Pulm VIII - Mechanical lung restriction, Interstitial lung dz, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, pneumoconiosis, sarcoidosis Flashcards
PFT for Restrictive DZ
- TLC <80% of expected (low), low FVC
- FEV1/FVC ratio = normal or increased
- DLCO helpful for distinguishing etio for Restrictive
- DEC DLCO in parenchymal dz
- NORMAL DLCO - extrathoracic cx; obesity, chest wall deformity, neuromuscl disorder
Restrictive Pulmonary DZ
- inability to completely fill lungs with air
- “restricted” from fully expanding
- character by *RED lung volumes
- unlike Obstruct; assoc DEC Total Lung Capacity (TLC)
- Intrinsic RPD
- Dzs of the lung parenchyma
- Inflammation or scarring of lung tissue
- EX: Idiopathic Fibrotic DZ, Pneumoconioses, + Sarcoidosis
- Extrinsic RPD
- Extra pulmonary diseases involving chest wall, pleura, + respiratory muscles
- EX: Obesity, Myasthenia Gravis, ALS, Kyphoscoliosis
- Medication induced Interstitial LD
1. Amiodarone - classic cx
- Nitrofurantoin
Idiopathic Fibrosing Interstitial Pneumonia (formly, IPF)
**MC dz among patients with interstitial lung dz
- M, >50; poor prognosis
- Smoking, occupational exposure (stone, metal, wood, organic dusts), GERD
[Clinical Feats]
- SX: insidious dry cough, DOE, fatigue, tachypnea
- PE: Clubbing, Inspiratory rales (crackles)
- RED RVC, norm/elev ratio, RED DLCO, impaired 6 min walk
- CXR findings: INC in Reticular Markings (IPF, CHF)
- CT: diffuse patchy fibrosis w/ pleural based honeycombing
- can be made on characteristic presentation; lung biopsy more definitive + help r/o other cx
Supportive Care…
- supp O2
- vaccinations (flu, pneumococcal)
- OP Pulmonary Rehab Programs
Meds; 1.Nintedanib: tyrosine kinase inhb
2.Pirfenidone: anti fibrotic*
Surgery - Lung transplantation
1. <65 yo
2. Free of substance abuse
3. BMI 20-29
- group of interstitial lung dz, caused by inhalation + deposition of inorganic particles and mineral dusts with subsequent reaction of lung
- (3) important types
1. Coal Worker’s
2. Silicosis
3. Asbestosis
Coal Worker’s PC
*AKA Black Lung Dz; caused by prolonged exposure to coal dust, which is inert & cannot be removed
> inflammation, fibrosis, + sometimes, necrosis
- milder form kwn as Anthracosis
- Asym in early stage
- Chronic cough, fever, + DOE; usu 10-15 yrs after exposure
- may show small, rounded nodular opacities w/ preference for upper lobes > dvp into larger opacities w/ progressive massive fibrosis
*this stage is irreversible + progresses despite cessation of exposure; prognosis is poor
*Silica is 2nd MC element; major constituent of sand - glass, fiberoptics, porcelin
*Silicosis = spectrum of pulm dz caused by inhalation of crystalline silica
- occupations @ risk = mining, masonry, glass manufacturing, foundry work, + sandblasting
- Cough, dyspnea, sometimes fever, or pleuritic CP
1. Acute
2. Chronic
3. Accelerated Silicosis - fibrosis kicks up, impairs breathing
- H&P; work exposure
- Lab; none, but can test for TB!
- PFTs; DEC FVC & DLCO, norm ratio
- CXR/CT: bilateral, diffuse, ground glass opacities (acute).
small, innumerable rounded densities (chronic).
*Based on (3) elements:
1. HX of Silica exposure
2. Chest img consistent w.
3. DX of exclusion
~ Lung biopsy if needed
- NO therapy; avoid further exposure & supportive care
- Steroid T: limited, acute phase
- Lung transplant: die on waiting list
#1 - TB infection!!!
- Aspergillosis
- Lung cxner
*group of naturally occuring fibrous composed of hydrated magnesium silicates, constriction & insulation purposes
- pneumoc cxd by inhalational abestos fibers
- plumbers, pipefitters, electricians, insulation workers, carpenders
- Asym for @ least 20-30 yrs
- DOE, cough, weight loss
- Inspiratory crackles, clubbing on PE
- CXR: Thickened pleura & calcified pleural plaques
- CT: coarse honeycombing, hazy ground glass appearance in peripheral pleural surface
- No proven T, avoid further exposure, supportive care, vaccinations, SMOKING CESSATION!!!
[Major Complication]
#1 - Malignant mesothelioma**
*multisystem granulomatous disorder, unk etio; characterized by presence of NON-caseating granuloma
*LNs, eyes, skin, liver, spleen, heart, NS…90% of pts have Lung involvement!!!
*young black woman & north europe w’s
- Cough, dry hacking
- DOE, progressive
- Atypical chest discomfort
- Fever/nightsweats/weight loss; (DDX infxt, malignancy, lymphoma)
- CXR: bilateral hilar adenopathy
- CT: “SARCOID GALAXY SIGN”, RT paratracheal lymphadenopathy along w/ bilateral diffuse reticular infiltrates
- ET US guided biopsy (EBUS), cervical mediastinoscopy, VATS lung biopsy
- Close observation of asym pts
- 90% of pts are responsive to PO steroid taper over 4-6 wks