public speaking test Flashcards
Inductive reasoning
Observation that leads to a probable conclusion
Casual reasoning
Looking for cause and effect patterns
Reasoning by Analogy
Comparing two similar instances
Reasoning Fallacies
Flawed reasoning or logic in an argument
Hasty generalizations
Jumping to a conclusion with only a few examples
Post Hoc
Just because an event follows another doesn’t mean that there is a relationship
Ad populum
Also known as the bandwagon. “It is true because a lot of people say it’s true”
Straw person
Replacing your opponent’s argument with a weaker claim and attributing it to your opponent
Slippery slope
one event will inevitably to another lead to another
False dilemma or false dichotomy
it’s an either/or choice. Issues are more complex
Appeal to tradition
we’ve always done it this way
Circular reasoning
The premise is the conclusion. Such as “have you stopped beating your wife”- assuming that the beating of the wife has occurred. An argument that commits the fallacy of assuming what it is trying to prove
4 basic elements of human speech
Breath, vocal folds, resonators, articulators
The 4 resonators
Chest, throat, mouth, nasal cavity
The 5 articulators
Tongue, Teeth, Lips, Jaw, Soft Palate
What is a Resonator
Parts of the body that can vibrate harmony- pitch and tone and volume
What is an articulator
Parts of the body that give shape to the sounds produced- think of body parts use to enunciate and articulate.
A resonator
An articulator
An articulator
A resonator
An articulator
Soft palate
An articulator
An articulator
Nasal cavity
A resonator
Observation that leads to a probable conclusion
Inductive Reasoning
It’s an either/or choice
false dichotomy
Jumping to conclusions with only a few examples
hasty generalizations
Looking for cause and effect patterns
casual reasoning
Tongue, Teeth, Lips, Jaw, Soft Palate
Also known as the bandwagon. It is true because a lot of people say it’s true
ad populum
flawed reasoning or logic in an argument
Reasoning fallacies
Breath, vocal folds, resonators, articulators
4 basic elements of human speech
The premise is the conclusion. Such as “have you stopped beating your wife”. Asking a question whose presumption has not been established.
Circular Reasoning
Parts of the body that can vibrate harmony- pitch and tone and volume
Parts of the body that give shape to the sounds produced- think of body parts use to enunciate and articulate.
we’ve always done it this way
Appealing to tradition
Slippery slope
one event will inevitably to another lead to another
Just because one event follows another, doesn’t mean there is a relationship
Post hoc
Replacing your opponent’s argument with a weaker claim and attributing it to your opponent
Straw person
Comparing two similar instances
Reasoning by analogy