Pull / Vehicle Flashcards


變換車道 pull out <> pull in
(Train) pull out <> pull in

1.A. pull out
-move onto a road where the traffic is moving faster
Don’t pull out.there is something coming. (From where u stopped)
Pull out to overtake. (from lane where the traffic is moving slower)
1.B. pull in
(to stop or to the side of the road where the traffic is mv slower)
She pulled in to let the ambience pass

2.pull off the road : 駛離
-to drive a car off the road (in order to turn into a smaller road or stop)
We pulled off the road to get some food

  1. Pull over <> pull away
    Pull over (over to the side and stop)
    The police signaled him to pull over and stop.
    He pulled his car over.

Pull away 開走
He waves as he pulled away.
-Start to drive away from where u had stopped.

  1. Pull to a halt/stop
    Gradually slow down and stop
  2. Pull up in front of a gate

Horse draw cart

Dog drag rabbit

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