Public Key Cryptosystems, Digital Signatures, and Key Exchange Algos Flashcards
What are the drawbacks of private key cryptosystems
They only offer confidentiality and no other security goals
Have to trust sender and receiver to keep key secret
Requires n(n-1)/2 keys for n nodes and 1-1 communication
Describe public key cryptosystems (as a concept)
- There are 2 keys, one for encryption and another for decryption
- Also known as aymmetric key encryption or double key encryption
- PT is encrypted using public keys and decrypted using private keys
Describe the steps in the RSA algorithm
- Choose two large prime numbers p and q
- find the product n = pq
- choose an integer e that is less than n and relatively prime to (p-1)(q-1)
- Find integer d such that e*dmod(p-1)(q-1) = 1
Public key: e,n
Private key: d, n
Encryption formula: c = m^emodn
Decryption formula: m = d^dmodn
How is RSA secure?
- The only way for the hacker to get d is by factoring n into p and q
- Factoring large prime numbers is computationally intractable
What is the concept of a digital signature?
Digital signature = Decrypt(Public key, Encrypt(Private key, M))
What security goals do digital signatures provide in combination with a public key cryptosystem?
Authentication, Integrity, non-repudiation, confidentiality
Describe the digital signature process
- A hash function takes a variable length message and generates a small fixed sized message called the message digest
- MD-> M is computationally infeasible
Alice can decrypt the message using her private key, and “decrypt” the digital signature using Bob’s public key. She can then hash the unencrypted message to see if it matches the hashed message included as the digital signature.
What is certification?
- The concept of digital signatures can be extended to provide certification
- A certificate is like a drivers license, it is assigned by a third party called the Certificate Authority (CA)
Describe the creation of a server certificate, and the validation of a server certificate
- Server info is hashed and encrypted using a CA private key
- When a site is trying to validate a server certificate, it can hash the server info, then decrypt the EMD from the site using the CA public key. If the two MD’s match, then the certificate is valid
Describe the steps in a 3-way handshake
- Client (C) sends a connect request encrypted with the public key of the server (C)
- X sends challenge1 encrypted with the public key of C
- C decrypts challenger 1 and sends it back to X. It also sends challenge 2 to X
- X decrypts challenge 1 and thus authenticates C, X decrypts challenger 2 and sends it back to C. It also sends the secret session key sk
- C decrypts the challenge 2 and thus authenticates X. The rest of the data in the session is encrypted with sk (private key encryption)
Describe the steps in a trusted third party key exchange
Involves client A and B, and trusted server S
- A sends connect request to S identifying itself and B
- S sends a two part message to A, k = secret session key, T = timestamp, L = lifetime of the session
- A decrypts second part and gets KTL, it sends a two part message to B
- B decrypts section part and gets KTL, Uses K to decrypt the first part, Verifies T and L, Thus A is authenticated
- B sends TLA encrypted with K and decrypts it and thus authenticates B
- To prevent replay attacks, the reply from B must be different (TLA and not TLB)
What is the Diffie-Hellman Exchange?
A key exchange algorithm that predates public key encryption
- Designed for use when two parties want to exchange a secret message in a hostile environment
Describe the diffie-hellman exchange algorithm
- Alice sends two numbers, p and g to Bob
- Alice picks a secret number SA, Bob picks a secret number SB
- Alice computes TA = g^sa mod p and Bob computes TB = g^sb mod p
- TA and TB are exchanged
- Alice computes TB^sa modp and Bob computes TA^sb mod p
- – thus they arrive at the same number – the secret key!!
What is a hash function?
Basically, a hash function takes a variable length message as input and generates a small, fixed length block as output. This output is the fingerprint of the input message.
Hash functions chosen to generate MDs are mathematical one-way functions. This means it must not be computationally feasible to determine which M generated a given MD.
What are the requirements of a good hash function?
A hash function h = H(x) should satisfy the following properties:
- H(x) should be applicable to any size message x
- the output should be a fixed-length
- Should be easy to compute
- x = H’(h) must be computationally infeasible
- The hacker must not be able to produce another message that gives the same message digest (collision resistance)