounds, high temp, tachycardia,
Pulmonary Embolism
Obstruction of pulmonary artery leading to loss of blood supply to lung parenchyma, infarction. Usually from thrombus formation from elsewhere in body.
Signs & Sxs: Sudden onset SOB, dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain, hemoptysis (pink frothy), anxiety, cough.
PE: Normal chest exam is possible. Tachypnea, tachycardia, low BP, low fever, crackles, decreased breath sounds, splitting S2 heart sounds, S4 gallop, jugular venous distention.
Lab: d-dimer assay: elevated - degradation product of fibrin.
CBC, arterial blood gases, cardiac enzymes, BNP
Procedures: ECG, pulmonary angiography “gold standard”
Imaging: CXR
Well’s Criteria for Embolism:
DDx: Acute MI, pneumothorax, pleurisy from pneumonia, pericardial tamponade.
Pulmonary Hypertension
Elevated pulmonary arterial pressure and secondary right ventricular overload and failure. Pulmonary vessels constrict, hypertrophy, and become fibrotic. Usually from increased vascular resistance and/or increased pulmonary venous pressure.
Blue discoloration of skin and mucus membranes, usually due to at least 5g of reduced Hb in arterial blood.
Central: due to hypoxemia caused by acute or chronic cardio/pulm. dz, COPD.
PE: skin and mucus membranes blue, chronic-may see clubbing of finger tips/nails
Peripheral: due to stagnant
Sleep Apnea
Periodic cessation of breathing during sleep for 10 seconds or more, sometimes >300x/night
M:F 3:1, most common >30yo
Ethnicity- greater risk in AA, hispanics, Pacific islanders.
Blockage usually from upper airways, nose mouth, throat. Birth defects, injuries to face, obesity, alcohol, sedatives, spine deformities, facial changes.
Signs & sxs: loud snoring and excessive daytime somnolence - restless tossing and turning during sleep. Might have sense of choking.
Dx: clinically or with sleep study.