Public Economics Flashcards
Definition of Public Economics
4 questions of PE
when should the gov intervene in the economy (in general)?
Define externalties
Define imperfect competition
Define asymmetric information
what are the functions of taxation?
types of taxation?
5 desirable characteristics of taxation
define deadweight loss in taxation
3 rules of tax incidence
general equilibrium vs partial equilibrium in taxation: meaning
tax fairness: define
redistribution definition
optimal commodity taxation (Ramsey’s rule) + equity implications
optimal income taxation
define marginal tax rate
define average tax rate
define horizontal and vertical equity of taxation
equation consumer’s tax burden
equation producer’s tax burden
Income definition
Wealth definition
VAT taxes definition
Excise taxes definition
Taxable income definition
3 effects of general equilibrium taxation
define progressive/proportional/regressive tax systems
3 phases of taxation in developing countries
1st phase of taxation in developing countries: goals, policies and results + characteristics of dev. countries that influenced ability to collect taxes
2nd phase of taxation in developing countries (Washington Consensus): goals, policies + flat tax, results
Flat tax in Russia
Taxation in Latin America after 2000 + case of Uruguay: policies and results
define capital
what is capital gains tax?
a tax levied on capital gains or profits from the sale of specific types of assets.
what is the global wealth tax?
what is the tax on corporate income?
Arguments in favour of the Flat Tax
Explain graph Deadweight loss in taxation
Explain graph substitution effect in taxation
Explain graph income effect in taxation
Define social security
Define social insurance