pulm infectious disease Flashcards
What are the two major criteria for admitting to ICU with CAP?
septic shock w/ need for vasopressor support and respiratory failure w/ need for mechanical ventilation
What are the minor criteria for admission to ICU?
- RR 30
- hypoxemia
- hypothermia
- hypotension requiring aggressive fluid resuscitation
- confusion/disorientation
- multi-lobar pulmonary opacities
- leukopenia
- thrombocytopenia
- uremia
- metabolic acidosis
- elevated lactate level
What in general criteria is required for admission to ICU?
one major criteria or 3+ minor criteria should be in ICU and consider other patient factors
What score should you look at considering admission with pneumonia?
CRB-65 score
What CRB-65 score means urgent admission?
What are the CRB-65 criteria?
RR >30
BP <90 SBP <60 DBP
Age>65 years
What are these symptoms indicative of:
>5 day duration cough w/ URI symptoms, purulent or nonpurulent, mild dyspnea, chest wall/substernal pain and can be caused by various viruses?
acute bronchitis
With acute bronchitis, what may you see on a PE?
rhonchi or wheezing but does not require specific testing
What is concerning with acute bronchitis?
high fever or systemic symptoms, consolidation in the lungs, rales, egophony, pleural inflammation
How do you treat acute bronchitis?
supportive treatment and recommend throat lozenges, hot tea, smoking cessation, humidifier, gen OTC meds
Review: pertussis
rapid, consecutive coughs followed by high pitch inspiration
treat with azithromycin, bactrim, clarithromycin
What do these symptoms indicate: fever or hypothermia, cough, dyspnea, sweats/chills, discomfort, pleuritic chest pain, tachypnea, tachycardia, hypoxia, inspiratory crackles, bronchial breath sounds, dullness to percussion?
pneumonia (CAP)
What are risks for pneumonia?
advanced age, alcoholism, tobacco use, comorbidities, immunosuppression
What’s the MC CAP bacteria?
strep pneumo (rusty)
What’s the MC gradual CAP bacteria?
mycoplasma pneumo
What color is H flu CAP?
What should you think in CF patients?
staph aureus in infancy, pseudomonas in older children
When should you admit a CAP patient?
CRB-65 – Confusion, RR >30, BP<90 or <60, >65y 3 or 4
When should you consider hospitalization in infants?
<6m, bacterial, concern for pathogen w/ virulence, concerns about caregiver, comorbidities
How do you classify pneumonia?
1) where you got the infection
2) type of pathogen
3) clinical presentation
4) extent of involvement and CXR findings
What indicates typical pneumonia on a CXR?
lobar consolidation
What causes patchy pneumonia on a CXR?
atypical, viral, or legionella
What causes interstitial pneumonia on a CXR?
viral, PCP, legionella
What bacteria causes cavitary pneumonia on a CXR?
anaerobes, klebsiella, s. aureus, TB, fungi
What causes large effusion pneumonia on a CXR?
s aureus, anaerobes, klebsiella
What’s preferred for diagnosis?
In a hospitalized patient, what’s required for diagnosis of CAP?
pulmonary opacity
What indicates bacterial pneumonia?
lobar infiltrates/consolidation or round pneumonia w/ pleural effusion