Where can a breach of the peace occur?
Anywhere; Private or public.
When can a person who has committed a breach of the peace be released?
As soon as it is deemed that the risk of a BOP no longer exists. Unless CPS decide to take action to reduce risk and issue a “binding-over order”.
What does a binding-over order, which is issued by a magistrates court when further action is required to ensure there is no further breach of the peace contain?
-An agreement to pay a fine of the suspect is brought back to court for for another BOP
-Keep the peace for a specified time.
What is section 1 of the Public Order Act 1986?
S1 - Riot
What is section 2 of the Public Order Act 1986?
S2 -Violent disorder
What is section 3 of the Public Order Act 1986?
S3 - Affray
What is section 4 of the Public Order Act 1986?
S4 - Fear or provocation of violence
What is section 4a of the Public Order Act 1986?
S4a- intentional harassment, alarm or distress
What is section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986?
S5- non intentional harassment, alarm or distress.
Is intoxication a defence for a suspect accused a public order offence?
Note- The public order act specifically states that intoxication is not a defence unless; the intoxication was not self induced (spiking)
Was caused through taking prescribed medicine.
A public order offence has been committed in a shared laundry area in a block of flats which is a communal area, can public order be proven in this case despite this area being private?
Yes this can be proven.
Sections 4, 4a and 5 are for the most part only committed in a public place, however, they can still be committed in private under certain conditions.
(See Le Vine vs. DPP 2010)
Can a public order offence be committed in the confines of a private place I.E a dwelling which has caused someone outside of the property on the street to be alarmed or distressed?
If a person attaches an offensive poster to their window, which offends a person in the public street outside has a public order offence been committed?
Yes as it is in public view.
If a person attaches an offensive poster to a side window in their home and it causes alarm and distress to someone in the dwelling next door, has a public order offence occurred?
No. Dwelling to dwelling does not count for public order. But other legislation is available for these circumstances.
Can sections 4, 4a and 5 be racially aggravated?