Public Relations Flashcards
Public Relations
A strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.
Manages communications with every group connected with the company. Ex: consumers, suppliers, media, shareholders, community members, govt, etc
Public Relations Functions
- Identify internal and external stakeholders.
- Assess the corporate responsibility
- Create positive image building activities.
- Prevent or reduce image damage.
Public Relations STRENGTHS
- Reaching elusive audiences.
- Image reputation management.
- Credibility.
- Relatively low cost.
Public Relations WEAKNESSES
- Relative loss of control.
- Measurement difficulties (effectiveness)
Internal Stakeholders
- Employees
- Unions
- Shareholders
- Channel members
- Customers
- Suppliers
- Board members
External Stakeholders
- Media
- Local community
- Financial community
- Govt
- Special-interest groups
- Suppliers
- Regulatory
Public Relations Tools
- press releases
- newspaper stories
- website updates
- news stories (via media)
- annual reports
Corporate Social Responsibility
Firms have an obligation to be ethical and transparent in the way they go about business.
Ways to Practice Corporate Social Responsibility
Image Destroying Activities
- Discrimination
- harassment
- pollution
- misleading communications
- deceptive communications
- offensive communications
Image Building Activities
- empowerment of employees
- charitable contributions
- sponsoring local events
- selling environmentally safe products
- outplacement programs
- support community events
Cause Related Marketing (CRM)
Benefits include:
-intangible elements - goodwill and top of mind
-increased business
-can create a favorable image of the business
-can change consumers perceptions of the business
BUT, one cause may be liked by one person and not the other which makes picking a cause to support difficult
Cause examples
- improving public schools
- dropout prevention
- scholarships
- cleaning up the environment
- community health education
Consumers are NOT willing to sacrifice:
- price
- quality
- convenience
- availability
- performance
The firm pays money to sponsor some group, or something that is part of an activity.
Sponsorship marketing can:
-build brand equity
-produce positive feelings transferred to brand
Sponsorship Marketing Objectives
- enhance company image
- increase firm visibility
- differentiate a company or brand
- showcase specific goods or services
- develop a closer relationship with current and prospective customers
- unload excess inventory
Product Placement
Planned insertion of a brand or product into a movie, television show and some other media program with the purpose of influencing viewers. They: -increase awareness -create a more positive feeling toward brand -no immediate impact on sales -have a low cost per viewer Examples: - ET and Reese's Pieces
Branded Entertainment
The integration of entertainment and advertising by embedding brands into the storyline of a movie, television shows, or other entertainment medium.
Use increased sharply with reality shows.
Buzz Marketing
AKA word of mouth advertising. Major emphasis is for consumers to pass along information about a product or service. It works because: -people trust someone elses opinion -people like to give their opinion
Four Pillars
- Identify Stakeholders
- Study stakeholders
- Prioritize stakeholders
- Contact stakeholders
Reactive Strategies
- Pre-emptive action
- Offensive response
- Defensive response
- Diversionary response
- Vocal commiseration
- Rectifying behavior
- Deliberate inaction
Preemptive Action
Action taken before the opposition launches its charge
Prebuttal - releasing the bad news itself
Offensive Resonse
- Attack
- Embarrassment
- Shock
- Standing Firm
- Threat
Defensive Response
- Denial
- Excuse
- Justification
- Reversal
Diversionary Response
- Concession (giving the public something they want)
- Ingratiation (charming its publics)
- Disassociation (distance from the wrong doing)
- Relabeling (renaming a negative label)
Vocal Commiseration
- Concern (not indifferent to a problem without admitting guilt)
- Condolences (expresses grief over someones loss or misfortune)
- Regret (admitting sorrow and remorse)
- Apology (accepting full responsibility and asking for forgiveness)
Rectifying Behaviour
- Investigation (examining the situation)
- corrective action (taking steps to contain a problem)
- restitution (making amends by compensation or restoring a situation)
- Repentance (change of heart and action)