Pulm Week 1 Flashcards
The conducting airways consist of ___ dichotomous branching tubes starting with _____ and ending at _________. The first ____ branches are just for conduction
Trachea –> terminal bronchioles
16 (branch point 17 has alveolar tissue)
Gas exchange units begin distal to _________ and includes _______, _________, and _______
terminal bronchiole
respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveoli
Type I Pneumocytes
simple squamous
95% of alveolar surface area, fuse with capillary endothelium for gas transfer
Type II pneumocytes
- Produce surfactant → lower alveolar surface tension
- Can further differentiate into Type I to repair or replace them
air movement in and out of the lung
gas exchange - exchange O2 and CO2 across the alveolar capillary membrane
-Heart and pulmonary circulation needed to provide blood flow to alveoli
Lung bud develops from _________ and branches multiple times into the ____________
embryonic gut tube endoderm
splanchnic mesenchyme
Lung bud develops from an out pouching between the ______ and ______ in a region called the _________
4th and 6th brachial arteries
Laryngotracheal groove
Pulmonary circulation develops from ________
Stages of lung development (5)
1) Embryonic stage 4-7 weeks
2) Pseudoglandular stage 8-16 weeks
3) Canalicular stage 17-26 weeks
4) Saccular (Terminal Sac) Stave 26-36 weeks (term)
5) Alveolar Stage (Postnatal Stage) 36 weeks - 3 years
Embryonic stage
- foregut endoderm extends into surrounding mesenchyme
- 3 rounds of branching establish lung lobes
- to level os subsegmental bronchi
- begin to fill bilateral pleural cavities
- branching determined by mesoderm
Pseudoglandular stage
-14 rounds of branching form terminal bronchioles
Canalicular stage
- terminal bronchiole divides into 2+ respiratory bronchioles
- delineation of pulmonary acinus
- fetal “breathing” detected
- epithelial cell differentiation begins
- initial development of pulmonary capillary bed
- possible fetus can survive but respiratory distress trouble
Saccular stage
-Respiratory bronchioles subdivide to produce terminal sacs (these continue to develop well into childhood)
-Epithelial differentiation is hallmark
(Type II secretory cells –> surfactant production, fetal survival improves)
Alveolar Stage
- Lung grows and alveoli mature
- Septae thin
- Single capillary network in alveolar wall
- Gas exchange unit established (presence of true alveoli - 90% of 300 million appear after birth)
Pulmonary arteries (and arterioles) run with ______
bronchi (and bronchioles)
Pulmonary veins do not run with airways but are more peripheral
Lymphatics run near ______ and _____ to help cope with ________
pulmonary arteries and veins
extravascular lung water
Pulmonary arteries embryonic origin is the ________, whereas pulmonary veins originate from _________
6th aortic arce
outgrowths of left atrium
______ cells line the lungs
Branching pattern of conduction system
_______ → _______→ ___________→ _______ (how many on right vs. left)
trachea → primary bronchus → secondary bronchus → segmental bronchi (10 on the right, 8 on left)
Trachea differs from the bronchus in that is has no ___________ layer and no __________
no muscularis mucosa layer
no submucosal glands
Wall layers of bronchus from surface to deep (7)
1) Epithelium (ciliated cells, goblet cells, basal cells, neuroendocrine cells)
2) Basal lamina
3) Alveolar connective tissue
4) Musclaris Mucosa
5) Dense CT of submucosa
6) Hyaline cartilage
7) Adventitia
Epithelium in walls of broncus made up of what 4 types of cells with what functions?
1) ciliated cells (constantly move mucous up airway)
2) goblet cells (secrete mucus onto bronchial surface)
3) basal cell (stem cell for other cells in epithelium)
4) Neuroendocrine cells also present - do reflexive control of airway size
Alveolar connective tissue
- made up capillaries and nerve cells
- Contains leukocytes that wander around in loose CT
- Mucosal associated lymphoid tissue
Lamina Propria
Lamina propria = area right under epithelium in alveolar connective tissue (lots of leuks here)
Muscularis mucosa
smooth muscle layer
Everything below this layer = submucosa
above = mucosa
Contracts to help movement of secretions out of submucosal glands onto surface
(NOT in trachea, but in bronchi)
In the hyaline cartilage chondrocytes reside in _______
Adventitia of lung conduction system
Contains large blood vessels, nerves, etc. coursing along outside
Layers of Bronchioles (5)
1) Epithelium (Club cells + ciliated cells)
2) Basal lamina
3) Lamina propria
4) Smooth muscle
5) blends into tissue that begins to become alveolar septa
Epithelium of bronchioles consist of what 2 cell types?
1) Club cells - contain surface active substance that are secreted onto surface and maintain patentcy of bronchioles
(No longer have cartilage to keep them open)
2) Ciliated cells
Respiratory bronchioles –> _______ –> _______ –> ________
alveolar ducts
alveolar septa
alveolar saccules (where gas exchange occurs)
Muscles involved in inspiration (4)
1) Diaphragm
2) External intercostals
3 and 4) Sternomastoids and scalenes
contracts during inspiration, pulled DOWN and flattens out
- Innervated by phrenic nerve
- Max force/tension of diaphragm at 130% of resting length, and decrease steeply for reductions in length –> disease pathology
Effect of COPD on the diaphragm
COPD (asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema) - breath at higher than normal lung volumes
-Diaphragm more contracted (flatter) and reduced in length
External intercostals
pull ribs forward and OUTWARD
Sternomastoids and scalenes
- accessory inspiratory muscles
- Generally silent during normal breathing, only used with ventilation or respiratory load increased (e.g. exercise)
- Elevates the rib cage
Expiration is _______, but during active/forced expiration the _______ and _______ muscles are used
Abdominal Wall Muscles (Push diaphragm upwards)
Internal Intercostals (pull ribs inward and downward → decrease thoracic volume)
Intrapleural Pressure (PIP)
- pressure outside lung developed in intrapleural space due to intrinsic elastic properties of lung and chest wall
- Lung is trying to shrink to its intrinsic equilibrium, chest cavity trying to expand equilibrium → Opposing forces generate negative pressure
- Acts as to “glue” lung to chest cavity
Intrapleural space
thin film of fluid between lung and chest cavity
Transpulmonary pressure (PTP)
difference between pressure in lungs (PL) and intrapleural pressure (PIP)
Inspiration –>
Inspiration → expanding chest cavity pulls lung opens, expands lung volume
-Lung pressure (PL) becomes negative with respect to mouth pressure (PM) –> sucks O2 into the lungs
Expiration –>
Expiration → PL becomes positive with respect to PM
Chest wall begins to contract → “releases” lung from more inflated state acquired during inspiration
At very end of expiration, no air-flow because PL = 0
Elastic Recoil Pressure
inherent tendency of lung to recoil back toward intrinsic equilibrium → transient positive pressure inside of lung → effectively pushes air out lung
Lung Compliance
- change in volume/change in pressure
- Provides measure of elastic properties of lung
- High compliance at rest, but at high volumes, compliance decreases → makes expansion more difficult
- Compliance is inversely proportional to Elasticity
- increased compliance means a greater transpulmonary pressure required to effect a given volume change during inspiration
Lung Compliance:
Fibrosis → ?
Emphysema → ?
Fibrosis → low lung compliance → makes inspiration difficult
Emphysema → loss of elastic tissue → high lung compliance → easy inspiration but difficult expiration
-Elastic recoil less with high compliance → push less air out
Chest wall compliance:
reduced chest wall compliance –> ?
reduced change in volume that lung undergoes during normal breathing = reduced tidal volume (reduced airflow in lung)
EX) obesity, old age, abnormalities of bony thorax
Problems created by surface tension in alveoli: (3)
1) Reduced lung compliance
2) Fluid accumulation in alveoli
3) Collapse of small alveoli
Small alveoli = higher internal pressures → small alveoli empty their air down pressure gradient into larger ones
Surface tension
Important for determining compliance
Tension between liquid and air
Physical properties?
mixture of lipids and proteins
Secreted by alveolar epithelial type II cells
- reduces surface tension of water by intercalating between water molecules, reducing attractive forces
- Increases lung compliance, prevents collapse of small alveoli, and prevents accumulation of fluid inside alveoli
Efficacy of surfactant increases at smaller alveolar radii, why?
decreased surface area = increased concentration of surfactant molecules on alveolar surface → decrease surface tension
Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Infants
surfactant deficiency
Stiff, noncompliant lungs prone to collapse
Surfactant produced at fetal week 24
Airway Resistance
- gross mechanical property of lung that can impact breathing
- Respiratory airways oppose the flow of air through them
At low flow rates you have ______ flow while at high flow rates you have _____ flow. In the lungs we have ______ flow
Airway resistance equation
R = 8nl/(pi)(r^4)
Tube RADIUS very important
Does NOT depend on density of gas
_____ and _____ make turbulent flow more likely
large diameters and high flow rates
major site of airway resistance is __________
intermediate-sized bronchi
Factors that alter airway resistance (3)
1) Lung Volume
2) Bronchial smooth muscle tone
3) Dynamic airway collapse
Lung volume affect on airway resistance
Large lung volumes = airways expand and resistance decreases
Small lung volumes = airways narrower, resistance increases
Control of bronchial smooth muscle tone and impact on airway resistance
bronchostriction from...(4) bronchodilation from (2)
Contraction of bronchial smooth muscle → narrow airway, increase resistance
Bronchoconstriction via ACh (vagus nerve), histamine, arachidonic acid metabolism products, and low CO2 in airways
Bronchodilation via activation of B2 receptors (Epinephrine, NE) and high CO2 in airway
Dynamic airway collapse occurs when…
Positive intrapleural pressures develop outside airway
If transpulmonary pressure is positive –> airway stays open
If transpulmonary pressure is negative –> airway collapses
- When intrapleural pressure (PIP) is positive, transpulmonary pressure can be negative (i.e. during forced expiration, chest wall exerts force on intrapleural space)
- Normal conditions, PIP is negative, and thus PTP is positive and airway stays open
why does airway collapse occur in emphysema?
What compensatory mechanism attempts to prevent airway collapse?
Primary problem: higher tendency for lung to deflate, resulting in reduced elastic recoil pressure (higher compliance)
Compensatory attempt: use muscles for forced expiration –> chest wall exerts positive force/compression of intrapleural space (PIP positive)
Results in airway collapse
-Prevent airway collapse with pursed lip expiration –> increases airway pressure during exhalation
Minute Ventilation
volume of air that flows into or out of the lung in one minute
Includes air flowing in the conducting paths AND alveoli
Always larger than alveolar ventilation
normal = 6 L
Tidal Volume (VT) x frequency of breathing (ml/min)
Alveolar ventilation
volume of air that flows into or out of alveolar space in one minute
normal = 4.2 L
Factors influencing lung ventilation (5)
1) Bronchodilators and constrictors
2) Exercise
3) Altitude
4) Obstructive diseases and restrictive diseases
5) Gravity
Effect of bronchodilators and bronchoconstrictors on ventilation
Bronchodilators → increase alveolar ventilation
Bronchoconstrictors → decrease alveolar ventilation
Effect of exercise on ventilation
Moderate exercise → increase ventilation x10 in order to meet demands of increased CO2 production
Effect of altitude on ventilation
Ventilation increases to meet increased demands of O2
Effect of obstructive disease and restrictive disease on ventilation
what happens in emphysema?
Increase airway resistance or alter lung compliance
EX) Emphysema → reduce ventilation by increasing airway resistance (due to dynamic airway collapse) and increasing lung compliance
Regional variations in ventilation due to gravity
Intrapleural pressure (PIP) smaller at base of lung than apex → bronchioles and alveoli have larger volumes at apex → larger volume = less well ventilated (because less compliant)
Bottom of lung ventilates approx 2.5x more than the top
Work of breathing done against ___________ and _______________
elastic recoil of lungs (increase work with increased elastic recoil/decreased compliance)
airway resistance (increased work with increased airway resistance)
Small tidal volume → work required to overcome elastic recoil is _______, but work required to overcome airway resistance is ________
Large tidal volume → work required to overcome elastic recoil is _______, but work required to overcome airway resistance is _______
Small tidal volume → work required to overcome elastic recoil is small, but work required to overcome airway resistance is large
Large tidal volume → work required to overcome elastic recoil is large, but work required to overcome airway resistance is small
Total work
Elastic + resistance work
low point on curve at which least amount of work is required → where a person typically breathes
Physiologic Dead Space = ___________ + ___________
Physiologic Dead Space = Anatomic Dead Space + Alveolar Dead Space
Physiologic dead space
Volume of lung that does not engage in gas exchange → Not all air breathed in reaches sites of gas exchange
-Increased dead space reduces the efficiency of breathing, increases the work involved in breathing
Anatomic dead space
what 2 conditions can increase anatomic dead space?
500 ml of air in each breath - 150ml remains in conducting path → Anatomic Dead Space
EX) rapid breathing at small tidal volumes
EX) snorkel increases anatomic dead space
Anatomic dead space in a healthy person is approx equal to physiologic dead space
Alveolar Dead Space
1 condition causing alveolar dead space?
alveoli that are well ventilated but do not participate in gas exchange, typically in unperfused regions of lung (no blood flow)
EX) PE stopping blood flow to alveoli makes it dead space
Residual Volume (RV)
volume of air remaining in lungs after max expiration (=1.5L)
Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)
volume of gas present in lung and upper airway at end of normal expiration (=2.5L)
Total Lung Capacity (TLC)
volume of air inside lungs at end of max inspiration (=7.5L)
Tidal Volume (VT)
difference in lung volume between a normal inspiration and normal expiration
-Volume of air that enters and exits lungs in one normal breathing cycle
VT = 500 ml
Vital Capacity (VC)
volume of air exhaled after a max inspiration and max expiration
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Impact on TLC, VC, RV, FRC, and FEV/FVC (rate of airflow)
decreased lung compliance, difficult inspiration
→ reduced TLC, VC, small decrease in RV and FRC
NO impact on airway resistance or rate of airflow (FEV/FVC)
Impact on TLC, VC, RV, FRC, and FEV/FVC (rate of airflow)
increased airway resistance
→ reduced rate of airflow (FEV/FVC), small decrease in VC
small increase RV and FRC
NO change in TLC
What is PIO2
normal value?
partial pressure of oxygen just inspired
represents the upper limit of PAO2 (partial pressure of oxygen in Alveoli)
normal = 150 Torr, in Denver though, closer to 120 Torr
Dalton’s Law equation
PIO2 = (PB-47 torr) x FO2
FO2 = 0.21 (% of O2 in air), unless breathing in 100% O2
Respiratory Exchange ratio (R)
relationship between O2 consumed and CO2 produced
R = VCO2/VO2
R = 0.8 for a typical diet
Why is the respiratory exchange ratio (CO2 produced/Oxygen consumed) less than 1?
What makes R = 1?
Why does R vary for different metabolites?
-R less than 1, but O2 levels do NOT go up because N2 compensates for deficit in total pressure
R = 1 if patient breathing 100% O2
R varies for different metabolites because each molecule of O2 consumed in metabolizing different products produces a different amount of CO2
Alveolar Gas Equation
PAO2 = PIO2 - (PACO2/R)
partial pressure of oxygen in alveoli = partial pressure of inspired O2 - (partial pressure of CO2 in alveoli/respiratory exchange ratio)
Normal values:
PACO2 = 40 torr
Is diffusion or ventilation the rate-limiting step for CO2 removal?
Diffusion step is extremely fast → CO2 in alveoli and pulmonary capillaries equilibrates near-perfectly → PACO2 = PaCO2
Ventilation step (how CO2 is transported between alveoli and outside air) is rate-limiting for CO2 removal -If alveolar ventilation (Va) decreases → build up of PACO2 → increased PaCO2 in blood (THATS BAD)
Alveolar Ventilation Equation
PACO2 = (VCO2/VA) x k
VA = alveolar ventilation in one minute VCO2 = CO2 production in one minure
Implications of alveolar ventilation equation for blood CO2 and blood O2
Blood CO2 DIRECTLY regulated by alveolar ventilation
Blood O2 is INDIRECTLY regulated by alveolar ventilation via its effects on alveolar CO2
increase in PaCO2 (decrease in VA)
- Refers to abnormally low alveolar ventilation (NOT frequency of breathing)
- Occurs in severe obstructive disease
-decrease in PaCO2 (increase in VA)
-Refers to abnormally high alveolar ventilation (NOT frequency of breathing)
(Tachypnea = higher than normal frequency)
-Occurs in high altitude
increase in alveolar ventilation (VA) not accompanied by a decrease in PaCO2
-Occurs during exercise
Arterial oxygen content (CaO2) = ______ + _______
In what state is most of the O2 in our blood?
what is a normal CaO2 value?
CaO2 = Hgb-O2 + free O2
98% of O2 bound to Hgb
Freely dissolved O2 = PaO2
CaO2 = 20.7 mlO2/100ml blood in a healthy person
Solubility coefficient
tendency of any molecule to dissolve in a liquid
O2 does not dissolve very well in blood and binds quickly to Hgb → very little freely-dissolved O2
O2 solubility coefficient = aO2 = 0.0013 mM/Torr
**Only 0.13 mM O2 freely dissolved in blood
CO2 solubility coefficient = aCO2 = 0.03 mM/Torr