Public Opinion Flashcards
public opinion
opinions held by private citizens which governments find prudent to heed.
foundations of preferences
individuals want government to take actions that will benefit them economically or improve their overall wellbeing
foundations of preferences
individuals have values about what is right or wrong, and these values affect their preferences about governmental policies
foundations of preferences
individuals learn opinions and attitudes from their family, friends, teachers and religious leaders, ansd others in their social groups and networks
political ideology
foundations of preferences
most Americans describe themselves as conservative or liberal. these political ideologies include beliefs about the role of government, public policies, and which groups in society should properly exercise power. your lens, or the way you see the world.
identity politics
foundations of preferences
individuals identify with groups- including racial, religous, and gender groups. policies that are beneficial to the group as a whole are viewed as good, while those harmful to the group are viewed as bad.
process in which infividuals take on their communities’ perspectives and preferences through social interactions.
believes that the government should play an active role in supporting social and political change and generally supports a strong role for the government in the economy, the provision of social services, and the protection of civil rights.
believes that social institutions (such as churches and corporations) and the free market solve problems better than governments do, that a large and powerful government poses a threat to citizens’ freedom, and that the appropriate role of government is to uphold “traditional” values
gender gap
a distinctive pattern of voting behavior reflecting the difference in views between men and women, emerged in the 1980s
2 ways widespread inattention to politics weakens american democracy:
- those who lack political information do not know where their interests lie, thus not effectively defending them.
- the large number of politically ignorant people makes the political process more easily manipulated
government’s influence on public opinion
political leaders try to present their initiatives and accomplishments in a positive light to generate positive media coverage
private groups’ influence on public opinion
interest groups work to draw attention to issues and ideas that will further their cause
the media’s influence on public opinion
mass media is american’s main source of information about the government and politics. they influence information by bringing attention to particular issues, priming the public to take a certain view of a political actor, and framing issues and events in a certain way
equal time rule
FCC requirement that broadcasters provide candidates for the same political office an equal opportunity to communicate their messages to the public
right of rebuttal
FCC requirement that broadcasters give individuals the opportunity to respond to the airings of personal attacks on them
agenda-setting effect
the power of media to focus public attention on particular issues
the use of media coverage to make the public take a particular view of an event or a public figure
the influence of media over how events and issues are interpreted; the way an issue is described
how can we measure public opinion?
through a survey or poll with an SRS
what are some potential issues with polls?
- nonresponse bias
- non-attitudes
- Margin of Error/ Sampling Error
- yes/no answers limit nuance
- social desirability
- priming
people with no real opinion towards an issue might just guess, making the data inaccurate
Margin Of Error
aka sampling error, the difference between sample value and actual value
social desirability
depending on the surveyor, people will give different answers depending on what they think the “right” answer is
political socialization
political socialization
Peers and Group Influence
political socialization
Opinion Leaders
political socialization
generational / cohort effect
political socialization
other factors that impact public opinion
- gender
- partisanship
- polarization