Public Key Encryption Flashcards
what keys are required for public key encryption?
a public and private key
Give two examples of one-way functions (2)
- computing the product of two large primes
- modular exponentiation with a large prime modulus
What is a trapdoor one-way function?
a function that is very easy to compute for every input, but very difficult to “invert” for a given output without a secret trapdoor, however, easy to invert given a secret trapdoor
What algorithms are used in public key encryption? (2)
RSA & El Gamal
Which numbers form the RSA public key
n and e
What algorithm is used to compute d?
Extended Euclidean algorithm
what two properties of RSA make it secure?
- computational impossibility of decrypting a ciphertext without knowledge of private key
- computational impossibility of determining the private key directly from the public key (need p & q which secret or need to factor n into its prime factors p & q)
deterministic encryption is susceptible to which type of attack?
an informed exhaustive plaintext search
what is hybrid encryption?
a cryptographic technique in which the strengths of symmetric key encryption (efficient and simplicity) and public key encryption (ease of key sharing) are combined
Why do long plaintexts cause security issues for public key encryption?
To encrypt a longer plaintext, we would have to split the plaintext into separate blocks and then encrypt them separately (public key equivalent of ECB mode) which is not desirable due to deterministic encryption
Disadvantages of RSA (2)
- Large computational costs due to expensive encryption and decryption computations
- Not suitable for long plaintexts
How does hybrid encryption work? (5)
- The sender generates a symmetric key and encrypts plaintext using this key
- The sender encrypts the symmetric key using the recipient’s public key
- Sender sends both the encrypted plaintext and the encrypted symmetric key
- Recipient uses their private key to decrypt the encrypted symmetric key
- Recipient uses the decrypted symmetric key to decrypt the ciphertext containing the plaintext message
- The symmetric key can be used for subsequent messages