PTU Flashcards
In ancient times, when the line between Pokemon and human was less clear, a Slowking ruled as the renowned leader of the land. Archaeologists have been searching for his tomb for ages. Their failure is easily forgiven, however, as the Slowking is actually still alive. Immortality can never be gained without terrible sacrifice, and the archaeologists may soon unearth the diabolical reason for the kingdom’s collapse.
A Professor and his Slowking have been experimenting with the Shellder toxins that transforms Slowpokes. They developed one strain that brought about immense physical strength and aggression instead of mental prowess, but the specimen was too unstable, and they had to discontinue the project. Unbeknownst to the Professor, the Slowking continued the studies on her own, seeking to create a truly enlightened Slowking.
According to local legend, a Slowking lives deep in the Slowpoke Well. He saw a terrible deed done long ago, and was changed utterly. He meditates in the dark, searching for the way to go forward. It’s said that any hero who can show him true hope will free the Slowking from his torment, and gain an ally both powerful and wise.
A well-respected socialite has obtained a remarkable curiosity for his next party: a quartet of Amaura to create an aurora inside his own chateau. Unfortunately, the spectacle had the side effect of drastically chilling the place, and the guests did not bundle up. Many tried to leave the moment their lips turned blue, only to find the doors frozen shut.
A rare disease is burning up a local miner from the inside. Doctors are powerless to stop his constant pain, but a Petrologist posits that he unearthed an ancient virus in the mines. The only way to cure it is, according to ancient documents, the kiss of the long-extinct Amaura. A fossil might be found deep in the mines, but deposits of the fiery virus may be in the way.
A group of nomads live their lives in peace, riding across the northern plains on their Amaura. Food is scarce, but what they do have keeps well, chilled on the backs of their mounts. But bandits atop their Lairon threaten their passive existence. If help doesn’t come, the aurora will dance over the plains no more.
The pirates blockading the bay are devious naval warriors. They let their Octillery cling to the sides of their hull, unleashing a volley of colorful beams at any ship that gets too close. The pirates barely have to lift a finger, and for the most part, they watch lazily, drinking copious amounts of grog. If their strategy can be be countered, they’ll be caught with their pants down
A professor has become fascinated with the evolution of Remoraid into Octillery. Normally, evolutionary families share much in common, with visual traits and general physiology remaining fairly constant as size and power grow. But when Remoraid evolves, its body is entirely reformed, bearing only the slightest resemblance to its old form. He hypothesizes that there was some trauma in the species’ genetic history - an unnatural merging of two distinct creatures - but he’ll need the players’ help to prove his theory.
The Octillery ink industry is thriving, as publishers and printers accept nothing less. However, Octillery are prohibitively difficult to keep in captivity. Only the love of a devoted trainer can stop them from from sneaking - or blasting - their way out of aquariums. That means the current method of harvesting ink is to provide wild specimens with targets for their Octazookas, and they can always use more volunteers. But maybe there’s a better way…
Tall Grass
A Pokemon Professor is studying the properties of the tall grass surrounding his town. Since so many wild Pokemon like to live in the tall grass, he posits, perhaps there’s something particularly useful about the grass itself? He intends to find out, and has begun hiring Trainers to collect large samples of the grass, cutting it down and bringing it back to his lab - but the wild Pokemon, facing the decimation of their favored natural habitat, may start to relocate… or take more direct action.
Tall Grass
Not everyone sees tall grass as a nuisance. A gardener has decided to cultivate the tall grass that grows around his house. It’s easy to grow, and he feels it beautifies his yard more than shrubbery or flowers ever could. Wild Pokemon love hiding in his lawn, as well. Unfortunately, the local Homeowner’s Association is not so tickled: they feel that the wild Pokemon are a danger to neighborhood children, and that the yard’s unkempt look is reducing local property values. The Homeowners Association wants to hire Trainers to cut that grass down, by any means necessary - and the gardener wants to hire Trainers to defend his yard!
Tall Grass
They say you are what you eat. When new strains of wild grasses begins to proliferate along a oft-neglected Route, the Pokemon in those fields begin to change in step with their new diet and habitat. Thicker blades of grass to eat may make for heavier, heartier Pokemon; while longer, reedier grasses might make the Pokemon more stealthy, having to avoid even the slightest rustle or noise. These associations are usually quite slight, but exacting Trainers and Professors will be happy to have or examine every edge a Pokemon can gain from its habitat.
A village in the hills holds a Ledge-Hopping Race every year, run by teams of four: two humans (typically parent and child), and two Pokemon, who MUST know the move Splash. The child and their Pokemon race down the ledge-filled hill, and tag the parent. The parent then races UP the ledge-filled hill with their Pokemon. Among the prizes: the village’s Move Tutor will teach the two winning Pokemon the move Bounce.
A young Trainer is ready and eager to leave town and start his Pokemon adventure, with his trusty Venonat at his side. There’s only one problem, though: The Trainer is unable to walk, and must use a wheelchair. The town is surrounded by ledges that most able-bodied Trainers can clamber up and down with little difficulty, but for this Champ-in-the-making, these little cliffs could be the most dangerous obstacle of all.
An Old Man lives in a solitary house along a hospitable, friendly, safe road, exactly halfway between sleepy villages. He’s gotten sick of Trainers banging on his door every other evening to request room and board - it’s ruining his nightly reading time! So the poor old man has hatched a plan: He’ll use his Ground-type Pokemon to construct tall Ledges to slow the Trainers down, and make them stay the night far away from his abode. Of course, he’s not exactly sure how many ledges he’ll need to make… but better too many than too few, right?
After the sudden passing of Duke Glendower, his family has gathered at his gothic mansion to discuss the matters of succession and inheritance. The fact that the eccentric Duke neglected to leave behind a will makes the discussions rather tense. His eldest daughter, a clever young girl beloved of the duke, has tried to establish her claim, but the stodgy family is favoring her brat of a younger brother. Among the inherited possessions is an ancient sword and shield - unknown to the rest of them, it has been charged with making sure the daughter inherits everything. However, the Aegislash’s methods are more macabre than the Duke ever could have anticipated.
A sword and shield have passed from warrior to warrior since time immemorial. It promises endless power to those who would wield it, and indeed, every warrior to grasp its hilt has become a ruler of men and an unparalleled combatant. But the gift is not without a cost - when the warrior dies, their soul becomes trapped in the steel along with all who came before. Now, the weapon has been unearthed once more, and it seeks a new warrior with which to make a contract.
An old fairy story tells of a blacksmith who travels from town to town. He forges armaments of the highest quality for those who can pay - and for those who can’t, he’s happy to take credit. But by the time of the new moon, he’s packed up and moved away. Those who have paid him in full enjoy a remarkable weapon, able to cleave any creature - even ghosts - in two; those who haven’t paid are found dead, their new weapons stained with blood.
Kingler are usually solitary creatures, having difficulty interacting peacefully with each other - let alone other Pokemon. But lately, entire swarms of them have been spotted, moving farther inland each day. Oddly enough, they each have cracks running down the back of their carapaces. When a Kingler grows and sheds its shell, sometimes a new Pokemon takes residence - in this case, a band of Solosis have inhabited them, moving their limbs with their psychic powers.
Every now and then, a Kingler evolves with two gigantic pincers, while others are born with two small ones. The former end up being powerhouses in battles, but sorely stunted in speed and maneuverability. The smaller ones end up with astounding agility. Both are highly sought after by collectors, even though wild-type Kingler tend to be better off - both in battle and day-to-day life.
Nothing is more infuriating to a Kingler than having a Binacle latched onto its back. Its clumsy pincers are useless for scraping off the Pokemon, which takes more than its fair share of any food they come across. A trainer who helps the Kingler rid itself of the parasite might make a new ally - but they’d better watch their back. If the Binacle ever evolves, Barbaracles are known for being brutal in the pursuit of vengeance.
A small village is celebrating the grand opening of its new Pokemart, a symbol that shows that the town is now on the map! They’re having a great big sale to bring in new customers. Thanks to a clerical error, though, what should’ve been a “10% Off All Pokeballs” sale is instead a “100% Off All Pokeballs” bonanza! Trainers have posted this deal all over the internet, messaging one another to get as many Pokeballs as they can carry. With so many Trainers taking advantage of such an unprofitable sale, the Pokemart might just succeed its way right out of business - if the stampeding Trainers don’t demolish it first!
The town Pokemart is known for selling not just the standard supplies, but less-than-legal items, as well. When the group walks in and starts shopping, the shopkeep whispers, “Hey, kids - wanna see what else I got? Might tickle your fancy…” He sells various illegal items, such as super-powerful stat vitamins, Pinkan Berries, and even a beat-up old Snagger Machine. He won’t say where he got this stuff, but it’s obvious he’s in a hurry to offload the goods.
You’d think a Pokemart in the middle of a bustling city would be making money hand-over-fist, but you’d be wrong. A huge Mall has opened across the street from the big-city Pokemart, selling TMs, Pokemon clothes, fancy haircuts, you name it - and the small-business owner just can’t compete. He’s desperate for a way to save his family business, and he’ll listen to any ideas the heroes might have. If they save his business, he may give them a lifetime discount.
The laws of the New Republic are clear and strictly enforced: no individual is allowed to own Pokemon, as the monsters might fall into the hands of rebel forces. But well-informed, would-be trainers know that Madrona’s Flower Shop is the place to go. There, Madame Madrona smuggles in Bonsly, Flabébé, and Oddish, all disguised as normal plants.
Of all young Pokemon, Bonsly are perhaps the ones most often separated from their parents, as even they have difficulty telling mama Sudowoodo apart from a normal tree. When a trainer encounters such a distraught Bonsly, they always have a choice: try to reunite the young Pokemon, or take advantage of its weakness and catch it.
Poachers love the hides of Ninetales and Vulpix, and a group of them have developed an ingenious way of nabbing them. They use their Bonsly to lure them in, convincing the Fire Pokemon that they’re easy, Grass-type prey, and retaliate with brutal Rock Throws. If they’re to be stopped, someone has to catch them in the act.
Trainer’s License
A Primeape named Jiyuu stands beside a well-traveled Route, trying to make eye contact with Trainers as they pass. When he catches their eye, he leaps at them - but rather than try to pummel them, he challenges them to battle his six Mankey underlings. All the Primeape wants is to be recognized as a true Trainer, and he thinks that beating other (human) Trainers is the only way to reach his goal… Though he’s not too clear on the details.
Trainer’s License
The Trainer License gives Trainers access to all the support mechanisms that society has created for them: free healing at Pokemon Centers, minimal prices at the Pokemart, and so on. But when one stubborn kid runs away from home without his license, he sets out to try and accomplish the Trainer’s Journey without those accoutrements. To keep up with other, licensed Trainers, or to overcome sticky situations, he and his Pokemon have started stealing supplies - including the players’.
Trainer’s License
Trainers aren’t the only ones who use Trainer Licenses - the government does, too. They track Trainers’ movements and patterns to determine what Pokemon Centers and Routes get more funding, and to try and identify problems, such as Pokemon thieves. One particularly clever Pokemon poacher has double-spoofed his illegal catches’ Pokeballs with a random Trainer ID - that of one of the players! Now, the government thinks he or she is the poacher they’ve been hunting for, and they have documented evidence to back it up.
After struggling to make ends meet for years, a mining community has struck gold! Well, iron. But a ludicrous amount of it, and the ore is of unprecedented purity. The little hamlet has quickly become a boom-town, but a local professor is nursing an unpopular theory. He suspects that the iron deposit is in fact a subterranean Steelix graveyard. If he’s right, the operation is morally questionable, as well as rather dangerous. It’s only a matter of time before another Steelix comes to join his ancestors, only to find their bodies desecrated.
Strict regulations have been placed on the ownership and use of Pokemon over a certain size, as even releasing such Pokemon can be horribly destructive. As such, the black market has become the place to go for Pokemon like Onix, Steelix, and Wailord. But when a foolhardy mob boss shipped in a whole crate of Pokeballs full of giants, all it took was one glitchy Pokeball to bring about total disaster. The accidental release of a Steelix broke all the other Pokeballs, and now, there’s a mountain of dazed and unconscious Pokemon, each the size of a truck.
Steelix’s giant, metallic body has made it a favorite among scientists who wish to improve upon nature. Some specimens have been outfitted with large compartments for cargo or passengers, while others have been equipped with generators and various mechanical enhancements. However, these procedures are rarely enjoyable for the Pokemon. One such Steelix has broken free from its trainer using a powerful rocket embedded in its tail, and is now careening across the countryside in a rampage.
Pokemon Centers
When a Pokemon Center’s healing machines break, it’s a disaster: The Pokemon must be healed the old-fashioned way, with needles and bandages and lots of TLC. With the most powerful modern medicine unavailable, how will the Pokemon Center keep up with demand from Trainers to heal their Pokemon?
Pokemon Centers
One of the most valuable (if unadvertised) features of the Pokemon Center is that of a gathering place for Trainers. No matter what town you’re in, there’s always a few other Trainers in the lobby, waiting to make friends or form rivalries. But when a gaming arcade opens up next door to a small town’s Pokemon Center, the nurses quickly have to adjust, or they’ll lose one of the best features of their Center: the community of Trainers that frequents it.
Pokemon Centers
Pokemon Centers provide comfortable places for Trainers to safely spend the night, before moving on to the next patch of tall grass. But sometimes, a Trainer gets too attached to a particular Center, abandoning their journey to stay there. One man, known only as “Big Bro”, has stayed at one particular Pokemon Center for decades. He acts as mentor and cheerleader to the younger Trainers who pass through, and a brotherly figure to the nurses. But he hasn’t just settled down and found a home - he’s hiding from a dark secret, and he can’t bear to face the outside world.
A Petrologist has discovered the fossil of a Pokemon unknown to science. There’s just one snag - the fossil is embedded deep in the body of a Boldore. After an unsuccessful attempt to retrieve the fossil without harming the Boldore, it broke free of the lab. The Petrologist will pay good money if trainers could retrieve the Pokemon - but talking to the man gives the players the impression that the next retrieval attempt might not be so harmless.
Deep in the flooded, brackish caverns by the surf, the dull thud of rock against rock can be heard well into the night. Most Rock-type Pokemon wouldn’t go near such murky depths, but the Boldore react differently to the water. Even when they’re attacked by a Hydro Pump, the creatures seem undeterred, and their crystals take on a blinding glow.
The ancient temple has a devilishly difficult puzzle meant to ward off unworthy adventurers. One must arrange the crystals so that a correctly colored ray of light hits a gem embedded in the door. Of course, the crystals are long gone, having been devoured by Boldore. But the beasts are still lurking around their caverns, and it seems that the crystals on their bodies match their meal. Perhaps the puzzle can still be solved.
Wild Nidoran are notorious pests. Not only do they eat anything and everything, but one prick of their horn can land you in the hospital. At the height of breeding season, farm Pokemon are regularly injured by the rowdy rodents, and children aren’t allowed to play outside. The townsfolk will pay for every Nidoran caught - maybe future breeding seasons won’t be so bad.
A young trainer caught a Nidoran that defies all attempts to determine its sex. Its color is a splotchy, purplish grey, and it has the nubby horn of a female, but the large ears of a male. The trainer insists on evolving the Nidoran in order to find out once and for all.
After a meteorite hit, Nidoran from all over the countryside swarmed the crater. Researchers would love to get a closer look, but the area is thick with blue and purple rodents and their poisonous spikes. The researchers need something to lure them away from the area before they gnaw the big rock to bits.
Blitzle racing is a popular pastime in many places, but a new practice threatens to undermine the popular sport. Some trainers have taken to ‘turbocharging’ their Blitzles before a race, hooking them up to a generator so that they can store up electrical power and bolt ahead of their competitors. Not only is the technique unfair, it’s horribly stressful to the Blitzle.
A demagogue was banished to the wilderness for polluting the minds of his followers, instilling in them a sense of rebellion and mistrust towards their elders. But the well of his so-called ‘wisdom’ has not run dry. The outcast’s Blitzle has been relaying messages to the wild herds through its flashing mane, and the students only have to watch the grazing Blitzle on the horizon to learn their teacher’s message.
Wherever Blitzle herds travel, thunderstorms gather. Towns often fend off wild herds to try and maintain peaceful weather, but that just sends them galloping to someone else’s doorstep. The townsfolk insist that more permanent measures must be taken against the Blitzle, but perhaps there’s another way…
The female Luxray are the ones who go out hunting for the pack. The males spend their time rolling about on the ground, growling at each other, and keeping at least one eye on the Shinx. Only a fool would assume that the males have gone soft, however. Weeks of idle rolling without combat build up a tremendous electrical charge in their manes, ready to be unleashed at anything that threatens their Shinx.
The Labyrinth is guarded by a horrifying beast. Half-man, half-Luxray, it stalks the winding halls, hunting the sacrifices that the villagers let loose in the maze to appease its wrath. Its ability to see through the endless walls shortens the lifespan of those trapped in the Labyrinth considerably.
One of the players has made the wrong enemy - one wealthy enough to acquire the services of the most ruthless bounty hunter in the land. Her Luxray’s keen sense of smell and X-ray vision ensure that her prey can neither run nor hide, while her Medicham’s ability to read minds tends to make the job run smoothly. It’ll take all the player’s skill to avoid becoming another pile of cash in the bounty hunter’s hands.
Anyone in the Goldenrod club scene can tell you that there’s no high like Bliss, an extract from the eggs of Blissey. As substances go, it’s fairly innocuous; those affected are generally calm and passive, and it’s difficult to overdose. But the market surrounding the drug is more ruthless than any other.
If a Blissey finds an egg that’s been separated from its mother, she will invariably raise it as her own. This can lead to some complex family dynamics if the egg is, say, a Gastly or a Scyther. But when an egg under a Blissey’s care hatches into a Phione, she will stop at nothing to defend her baby against the ruthless swarms of collectors.
There’s a commotion at the local Pokemon Center. Furious trainers are crowded around the counter, accusing the nurses of stealing their Pokemon. Behind the healing machine, a Blissey sweats anxiously. She’s been stealing the Pokemon of trainers who appeared abusive, hiding them in the cellar until she figures out what to do with them.
Tropius are notoriously stubborn. When they migrate to warmer climes in the winter, this can become a problem. Traveling flocks of Starly know to avoid airplanes and helicopters, but Tropius are completely undeterred by aerial impediments. Unless a few resourceful trainers are on board, such situations end disastrously for all involved.
The Wood Elves, not bound by fate like the ephemeral humans, are loathe to get mixed up in mortal politics. But when a primal evil resurfaces, the elves take up their bows and lances and emerge from their forest homes, mounted on hundreds of battle-ready Tropius.
A little girl, lost in the woods, is taken in by a family of Tropius. They care for her as one of their own brood, feeding her with the fruit from their necks. The girl eats so much of it, in fact, that fruit begins to bud behind her ears as well! However, it should be noted that her fruit is far from tasty.
The war has not been going well. The enemies have ravaged he countryside, their Aggron trampling over settlements and their Heatmor burning down the barricades. But salvation might be found on a distant island, said to be home to a colony of Blastoise. Trying to catch that many of them would be a fool’s errand, but there may be other ways to earn their loyalty.
They’ve never been seen, but professors have often gotten readings on incredibly dense objects moving around inside of volcanic ducts. Most assume they’re some sort of mineral deposit, or an unidentified Pokemon. But one professor has been studying their shapes and movements for years, and has finally published his findings. He insists that they are an aberrant form of Blastoise with obsidian shells, their cannons brimming with pressurized magma.
Blastoise are favorites of smugglers. Their shells can be stuffed to the brim with illicit goods, where they will be pressurized, giving off no odor and all but impossible to notice in a pat-down. And, of course, if the job goes south, they have a Blastoise on their side.
Rumors of the “end-times” have been spreading again, mostly by the same people who tout such things every few years. The evidence they present are mostly carnival-show horrors: a three-headed Ekans, a Skitty giving birth to Wailmers, that sort of thing. But when the antlers of the world’s Sawsbuck are set ablaze with sulfurous flames, their eyes becoming sunken and haunted, some credence is lent to their apocalyptic theories.
Some ancient scribblings and tales talk of a primal Sawsbuck, the father of the species, who brings about the changes in the seasons instead of responding to them. When the world’s weather begins to go haywire, however, some scholars insist that the old tales are more than just mythological metaphors, and that the primal Sawsbuck is in great danger.
After a cave-in in its den, a Sawsbuck was trapped deep in a network of subterranean caverns, never to see the light of day again. Though it was severed from the seasons, it continued to acclimate to its environment, developing a craggy hide and crystalline antlers. All it wants is to return to the surface - but even then, it’s been underground for so long that the adaptations may be permanent.
A town on the outskirts of civilization has clearly fallen onto hard times. Oddly enough, no one in the town is willing to comment on their misfortune. Clinking forms in the night and disappearances may hint at the cause: a Bisharp and her band of Pawniard are ruling this town from the shadows, siphoning food and valuables from them with unflinching cruelty.
The Hegemony has solidified its monopoly on violence with its uncontested “A Bisharp on Every Corner” initiative, resulting in a dramatic decrease in crime and an equally dramatic increase in brutality against civilians. But a resistance group believes they have found a chink in the police state’s armor, and are covertly training their members in an ancient form of martial arts.
One Bisharp found himself unsuited to the rigid, brutal society of his peers, and was exiled. Now, it wanders the world, searching for a purpose. No matter how he tries to fight his violent instincts, they still surface every now and then. When he lashes out at a ranger, seriously injuring her, a bounty is placed on the rogue Pokemon. Evading the hunters will be the true test of the pacifism he’s suffered so much for.
A brave trainer set out to vanquish Darkrai, and in doing so, rid the world of nightmares forever. He succeeded in capturing the Pokemon, and hid it deep within the earth, where it could never do harm again. But the bold deed did not just rid the world of nightmares. Dreams have been banished the world over, resulting in empty sleep that barely benefits the mind. As the pompous trainer refuses to undo his accomplishment, someone else must free Darkrai before the bleary-eyed world goes mad.
A dark creature is locked away in the moon, where it can do no more than pick away at people’s dreams. But during the lunar eclipse, the bonds are broken, and Darkrai is free to bring chaos to the world. In the past, brave trainers have fended it off until it is called back to the sky, but a cult has emerged that seeks to change that. During the upcoming eclipse, they seek to sever the bonds permanently, and usher in an age of darkness.
A professor researching the arcane secrets surrounding Darkrai has fallen into a deep coma. She had dabbled in Dream World technology, meaning that the players could enter the professor’s dreams in an attempt to wake her. Once inside, the players find that Darkrai has infested her mind, and they must chase the Pokemon through a labyrinth of horrifying illusions formed from the professor’s past.
A carpenter works alongside his team of Bidoof day in and day out, creating a variety of quality goods. But the musky stench of the rodents is driving away customers. Unless someone can figure out a way to mask the waterlogged Pokemon’s smell, he’ll either have to give up his companions, or risk going out of business.
In some watersheds, Bidoof can be a dangerous invasive species. If left unchecked by predators, their hunger for lumber can thin out forests and destroys the habitats of other Pokemon. The local rangers will reward trainers for every Bidoof they catch. Any Bidoof that the trainers are uninterested in will be happily put to use as companions for impoverished children.
A construction project has been put on hold by a band of Bidoof. They sneak onto the site during the night, gnawing on lumber supports and swiping bits of scaffolding for their dams. If they could be fended off - or tempted away by something else they could chew on - the town’s new Pokemart could finally be completed.
Every so often, a Golurk will wander the earth, yearning for something to protect. One Golurk settled on a small village, vowing to protect it with its life. But the ages have atrophied its conception of what a protector should be. Meaning well, it refuses to let anyone or anything enter the village, quickly resorting to extreme force. The sudden blockade has turned the peaceful village into a nest of anxiety and fear.
The secret to Golurk’s endless life has been uncovered. The matter that composes a Golurk’s body is an ethereal clay harvested from the Distortion World. The alternate dimension’s almost complete lack of physical laws allows for endless energy, making Golurk immortal. There must be other uses for Distortion World material, but to gather more, someone must cross over to the bizarre dimension through the depths of the ruins where Golurk were first found.
While looking for accessories for their magnificent snowman, a group of siblings stumbled across some old, brassy armbands in their grandfather’s attic. When they put them on their snowman, they were shocked to see it grow into a shambling, icy automaton: a Golurk made entirely out of snow. The children quickly fall in love with the gentle giant, but spring will soon be upon them. The Golurk has been asleep for millennia, and is not eager to slumber again.
Far upriver, in the foothills of a nearby mountain, there’s an entire society of Bibarel and Bidoof. They’ve built a giant network of dams in the wide river, functioning much like a city. However, the tremendous snowfall this past winter did not bode well for the settlement. Spring brought a blast of rushing water that uprooted the wooden city. Now, the giant pile of sticks and mud are barreling downstream like a giant raft, and the Bibarel are desperately trying to right the ship.
Bibarel are fairly indiscriminate about the trees they gnaw down for use in their construction projects. Unfortunately, this particular Bibarel has chosen a tree with a treehouse in it - a treehouse that some children are having a sleepover in. The Bibarel is blissfully unaware of their cries for help, but maybe someone nearby will hear them.
A trio of skilled robbers have been sweeping the nation, cracking through vaults and leaving before anyone notices they’re there. Their methods are simple: The first robber burrows underground with his Sandslash, and the second robber melts through the metal safes with his Heatmor. The last robber is often just along for the ride, but every so often, there’s a wooden wall for his Bibarel to gnaw through.
A scientist and his Eevee were an inseparable pair. As the Eevee matured, the man knew that he had to evolve the creature for its own sake, but he was wracked with indecision about which evolution to choose. In a flash of inspiration, he decided to develop an infused evolutionary stone that would allow the Eevee to shift between the many forms at will. The experiment went horribly awry. Now, the pan-elemental abomination is in extreme pain, and lashes out at everyone and everything. If it isn’t cured soon, it won’t be long for this world.
Eevee are enduringly popular gifts for the children of the wealthy. Debutante balls, coming-of-age celebrations, and graduation ceremonies are often overflowing with the little brown Pokemon. Its evolutions, however, are considered unconventional companions for the young - in some circles, quite unacceptable. If a child’s Eevee evolves, either by accident or through the child’s subterfuge, they’re often abandoned and replaced by a new Eevee before society takes note. The homeless Pokemon become bitter and dangerous, reinforcing the notion that such Pokemon are not fit for polite company.
Only eight Eeveelutions are currently known, but both genetic studies and ancient scripts suggest that Eevee have the capacity to develop into any type. Hoping to unlock a form that hasn’t been seen in centuries, a black belt has taken a cadre of Eevee to a secluded mountaintop to train with him and his Machoke. Already, their physiology is subtly shifting; with a push in the right direction, they might become something entirely new.
The fluid dripping from a Bellsprout’s mouth is horrifically corrosive. This creates an insoluble problem for a railway company running through the jungle, as the liquid eats right through the tracks, as well as any barriers set up to deter the plants. The Bellsprout aren’t sabotaging the train on accident; they hope to derail a train and strand the passengers, providing a feast for their mother Victreebel.
Monks aren’t the only ones attracted to Bellsprout’s effortless economy of motion. A group of Mienfoo have become devoted to a Bellsprout, hoping to learn from its fluid tranquility. The Bellsprout couldn’t care less, however, and only pauses long enough to eat the bugs off their back before rushing off in search of the best patch of sunlight. But when the Bellsprout is captured, the Mienfoo will stop at nothing to track down the trainer and free their ambivalent mentor.
Not all Bellsprout like to walk around. Those are just the ones most often encountered by trainers. Many prefer to stay rooted in the ground, disguised as unassuming flowers. When planted, they can take down much larger prey, consuming them through their roots. Beds of rooted Bellsprout can create “Bell-bogs” with their toxic saliva, horrid swamps where only the foolhardy tread.
For years, researchers have been trying to determine whether Bellossom have legs. When asked to lift their skirts, the Bellossom coquettishly decline; if the researchers insist, the Bellossom respond with force. One professor, refusing to settle at uncertainty, has jury-rigged an X-ray gun, of sorts. He needs intrepid trainers to find wild Bellossom in the jungles and use it, preferably without getting torn to bits by a spray of furious petals.
The smellier the Gloom, the more gracefully the Bellossom dances. One trainer’s particularly putrid Gloom evolved into an immaculate dancer, possessed of a beauty and masterful control over its body that world-renowned ballerinas would envy. However, through an evolutionary fluke, the Bellossom did not lose its milk-curdling stench. If the Bellossom is going to follow its dream and become a world-class starlet, it’s going to have to find a way to curb that stank.
Winter has lasted far too long. If the cold doesn’t let up, the spring buds may succumb to the frost, which could lead to a brutal famine in the coming year. One of the townsfolk has a Gloom; a scholar has posited that if the Gloom could evolve into Bellossom, it could do a dance to summon the sun once more. But first, a Sun Stone must be found in the dead of winter.
While Scrafty are rarely a welcome presence within a city, they can occasionally be useful as a scapegogoat. A protest against the government’s recent string of baseless arrests had been going for a week when a gang of wild Scrafty attacked, busting heads and ending the protest once and for all. However, a few journalists question just how ‘wild’ the Pokemon were. With a bit of help tracking their movements, they might be able to uncover even more egregious displays of despotism.
A trove of stolen goods has been discovered in an abandoned building, and piles of scaly, discarded skin suggest that a gang of Scrafty are the culprits. But the solution to the problem is unclear; if the goods are reclaimed, the Scrafty will rampage through the town upon finding an empty nest. Setting a trap for them might be the best option, but if the trainers are caught unprepared, confronting them in their own den will not end well.
A series of bank heists have been pulled off by an unseemly gang. The thugs dress up in the discarded skins of their Scrafty, and hold up banks alongside their fearsome Pokemon. The police are in disarray, unable to tell who’s a Pokemon and who’s a crook, resulting in a particularly humiliating event where handcuffs were placed on a Scrafty, only to be smashed to bits. If they aren’t stopped soon, the region’s banks will be bled dry.
The magnetic poles of the world are notoriously dangerous places. Swarms of Beldum, flying in perfect unison, threaten to smash intruders into pulp as they swirl around the magnetic vortex. A physicist needs to set up some instruments in the area to further his research. The outpost should be protected by its own magnetic field once the generator is set up, but that’ll take time - and in order to get that time, the physicist will need protection.
An alien specia has been discovered, unlike any the Federation has ever seen. Reports indicate that they have merged with their machines. Every aspect of their technology has some semblance of intelligence, including their blue-steel starships, and even their bullets. Unfortunately, the aliens don’t seem to place any value on organic life. They destroy any unknown ship without hesitation, their cannons blasting hordes of one-eyed projectiles known as Beldum.
Computers have been on the fritz all across town, and the resident tech geniuses are baffled. Hard drives are being spontaneously wiped, odd, non-functional files are appearing out of nowhere, and bizarre graphics often flash across the screen. There’s only one pattern that can be found: a series of numbers that pops up quite regularly. Tragically, a trainer has drowned in a nearby lake. A Pokeball containing a Beldum rests at the bottom of the lake, and the series of numbers are the Pokeball’s GPS coordinates - the Beldum’s last-ditch effort to communicate with its surroundings and save itself.
A Numel owned by a teacher at the local high school has fallen ill, developing black splotches and emitting gouts of foul-smelling smoke. Every time he takes it to the Pokemon Center, it just gets sick again the next day. As it turns out, the blame falls upon some over-curious students who have been spending their breaks tossing sharpies into the Numel’s magma hole and huffing the resulting fumes.
The city, under siege for almost a month now, is running out of food. Just when they’re needed most, a caravan from distant lands sneaks through the siege with Numel in tow, carrying enough food to last weeks. But when the city walls are blasted apart in the middle of the night by earthquakes and magma, it becomes apparent that the traders are traitors, and their Numel are sappers disguised as beasts of burden.
They say that Brigid the Fire Witch resides deep in the craggy forest, protecting the Pokemon from invaders and spiriting away children who wander far from home. Some of the townsfolk have a certain respect for her, though, as she’s been known to create uncanny medicines and enchanted implements by cooking herbs and gems in her Numel’s magma-filled back. The mayor even says his Flareon evolved thanks to a Fire Stone that was crystallized through ancient rites performed in that walking cauldron.
A meteor streaked across the sky and landed in a nearby field. Ever since, people have been reporting strange sights: flashing lights in the distance, bizarre shimmering in the sky. Most had dismissed such sightings as the natterings of kooks - until people started disappearing.
There have been sightings of odd Beheeyem - well, more odd than usual - on a nearby mountain. Hikers claim to have seen strange organs grafted onto the Pokemon’s arms, turning their array of flashing lights into a mass of writhing brown roots, a cannon with cracked, molten flesh, or long fingers surging with electricity. Many professors have expressed great interest in the findings, but none have the guts to mount an expedition.
The Battle Factory’s Beheeyem has fallen ill. It’s adopted a sickly grey color, and can barely even bend a spoon. One night, it broke out of the facility and was found deliriously shining lights into the sky. As the Beheeyem’s life signs dwindle, one doctor wonders if the cure might be among the stars.
No matter how Mewtwo attempts to define his own destiny, there’s one thought he can’t shake: that he is the ultimate weapon. His carefully tuned instincts tug at him, convincing him that every moment spent in peace is a moment wasted. Eventually, he gives in, and lays waste to an isolated weather institute, spending days toying with the researchers. Now, numerous factions are converging on the institute, hoping to be the one who can wield the weapon - but Mewtwo is no sword to be pulled from a stone.
It wasn’t long before Mewtwo realized that destructive power is not the only power that could be had. Through careful allocation of mind slaves, he slowly consolidated power among the world’s governments. He has slowly strengthened executive power and eroded the rights of citizens, and now the denouement has arrived: a bill has been introduced which would make thought-crime illegal, enforced by specially trained psychic Pokemon. If the bill is not stopped, then Mewtwo will truly become all-powerful.
A renowned professor has become focused on one project: locating Mew. He goes on long expeditions, pores over ancient texts, and sends his aides to all corners of the earth. When confronted by concerned friends, he admits that he’s been in contact with Mewtwo, who is convinced that Mew will have answers about his existence. However, it’s unclear how direct Mewtwo’s influence over the professor is.
Most honey farmers prefer to use more docile Combee, but one grizzled old beekeeper insists on keeping hives upon hives of Beedrill. He insists that they see him as one of their own, and that as long as he treats them right, they’ll never harm him. But one day, the man doesn’t return from his foray into the hives. Most assume that the Beedrill finally punished him for his hubris, but the wife insists it was foul play. But if there are any clues that could shed light on the issue, they’re in the center of a swarm of belligerent Beedrills who have missed far too many meals.
A traveling entertainer calls himself the Pheromancer. His act involves using complex chemical concoctions to control Beedrill and other bugs in uncanny ways, even using them in a pheromone-fueled puppet show that straddles the line between hilarious and unsettling. If the town places plenty of money in his hat, and treats him fairly, then he goes on his merry way. But if the townsfolk are stingy, he uses his pheromones to lure the children deep into the forest, his path blocked by watchful Beedrill sentries.
In some cultures, where bravery and guts are valued above all else, the way to separate the wheat from the chaff is to lather a person in honey and place them in an arena, alone, with a Beedrill. Crowds always gather for the thrilling, gruesome affair. If the ‘game’ ends well, the Beedrill’s needles are generally lodged in the side of the arena after a misguided charge; if it ends poorly, the needles are lodged somewhere a good deal more uncomfortable.
Staraptor never back down from a challenge, even if the foe is much larger than it. This can be a problem for airplanes or helicopters flying in a Staraptor’s territory, as the giant metal bird’s refusal to acknowledge the Pokemon is seen as a brutal insult. Unless a brave trainer can pacify it, the Staraptor has no qualms about tearing the craft to pieces.
A Staraptor’s reckless behavior has earned it a few too many concussions. Its memory has become severely jumbled, and it seems to have regressed to its personality as a Starly, acting like a tiny, docile little bird. If it could be rehabilitated, the prideful Pokemon would not let a good deed go unrewarded.
A daring trainer has set out to accomplish the impossible: he intends to circumnavigate the globe on the back of his Staraptor. But his communications went dead over a trio of uninhabited islands. A rescue operation is in order, but each island has its own native dangers that make the man’s survival unlikely.
A Beautifly has flown into the local flower shop, and is proving to be an agent of chaos. Its sucking the flowers completely dry, and anyone who tries to interrupt its feast gets a swift proboscis-jab in the face. If someone could get rid of it - preferably without causing further damage - they may be rewarded with some of the rarer herbs and flowers growing in the back room.
A trainer has promised his daughter a Beautifly for her upcoming birthday, but all the Wurmple he’s caught have evolved into Dustox. Is there something wrong about the way he’s training them? Regardless, he’s not one to make his little girl cry, and would greatly appreciate assistance.
A Beautifly has been sweeping the contest halls - well, sort of. A bug-catcher’s half-Beautifly, half-Dustox aberration has proved incredibly popular among the Tough and Smart audiences, earning its owner plenty of renown. However, it’s a poorly kept secret that the malformed Pokemon’s health is deteriorating rapidly. Without the aid of a specialized Gene Splicer, manufactured in a distant land, it won’t be long for this world.
Pinkan Berries
Pinkan Berries are a strictly controlled substance: Not because of their biological effect, but their economic effect. If a Pokemon happens to look pink when Shiny, then black-market Pokemon smugglers will take non-Shiny members of that family, feed them illegal Pinkan Berries, and sell them as “authentic” Shiny Pokemon.
Pinkan Berries
A colony of Smeargle have made their home in a grove of Pinkan Berries, and now they all paint with the same color - pink! Unable to differentiate one another by the hue of their paint, the tribe has an identity crisis: nobody knows who anyone is. When one Smeargle steps forward, claiming to be their leader, and commands his pack to paint the world rose, champagne, and peach, the rest are unsure whether to follow him to a gloriously pink future, or to think the pink’s gone right to his brain.
Pinkan Berries
The Chansey at a remote Pokemon Center keeps a double-secret: it’s Shiny, but it hides its atypical green tinge by eating Pinkan Berries regularly. Having long been chased by poachers, the Chansey could only find peace by hiding in plain sight. If anyone were ever to uncover its secret, the Pokemon might well give up some of its stash of Berries to buy the snooper’s silence… Or it might violate its oath to “first, do no harm”.
Gurdurr prefer steel girders, but they’ll settle for any lengthy, thick piece of metal. A recently evolved Gurdurr, lacking a weapon, has wandered into the local schoolyard and is trying to uproot a flagpole. If a different weapon could be found for it, it may leave the town without causing much mayhem.
Timburr are often helpful volunteers on construction sites, but older Gurdurr can be disruptive influences. In lieu of causes mayhem themselves, they often pressure the Timburr to perform acts of sabotage, sometimes even leading a revolt. A couple Gurdurr have been making trouble near the site of the new department store, and the crew wants them taken care of.
It’s always perplexed professors that even miles away from civilization, in the deepest mountain caves, Gurdurr will rarely be without their trademark girder. A somewhat manic hiker has been boasting in taverns, saying he found a forge, deep in the mountain, where Gurdurr use magma and stolen tools to craft their own weapons. If his story is anything more than blather, it’d be a huge scientific discovery.
An Umbreon owned by one of the players has been caught - repeatedly - sneaking away from the group to converse with a one-eyed Murkrow. It seems like they’re conspiring, but in fact, the Umbreon is trying to save its owner’s life. There’s a solar eclipse approaching, during which Dark-type Pokemon will have unparalleled power. During the eclipse, many Dark Pokemon are planning to rise against human civilization, and the Umbreon is pleading for its owner to be spared.
Because of their hardiness and their poisonous sweat, Umbreon rarely end up as prey. But poaching is another matter altogether, as their furs are the height of fashion, glowing in the moonlight even when removed from the Pokemon. A group of people disgusted by the industry have developed a plan to feed local Umbreon Pinkan berries to make their coats garish and unfit for sale, but poachers are violent people, and won’t take kindly to being trifled with.
Legends say that Umbreon are bringers of madness. Some even say that they won’t eat their prey unless it’s been broken down mentally. As a man in the town slips deeper and deeper into insanity, many blame the Umbreon that’s been seen lurking around its house. But when the Pokemon stops the man from killing himself, it’s unclear whether the Pokemon has been trying to protect the man, or if it just wants to keep its plaything around a little longer.
Though many are opposed to eating Pokemon, hardly anyone takes issue with eating the nearly brain-dead Magikarp. Seaside markets sell them fried, filleted, in soups - basically any way they can be consumed. On rare occasions, however, they have to contend with a recently evolved Gyarados bursting through the walls of a sushi stand.
A ship has gone missing, and the families of the sailors will not give up the search. If anyone knows what happened to the boat, it would be the man that the townsfolk call “The Raft Hermit.” He lives on a raft out in the waves, towed by scores of Magikarp. If the party can find him - and earn the eccentric’s trust - then the ship might yet be saved.
Magikarp can survive in even the foulest of water, meaning that they can show up in some odd places. Occasionally, smaller ones with swim up the sewer lines into someone’s toilet. A little girl found one flopping in her bathroom, and tried to protect it from her parents by hiding it in her bathtub. It wasn’t long before they found it, however, and if the little girl can’t find help soon, it’ll be on her dinner plate tonight.
Watching Blaziken’s flashy fighting style can be a thrilling experience, and for gambling dens, pitting them against each other can be very lucrative. However, the odds are upset when a challenger arrives with a Blaziken that seems to propel itself like a jet with its own fire, becoming blindingly fast as the battle progresses. Its winning streak is making the betting stale, and owner of the den wants the Blaziken dealt with - or, better yet, acquired for him.
The order of monks charged with protecting Ho-oh’s Tin Tower are firm in their duty, not letting any who are unworthy pass. They guard the tower with a Pokemon from foreign lands, Blaziken, and study their lightning-fast fighting style. No one can be considered worthy enough to pass into the sanctum of Ho-oh without proving oneself in battle against the High Priest’s Blaziken.
A Professor stumbled upon a small nest of Torchic eggs. Knowing that the species is all but extinct, he took the eggs back to his lab so that they could be bred, and maybe, someday, repopulate the area. The Professor didn’t quite think ahead. Now, the mother Blaziken will not stop until she finds the well-meaning scientist, spreading fire and destruction every step of the way.
A man is being followed by a posse of feral Meowth, and he wants someone to get rid of them. Their caterwauling keeps him up at night, and their scratching is ruining his house’s paint job. The Meowth are obsessed with the man’s garish, cheap jewelry, and unless he can part with his gaudy collection, they’re here to stay.
Meowth and Persian are symbols of the nobility, and the key to their bounteous fortune. To maintain the trappings of the class structure, the species has been exterminated in the wild, and only the most trusted breeders can work with the creatures. But when a peasant child stumbles upon a tawny egg, and it hatches into a beloved Meowth kit, the class structure is threatened - and the powers that be don’t have kind plans for the boy’s family.
Meowth are said to be good luck. When a Meowth crosses someone’s path, they often pet it or offer it some food as thanks. But the Meowth with jet-black fur is reviled as a bad omen, and people throw trash at it to keep it away. Indeed, the people that encounter it do fall upon bad luck, but that’s probably because the black Meowth holds a grudge against those who abuse it, and sabotages them at any opportunity.
A heat wave has forced Beartic populations out of the northern ice floes, and some have migrated south in search of easier prey. A plane has crashed on a tropical island, and the surviving passengers - each with their own secrets - have put out a distress signal. But when the Beartic arrive, menacing the survivors, they grow confused and frantic, desperate for rescue.
A business tycoon takes pride in his menagerie of dangerous, untrained Pokemon. He particularly enjoys his Beartic, keeping it in a small, barely chilled enclosure. As a party trick, he has the beast cool his drink his its icy breath. But one day, the beaten-down Pokemon decides it’s had enough, and it freezes the tycoon’s hand solid before breaking out. The belligerent Pokemon must be subdued, but whether or not to return it to the tycoon is up to the captors.
An intrepid mountaineer lost his hand in the lair of a vicious Beartic, and has sworn revenge. He needs a team of trainers to join him on his quest, returning to the icy caverns. Vengeance is not his only goal, however. While the miniature ice pick he affixed to his wrist works wonders, he still hopes that his hand is still in the cave, suspended in ice.
If a Spiritomb can tempt a living being towards true evil, one of the 108 spirits may be set free, replaced by the newly corrupted soul. A boy with controlling parents feels he has no influence on his own life until he stumbles over a bizarre stone in the woods behind his house. The stone whispers to him, promising him power and inspiring him to perform vile acts. The Spiritomb’s ultimate goal is to manipulate his anger towards his parents, causing him to do the unthinkable. If it succeeds, the boy will be lost forever.
When a hundred sadistic spirits share a tiny rock, it isn’t a given that they’ll all get along. One Spiritomb’s collective cannot agree on anything, turning even the simplest decisions into internal, eldritch combat. When it catches some travelers in a nefarious trap, the Pokemon’s fuming indecision might be just the opportunity necessary for a daring escape.
One Spiritomb has chosen an unusual path: atonement. Each of the 108 spirits composing the ghostly form intends to repent on its sins, and thereby earn its freedom. But to do this, it must move past each of the temptations that lead to its myriad misdeeds. With help at key intervals, it may be able to ascend from its keystone, and become an entirely new being.
A kindly old couple raises Bayleef on their small farm, carefully breeding them and lavishly caring for them. Once they’re fully grown, the pair gently trims their leaf pods, producing world-renowned tea leaves. But their star flavor, a recently evolved Bayleef, has run away, and they need someone to bring it home. Turns out that, while most of their Pokemon don’t mind the harvesting process, this one finds it quite uncomfortable and refuses to return.
A Bayleef thought itself the guardian of the woods, protecting smaller Pokemon from danger and stymieing attempts at deforestation. But while her defensive skills were impeccable, she had no ability to fight back. Soon, the forest was reduced to lumber, and its population had emigrated. Now, the Bayleef wanders with its close friend, a Pichu who was among the last to leave. Both harbor a deep resentment of humans.
The townsfolk talk of the Rafflesia Bayleef, a local Pokemon whose personal stench is so awful that it’s always followed by a retinue of flies. The townsfolk take pains to avoid it, but not only because of the odor. They believe that the Bayleef is as much dead as it is alive, and that the corpse-like stench belies dark intentions. The poor creature might be being shunned for something superficial, beyond its control; or, the townsfolk could be right.
Some people’s curiosity cannot be sated. A man has spent years searching for the Marowak Graveyard, and he think’s he’s found the place. However, getting there involves traveling through some particularly treacherous wastes. The man is looking to hire a retinue of trainers to protect the expedition, but little do they know that the Graveyard is stocked with the bones of those that find it.
Marowak overcome their grief for their mothers when they evolve, but for one, it’s only replaced by a new anxiety. Now fully grown, she realizes that she wears her mortality on her head. At the same stage of life as her mother was when she died, she becomes paralyzed with fear, unable to fight or take any risks. If she is to move forward, she must come to terms with death.
A Marowak’s club is its livelihood, and this particular one is looking for an upgrade. After a Pokemon owned by one of the players catches its eye, it begins stalking the party, waiting for the time to strike and earn a new femur. Even when the party learns they’re being followed, the Marowak’s behavior looks like infatuation as much as anything else - until it’s too late.
Emergency Berries
The police have started a secret program where officers are given an injection of Jaboca-juice before entering dangerous situations, like riot control. The hope is that the berry’s recoil effect will help keep the officers safe and any attackers at bay. But after repeated injections, the effect no longer fades - and no longer can tell the difference between an ‘attack’ and simple physical contact. Now, these officers are unable to touch their loved ones, for fear of hurting them!
Emergency Berries
A wealthy gambler has built his team of battling Pokemon around the use of Starf Berries. He revels in not knowing which stat they’ll empower, the rush of every victory being an amazing comeback, and the intellectual challenge of being forced to devise new strategies to match the fickle Berry’s whim. His unorthodox methods are incredibly successful, too, as he bests all comers at one-on-one matches. Despite his winning record, more challengers come to face him every day, hoping to win an extravagant payout from the free-wheeling Trainer.
Emergency Berries
The Custap Berry has a curious property: When used, it makes the Pokemon go before its opponent… no matter how fast that opponent may be. Physicists are intent on probing the limits of this effect, in the hope of developing new methods of travel. One older researcher, considered a crank by his colleagues, thinks they may be able to break the light-speed barrier this way, if only they could find a fast enough Pokemon to go even faster than.
The Mountain King’s carriage is always carried by a team of Bastiodon, with the land’s best archers peeking over the top of the Pokemon’s heads. But word is passing from tavern to tavern that a would-be usurper is on the move, a bastard brother with a monstrous Golurk. The Bastiodon would be powerless against the creature, so the king is looking for a more advanced security detail.
An eccentric millionaire has commissioned the assembly of a new, Battle-Frontier-esque challenge: Pokemon Chess. The project is almost complete, but the man wants a retinue of Bastiodon to serve as the game’s rooks, and won’t take “They’re extinct” for an answer. Enterprising adventurers could make a pretty penny if they were able to procure the long-lost beasts, and they’d get an exclusive first try at the challenge.
A master of martial arts will not let his students graduate from his tutelage without a harrowing test: going head-to-head with a powerful Bastiodon. If the students have followed his teachings carefully, their strikes will tear the beast apart. But if their form is any less than perfect, their attacks will bounce off its steely hide.
Miners fear three things above all else: natural gas leaks, structural collapse, and Sableye. A gem mine deep in the mountain went silent one day. Normally, when Sableye attack, they maul the gem piles and allow the miners to get away, so long as the men don’t try to fight. But when a note appears at base camp, written by one of the lost foremen, it’s clear this is no normal attack. The note says that the Sableye won’t release the miners until all the company’s stockpiled gems are handed over.
A crime boss is offering a sizeable bounty for the capture of an employee who turned on him. The women was a well-known thief, specializing in Ghost Pokemon, who had pulled of incredible heists in the past. She’d disappeared after successfully stealing a priceless gem from a high-tech vault, and the boss thinks that she fenced it to a higher bidder. As it turns out, her Sableye popped the gem into its gullet mid-heist, and she’s trying to lay low until the heat - and the shame - fades away.
If removed from its body, a Sableye’s gems dissolve into a wicked curse upon the poacher some days after they’re pried out. That doesn’t stop the uninformed - or desperate - from trying it every now and then. Each Sableye’s curse is different, and when a small band of down-on-their-luck ruffians fell under the spell, they began to transform. Crusty, clouded gems slowly burst through their skin, and their darkening bodies became more and more ethereal. Now, they’re half-human abominations, and their hunger - for gems or meat - can never be sated.
The quickest way through the jungle is certainly down the steadily flowing river. It’s also the safest, with one vital exception. Where the blue-striped river Basculin meet the red-striped Basculin of a lake in the heart of the wilderness, the river teems with blood and teeth, and any craft traveling through the area is bound to be shredded in the fray.
The hearty meat of a Basculin is a delicacy, as only the bravest fisherman dare hunt them. A Pokemon rights group has gathered on the steel fishing docks to protest the industry, crowding out any fisherman looking to make a fortune. However, the gathering of fresh meat on the docks drives the Basculin into a frenzy, and they collapse the entrance to the dock. It’s only a matter of time before the rest is bashed down, and the activists become dinner.
Basculin don’t have great eyesight. All it really takes is the combination of red and green - or blue and green - to set them off. A clever Kecleon has taken to flashing those colors near the river, which drives the fish so insane that they leap up onto the bank and beach themselves. A couple of hours later, the Kecleon has a seafood banquet. But while the Kecleon feasts, the village fisherman starve.
A trainer has forged an incredible bond with his Ponyta, his only Pokemon. They ride everywhere together. But one day, the trainer leaps onto the Ponyta’s back and finds it searing. As the trainer recovers from his wounds, someone needs to root out the cause of the mistrust and aggression. As it turns out, the two had defeated a wild and rather vindictive Gothorita, who has since been visiting at night to warp the Ponyta’s mind.
The Sun Gods, a fearsome band of mercenaries who streak across the battlefield with Ponyta-drawn chariots, are all that keeps the kingdom safe from the imperial forces. But when faced with dire odds, such sellswords are known to take both side’s contracts and go the way the river is flowing. In order to keep the kingdom safe, a small group must infiltrate the mercenaries, and stop them from turning traitor by any means necessary.
Ponyta’s fiery mane usually appears an hour after birth - an amazing sight to behold. But not for this Ponyta. Now fully grown, its back and tail have never erupted into its trademark inferno. No one has been able to ascertain what physiological or psychological problems are holding the Pokemon back, or if, perhaps, the energy is being routed to some other, more unusual development.
Type-Suppressing Berries
A Chikorita has fallen in love with a Nidoran, and it’s a match made in heaven. But the Nidoran’s poisonous points prevent the two from being close! The Chikorita has ventured forth to find some Poison-reducing Kebia Berries, searching far and wide to find the panacea that will let the Grass-type be with its beloved.
Type-Suppressing Berries
A Breeder is experimenting with Chilan berries, feeding two Normal-type Pokemon a thick paste made from the berries and having them breed. He’s trying to make a truly “Typeless” Pokemon, but other, more reputable experts say that that’s simply impossible - that all Pokemon must have at least one Type, inherited or not. Now, the Eggs in question are beginning to hatch, and each side of the debate hopes that the newborn Pokemon will be the ultimate proof of their side of the argument.
Type-Suppressing Berries
Long ago, a wealthy child was hurt by a powerful Dark-type Pokemon. He must now bathe in the juice of the Colbur Berry every day, or suffer horrendous pain and nightmares as he sleeps. He’ll pay dearly to keep his supply topped up - and if someone were to enact vengeance on the Pokemon that did this to him, he might consider it a personal favor.
A foolish caravan decided to take a shortcut, and ended up stuck in the Silt Swamp. The muddy expanse is murderously difficult to move about in, and the merchants either need to be rescued or abandon their wares. But the loss of profit may be the least of their worries. The Swamp is teeming with Barboach, their whiskers poking up out of the mud as they wait for prey. Normally, they don’t have a taste for humans, but they’ll eat anything that comes by if they’re hungry enough.
An individual who prefers to remain anonymous, for reasons he prefers to leave ambiguous, is looking for a large quantity of slippery Barboach slime. Anyone looking to fulfill the oddly lucrative order will either have to brave an unseemly underground market, or go mucking about in search of wild specimens.
Some towns keep a Barboach tank as a proverbial Pidgey in a coal mine. As long as the fish is kept healthy and happy, it’ll show wild activity in the minutes before an earthquake, giving the townsfolk time to prepare. But when the town Barboach goes missing, the citizens panic, sure that an earthquake-based attack is being planned by some terrorist cell. Turns out it was just a hungry Persian that snuck in, but until some clever sleuths can prove that to the town, they’ll be on lockdown.
The championship belt of the town’s annual kickboxing tournament has been awarded, year after year, to a boy and his Breloom. The other competitors aren’t happy. They insist that the Pokemon is cheating, or at least has an unfair advantage, as none of their Pokemon can land a punch without suffering the effects of its toxic spores. If someone can take the champion down this year - by any means necessary - they’d become very, very popular.
An aristocrat’s chef seeks the spores from the tail of the elusive Breloom to make an exquisite tea for his employer. He’d reward anyone who can retrieve them most handsomely. However, the job quickly becomes anything but simple. The spores are, of course, incredibly poisonous. The chef seeks to assassinate his employer and pin the blame on his supplier - that is, the players.
A wandering Breloom once had a home. A magnificent rotted out log the size of a small city, bustling with Shroomish. He was lord over it, until the Durants invaded. They conquered the log, making it the site of their new hive, and drove the Shroomish out. Now, the Breloom, a lost warrior, searches for the strength - or the allies - to reclaim his ancestral home.
A jittery artist has recently produced a portfolio of paintings in an abstract, archaic style. His work has been well-received, but the painter has no stomach for publicity, and always sneaks out of art shows with his Baltoy. The man looks more haunted each day, and his family is worried about his health. In the darkness of his private studio, he and his Baltoy join in a trance-like state and paint each night. Not even he is aware that, pieced together, the paintings form a map.
An eccentric aristocrat has purchased a clay quarry, a collection of ancient tomes, and the services of a journeyman psychic. He hoped to rediscover the forgotten rites that created the first Baltoy, and perhaps, update the beings to more powerful, modern golems. Judging by the locals’ reports of autonomously churning clay, their experiments progressed rapidly. But when the final products overrun the quarry, it doesn’t seem like the creations are soundly made. For one, normal Baltoy don’t have such gruesome appetites.
Baltoy have begun following a local boy, much to the chagrin of his protective parents. A wandering mystic once told the family that the boy was a man of supernatural power and wisdom in a distant past life, but they scoffed at such superstition. But when a Baltoy sneaks by the parents’ guard and the boy’s eyes glow the same color as its clay stripes, it looks like there’s something to the mystic’s claim - and some dangerous individuals have taken interest.
The desert sun addles the mind. Parched travelers, yearning for salvation, often mistake wild Flygon for more innocuous things. The rapid beating of its wings can sound like the singing of a beautiful woman, and more than once, a wanderer has rejoiced to see a plane flying overhead and ran straight towards a Flygon diving in for the kill.
Some say that Flygon are the only ones who know what’s buried under the sandy wastes. Whether they’re searching for lost civilizations or treasures long forgotten, many have come to seek guidance from the Dragons of the Dunes, only to have their bones lost in the sands as well. One odd stranger seeks protection as he seeks out his ancestral home. However, he doesn’t tell his would-be guards that he intends to sacrifice them to the Flygon in exchange for ancient knowledge.
An elite band of trainers called the Desert Dragoons have a varied reputation. Some call them mercenaries, some say bandits, while others insist on ‘free spirits.’ All agree, however, that the skill with which they ride their Flygon makes them an unparalleled aerial strike force. A nearby town has run afoul of a family of Garchomp, and the Desert Dragoons are the only ones who can fight them off - but in order to gain their respect, someone must join their ranks, and undergo a gauntlet of vicious tests.
Flavorful Berries
A traveling salesman is selling Wepear Berries to a crowd of people at a fair, extolling their virtues as all-purpose, all-natural supplements. When asked about their benefits, he smoothly extols a number of unscientific virtues, each sounding more amazing, and being more impossible to prove, than the last. But when more and more people start coming forward and sharing their own stories, the skeptical onlookers have to ask: is this just a skilled huckster, or is there something to these claims?
Flavorful Berries
A little girl’s Noctowl, seen by the local wild Pokemon enjoying bitter-tasting Nanab Berries, has become their unofficial sage. The wild Pokemon seek out his advice on all manner of things, confident that his steady diet of Bitter foods has made him incredibly Smart. There’s a subtle difference between wisdom and intelligence, though; the former must come from experience, which the Noctowl greatly lacks. By following his poorly-thought-out advice, the wild Pokemon have gotten themselves, and the local town, into all kinds of scrapes and problems!
Flavorful Berries
When the Mareep in a farmer’s flock turn up dead, their red-stained wool obviously chewed on, the local Sheriff suspects a simple wild Pokemon attack. When the attacks grow more numerous and hunters have no luck tracking the beast down, though, the farmer pushes for a full investigation, hoping for some clue that will help them catch the marauding monster. Lab analysis of the bite-marks show that the poor Pokemon were stained not just with blood, but the juice of a Razz Berry, carefully sprinkled on the Pokemon before they were bitten into.
An isolated island nation enjoys total peace. There’s no crime, no aggression, there aren’t any Pokemon battles, and even arguments and sports matches are remarkably subdued. The idyllic calm hides a deep-seated terror. A family of Gyarados lives beneath the waves, and even the slightest show of violence might spark a disastrous rampage.
A fringe scientist has developed a theory that humanity, being all lumpy and weak, is analogous to an unevolved Pokemon like Magikarp. By studying Gyarados and its evolutionary properties, he hopes to unlock the next stage in human development. However, his experiments have earned him the scorn of his peers, as he pushes his body to its limits and ingests unstable mutagens. Now, he has unlocked a new form in himself - a powerful, pseudo-serpentine creature, filled with more rage than humanity.
A seaside community has a remarkably small population, despite being well-established and having bounteous natural resources. They have their ceremonial rite of passage to blame; no one can enter adulthood without subduing and riding a wild Gyarados. In order to be treated as anything more than a child in their society, outsiders must pass through the harrowing test as well.
In their unfortunate attempts at flight, Bagon lose swaths of brain cells, hitting their heads on the hard ground. But one Bagon was more cautious, and far more clever. Using feathers, twigs, and globs of tree sap, it’s fashioned a little glider for itself. It doesn’t look like much, but at the very least, it gets it down from cliffs safely. That is, until a storm comes through and whisks the inventive Dragon far from its home.
When a Bagon encounters a wall, two things happen. First, it gets frustrated that it can’t fly over the wall. Second, it vents its anger by using its unbreakable skull to bash through the wall. This is usually inconvenient, but when a Bagon slams through the wall of a prison, repairs are the least of their worries.
After a brood of Bagon hatches nearby, the cliffs overhanging the town have become a hazard. The newborn Pokemon are constantly flinging themselves headfirst off the cliff, landing on houses, cars, and unlucky pedestrians. Putting a fence on top of the cliffs was completely ineffectual; the Bagon must be stopped.
When a revered mob boss passes away, he releases his collection of powerful Pokemon into the wild as thanks for the service they’ve done him. But when assassination attempts against his snot-nosed heir consistently, and disastrously, go awry, it becomes clear that the family Gardevoir never truly left. Under his rule, the mob’s suite of crimes have become more aggressive, and the police want to bring him down - but as long as the Gardevoir is there, there’s no chance.
On the outskirts of town, a Gardevoir has turned her protective instincts towards more societal woes, and has become the matron of an orphanage. The children love her, and all seem to be growing up healthy and happy. Some citizens, however, are deeply disturbed by the idea of a Pokemon raising people, and accuse her of performing psychic experiments on the young minds. And indeed, a number of them have started to develop telepathic tendencies.
In the desolate wastes, far away from civilization, a Gardevoir began to experiment with the limits of her supernatural powers. She was overjoyed when she found that she could create a small black hole; she was horrified when she couldn’t control her own creation. She’s managed to stymie its growth, but if she can’t find help soon, it will destroy her first, and then the world.
For Azurill, their tail balls are a source of food, filled with the nutrients the nascent Pokemon needs. For some others, they are a savory delicacy. A wealthy aristocrat is throwing a feast in honor of his son’s wedding, and will pay handsomely for such fare. Whether the players will try to stop the poaching, or take advantage of the opportunity, is up to them.
At the end of every Marill breeding season, both the parents and the newly hatched Azurill celebrate with a panoply of bubbles. But the collapse of an old, dilapidated dam threatens to interrupt their reverie. If the torrent of water and debris charges through the waterbed, the newborns will all be swept away - and, as they can only float along with the current, they may be lost forever.
Azurill’s tails are light enough to let them float in the water, but every so often, an Azurill is born with a tail so light it floats in the air. These unlucky souls fly higher and higher, hungrily hanging about in the clouds until a thunderstorm arrives. The stress of the tumultuous weather inevitably forces them to evolve, at which point they plummet back to earth. If they weren’t so bouncy, it would be a grisly sight; as it is, it’s only coined the phrase, “It’s raining Marills out there.”
Stat-Reducing Berries
A thoroughbred Ponyta is secretly being fed Speed-reducing Tamato Berries, while ne’er-do-wells bet heavily against it at the racetrack. When it comes time for the racers and their mounts to take a routine drug test, however, the villains must secure the samples and swap them out before they’re analyzed!
Stat-Reducing Berries
A huge, battle-scarred Onix has been roaming the countryside, far from its natural habitat. Its great size and incredible strength mean that the local wild Pokemon are greatly afraid of it, and its incredible battle prowess makes local Trainers want to battle, or even capture, the serpentine beast. Unbeknownst to all, the Onix has come down from the mountains to peacefully seek out Kelpsy Berries - it has killed too many Pokemon for its conscience to rest easily, and wishes to weaken itself so that it can never kill anyone again.
Stat-Reducing Berries
A scientist is working on a formula that will remove the effects of a Stat-Reducing Berry, and he needs a large quantity of sample Berries to test against. He’s found an order of reclusive monks that tend gardens of these Berries, but the monks are unwilling to give him any - for they say that the Berries’ body-weakening effect, on themselves and their Pokemon, brings them closer to cosmic truth and further from earthly suffering. Finding a “cure” for the effect would be a great affront to their beliefs… but a great triumph for science.
A mountaineer has come to depend upon his Charmander when he braves the highest peaks. The little Pokemon offers warmth, protection, and companionship, and the pair are close friends. But when an avalanche separates the two and traps the mountaineer, the Charmander has to both find its master - and find help - before it’s too late.
An isolated, island population of Charmander has uniquely adapted to its wet environment. The Charmander are actually born in the water, swimming through the hot springs as tadpoles. When they mature, they step out of the water, and their tail finally ignites. However, they never lose their affinity for the wetlands, and in fact absorb Water attacks through their porous skin.
When an old man went to clean out his fireplace, he was shocked to find a Charmander napping among the cinders. While some might consider this a gift, the old man has no knack for training, and can’t keep the beast in his wooden house. But whenever he tries to oust the Pokemon, he’s met with playful - and hazardous - gouts of flame. If someone could remove the Charmander without burning the house down, the man would be very grateful.
Normally, Azumarill interact peacefully with the other wildlife, but a family of Bibarel have pushed them too far. Their dams have clogged up the river, making the rapid waters they used to play in sluggish, and brown with silt. The conflict has erupted, enveloping the whole ecosystem. Quagsire, for example, appreciate the muddier, shallow water, while the Sudowoodo are lamenting the fallen trees they used to blend in with. Anyone seeking to travel through the area is bound to get caught up in the battle.
The floppy ears of an Azumarill pick up vibrations throughout the entire river in which it swims. Finding that various villainous organizations will pay premium for such powerful Pokemon, a group of poachers have developed a simple, yet effective strategy for nabbing Azumarill en masse. They simply throw a kid or an injured Pokemon into the water, and when it begins to drown, the Azumarill rush right into the poacher’s nets.
Normally, Azumarill live alone or in small groups, but in the winter they often band into makeshift tribes. They complement each other in the harsher months; the more muscular ones breaking through the thick ice, and the ones with thicker fat can brave even the worst blizzards to search for food. But when the population becomes more and more buff in response to an influx of aggressive Primeape, the lack of rounder Azumarill puts the winter tribe in danger.
The untimely loss of the town’s Ghost-type Gym Leader could not have been more tragic. He was a pillar of the community, striving at every turn to bridge the gap between people and Pokemon. The mourning is interrupted by an unsettling sight: a vast array of Litwick, Lampent and Chandelure have surrounded the town, and show no signs of leaving. Some think that the town is doomed without the Gym Leader’s protection, but in fact, the Pokemon have arrived to hold a vigil for the man who offered them such respect and aid.
A horrible artifact has been uncovered. It’s an orb that oozes viscous, red liquid when its not being touched - but that’s when the worst of its evil is revealed. A tantalizing voice tempts the holder to do unspeakable things, chipping away at the bearer’s humanity. A sage posits that the only way to destroy it is to burn away the dark soul inside, which can only be done with the fires of a Chandelure.
A Bodysnatcher has been sowing the seeds of chaos in the local government, hopping from body to body in search of personal gain. Her plot is revealed when one of her marks is found dead, with no marks on his body. Apparently it’s much easier to steal a body if the soul is burned out of it.
A town has fallen into total stasis. When the players arrive, they see the entire population lying on the ground and wasting away. Some are asleep, but others have their eyes open, lazily staring. The only exception are two children, a boy and a girl, who run about and play, trying to avoid any outsiders. The girl had made a pact with an Azelf, and has traded the willpower of the entire town for the return of her dead brother.
A government official has dreams of a collective nation, truly united under one flag. He sees willpower as the only impediment to this dream, and to this end, he seeks to harness the power of Azelf. Stopping him is the only way to prevent his Orwellian fantasy. However, if his plan is incomplete, but Azelf is harmed, the spirit may take vengeance into its own hands.
Some believe that true enlightenment can only be obtained with the blessings of Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf. Azelf’s blessing is by far the most hazardous to obtain, as the Pokemon’s attitude to such seekers ranges from puckish to malevolent. After obtaining deep understanding and inner wholeness from Mesprit and Uxie, one ascetic is looking for those who might protect her as she seeks the final blessing.
Restorative Berries
A Beedrill has eaten too many Pecha Berries, and has lost its Poison-Typing as a result. It very much wants to reclaim it, and will, in time - if it lays off the Pecha Berries. To do this, it’s gone cold turkey… with some disastrous or hilarious adventures ensuing.
Restorative Berries
A mega-corporation, famous for manufacturing healing items for PokeMarts, is harvesting too many Oran Berries from a local nature reserve. This is slowly destroying the gathering and breeding grounds of local wild Pokemon - but given the new, low prices of Potion products at the local Pokemart, who can afford to raise a fuss?
Restorative Berries
Outside a Gym that uses myriad Status Effects - Burn, Poison, Confuse, you name it - a sharp salesman has started selling status-restoring Berries. His prices are exorbitant, though! And when the Gym Leader unveils the newest Ice-type member of his team, the salesman’s price for Aspear Berries shoots up 300%. Is he merely taking advantage of an opportunity, or, as some defeated Trainers whisper, is he colluding with the Gym Leader to manipulate supply and demand?
Some say that Primeape can only calm down if they’re alone, but one has found an unusual path to tranquility. After being blinded by a Beedrill, the Primeape found himself unable to make eye contact, and his tireless rage was dulled. Seeking to deepen this inner peace, the Primeape has sought out the company of Medicham, as he could no longer relate to his spleenful brethren. Now, he serves as a sensei to them, instructing them in a more brutal style of combat.
A haggard man has wandered into town. His nose is twisted and purple, clearly broken a while ago. He stops long enough to purchase some food and water, wary and jumpy the whole time, before setting off again. If pressed, he’ll admit that he’s been running from a Primeape for a month now, and the Pokemon is showing no signs of letting up. He has to stay on the move, or he’ll be beaten into paste.
A driven - and rather cruel - trainer hoped to make the most of his newly acquired Primeape. By chaining it up, administering liberal amounts of Rage Powder, and subjecting the Pokemon to all kinds of torments, the trainer hoped to unlock the most powerful manifestation of anger - Outrage. The torturous training was successful, but to the trainer’s chagrin, the move easily broke the Primeape’s bindings. Now, the beast is free, terrorizing the countryside.
A local Axew is a hungry combatant, seeking to prove its worth whenever violence is remotely possible - even if this means terrorizing school playgrounds. The populace has gotten fed up with it, and wants it removed. One schoolchild has a tip for anyone seeking to take it down: it seems to have an irrational fear of cute Pokemon like Marill and Jigglypuff.
While most Axew crave battle, some can get used to more docile lifestyles. One, kept in a zoo, has grown happily complacent and a bit chubby. But the tusks of an Axew are always growing - usually kept in check by regular combat - and this Axew’s tusks have grown to an uncomfortable length. The zookeeper is looking for trainers that will give the Axew a decent fight, but its hefty tusks and pent-up violence ensure that it will be a formidable foe, even if it is a bit out of practice.
A paleontologist is planning a foray into the nearby swamps, but the trip is not to be undertaken lightly. Along with the usual array of hazardous flora and fauna, the swamps are famous for a unique population of Axew. They’re just as violence-prone as others of their species, but the swamp-dweller’s tusks are dripping with venom, and they quite enjoy spitting stinging poison at travellers. If the expedition is a success, however, protectors will be offered a share of the fossilized bounty.
In a distant city, there’s a yearly celebration known as the Rolling of the Electrodes. During the festivities, a stampede of Electrodes is released, furiously charging down the slanted streets. The most macho and/or foolhardy of the populace jump into the streets in front of them, and many are flattened, fried, or worse, detonated.
After trouncing the Water gym, a trainer’s Electrode has found itself unable to explode. Something must have gummed up the works, as each time it tries to detonate, all that’s released is a cloud of foul-smelling steam. The performance issues are damaging the Electrode’s self-esteem, but that’s the least of the trainer’s worries; Electrodes naturally release their electric energy through explosions, and if the Pokemon becomes too built-up, there’s no telling what will happen.
It’s a time-honored, ruthless martial strategy to bombard enemies with Electrodes and Voltorbs, cheaply providing obscene amounts of destruction. The strategy isn’t without its counters - in the past, some have used moves like Mud Bomb to shoot them out of the air. Others have used teams of Gligar to aerially intercept the barrage, and some Capture Specialists have even been known to prevent a detonation with a well-aimed Pokeball. But none of these options are available to the rebel base in their time of need - it’s up to the players to provide them, or come up with a new mode of defense.
An Audino of the forest, having recently learned Attract, has become incredibly vain. It used to treat the ailments of wild Pokemon without a second thought, but now it will only share its healing powers in return for shiny baubles and other decorative objects. This has resulted in a rash of thefts in nearby settlements, as crippled and diseased Pokemon try to swipe jewelry and textiles to appease the Audino.
Healing power runs through the veins of Audino. Drinking the lifeblood of an Audino is seen as a horrifying act, but it does grant renewed youth and preternaturally long life. A wealthy lord has a team of poachers under his employ who provide him with a constant supply of Audino blood. Only his inner circle of confidants know that he’s been alive for 200 years. For everyone else, it just looks like a long line of fathers and sons bearing great resemblance.
One Audino’s exceptional sense of hearing has picked up something disastrous. She’s tried desperately to warn the people of the surrounding settlements, but everyone simply attempts to catch the extremely rare Pokemon. Before long, the calamity will soon be upon them: millions of Nincada have awakened from hibernation, and are digging upwards, soon to devour everything.
An expedition has been made to the treacherous mountaintops, searching for an ancient temple that has long been buried in ice. But the weather took a turn for the worse, slowing the ascent and threatening the team with frostbite and starvation. When gigantic wings of brilliant, crystallized ice begin circling the encampment, the local sherpas scatter, rushing down the mountain to almost certain death. The team has signalled back for emergency aid, but with the blizzard redoubling, no conventional rescue operation stands a chance.
Snowstorms in the middle of summer signal that something is amiss. A brilliant blue bird has emerged from its icy caverns, destroying crops and endangering homes in its frigid wake. Ice Pokemon begin wandering the snow-clogged streets of town. Can this sudden, tempestuous winter be undone, or will humanity have to adapt?
A plague has struck a small town, threatening crippling death tolls. It has only a single symptom - blistering fever - and refuses to respond to modern medicine. The town elder, sweating on her sickbed, speaks of a possible cure: the blessing of Articuno, in the form of a magnificent blue feather.
Mantine don’t normally fly great distances. They’re much better adapted to the water. But during particularly nasty winters, it’s possible to see schools of them flying over the plains from the northern seas to balmier waters. But when the school is caught in a thunderstorm, with no safe place to land, the entire population is at risk.
In more hazardous biomes, Mantine can’t afford to just carry one Remoraid. They shelter whole schools of them under their wings. The little fish demand a great deal of food, but they pay their host back with their tremendous combined firepower, warding off even the most fearsome predators.
The evolution of a Mantine’s Remoraid is often an awkward affair. One newly-minted Octillery simply abandoned its former host without so much as a backwards glance, making it abundantly clear that it was only fond of the Mantine’s food. The Mantine, who had considered the fish its closest friend, has beached itself. If it can’t be convinced to return to the ocean, it will soon pass away.
The starship picked up some pests on the last landing. Aron have infested the ship, gnawing away at the hull and key electrical systems. The loss of any functionality could leave the players dead in the water, but if an Aron chews through the hull, it’s all over.
When trapped in caves lacking in iron, Aron will learn to make do with other ores. Their hides will never be as hard as their pure-steel companions, but other varieties may grant their own benefits. Aluminum Arons are much faster, silver and gold specimens slough off special attacks (and may have different weaknesses), and rare uranium Arons have a hazardous aura. Some, trapped in pockets of igneous rock, even learn to live off obsidian, becoming immune to fire.
The Geodudes and Machops of the mountain have developed a crude sport, using an Aron as the ball. The little Pokemon doesn’t mind, as its steel hide is impervious to the roughness of the game. If the Pokemon can be bested in their own sport, they may let intruders pass through their territory peacefully.
A number of art historians have become taken with the theory that a number of the world’s most famous paintings were done by Smeargles. They base these on a number of stylistic commonalities that seem inherent to the species, as well as chemical analyses of the paint. Their attention has been turned to a rather wealthy contemporary artist’s work. The man will pay dearly for anyone willing to help him refute these accusations of fraud, but as the players look into the case, it becomes very clear that a Smeargle is the true artist - and an abused one, at that. But the man’s paycheck is quite appealing.
In the wild, Smeargles rely on the variety of tail colors in their pack to produce fantastic, collaborative murals. When a Smeargle is caught, it finds itself unable to function in isolation. Despite the best efforts of its trainer, it’s wracked by depression, unable to paint even when an array of artificial paints is provided. Perhaps working in a group again would get it back on its feet.
In the rancid slums of this industrial city, a small gang of Smeargles roams the streets. Their tails secrete a poisonous black oil, which they liberally apply to the walls of the city. A few of them have picked up some Fire-type moves, which are greatly boosted by their flammable tails. Their devil-may-care attitude gets them into a number of scrapes, and the city wants them eliminated by any means necessary.
A very still Armaldo has been blocking off a nearby route, as no one dares approach a monster this strong. But the threat is not so great. A trainer’s Armaldo molted on the route, leaving behind its old carapace - and, notably, an egg. It’s now hatched, but the newborn Anorith is stuck in the carapace’s neck, and looks like its mother’s head.
Deep in their ancestral memory, Seaking remember all the young that they’ve lost to Anorith and Armaldo. When an unsuspecting Petrologist rides their Armaldo across a lake, he quickly attracts the attention of a whole school of Seaking - and they are not forgiving.
Exceptional Armaldo possess the singular ability to strike so fast with their retractable claws that they are able to create highly pressurized cavitation bubbles. These powerful strikes are reminiscent of Aura Spheres, and any Armaldo possessing this ability will be able to rally others of its kind around it - often with the intent of violently expanding its territory.
Dunsparce are remarkably competent diggers, but this one yearns to fly. Its stubby wings are pitifully unsuitable for the task, but that doesn’t impede its steely resolve. The steadfast Pokemon has taken to burrowing to the top of ledges, and after a rolling start, leaping into the sky. After spending a week or so nursing its injuries, it tries again. One of these instances results in the hapless Dunsparce landing right on one of the player’s heads.
A farmer’s crop has been ravaged by a mysterious Pokemon. Whenever the poor man tries to hunt down the creature with his Herdier, all they find are wide, burrowed holes and chewed up plants. He’s enlisted the player’s help, though the man’s desire for revenge is uncomfortably bloodthirsty. The Dunsparce hasn’t shown up recently, though; it’s grown so fat that it has trouble fitting through the holes its tail drill makes. If the players can coax it out, its ability will be Thick Fat, and its burrow speed will be halved.
There exists an elite group of intellectuals known as the Dunsparce Club. Their meetings are kept strictly silent, and they spend their time poring over obscure tomes while their Dunsparce slither about happily. Few know that the organization exists, and even fewer are accepted into its eccentric ranks. Almost no one knows that this small group of intellectuals holds informal, but tremendous power over the world’s governments and large corporations, as the elite have come to rely on their remarkable expertise. Whether they have their own agenda is known only to them.
A busy restaurant had a Snorlax in its basement, which it used as an incredibly efficient trash compactor. However, when the restaurant fell on hard times and foreclosed, the forgotten Snorlax slept right through it. It awakened, still stuck in the basement and incredibly hungry. As it was starved down to a (slightly) slimmer figure, it broke free, and hell hath no fury like a starving Snorlax.
All that food doesn’t simply disappear. The local farmers have become dependent on a wild Snorlax for fertilizer, making sure it gets all of their leftover hay and slop. But when a careless trainer comes by and scares it off with some sort of flute, the farmers’ crops quickly begin to deteriorate. If someone doesn’t return the Snorlax to its rightful home, the community might fall apart - or worse, starve.
From the deepest sleep comes the most complex dreams, and there are no deeper sleepers than a satiated Snorlax. Normally, these magnificent dreamscapes stay within the Snorlax’s head. But when a Snorlax develops psychic powers, its surreal dreamscape manifests all over the countryside, pulling the surroundings into its mind. Unsurprisingly, food is a major theme.
The labyrinthine Nurse Forest is known for its gargantuan fallen trees, in which many Pokemon reside and from which other plants spring forth. It’s easy to get lost in the winding halls of mossy wood, but the local Ariados have developed a system. They leave a taut silk string in their path that always guides them back to their web. If a lost traveler were to trip over the string, it would surely stick to their clothes, and the Ariados wouldn’t be happy to find the traveler instead of their home.
Ariados silk is preternaturally strong. An artisan in town brags that if he had enough of it, he could make a tunic that could ward off any blow. Harvesting a sufficient quantity would be no mean feat, but the sticky garments just might be worth the effort.
Deep in the ground, the Ariados Brood Mother resides, lording over the welfare of the species. As she advances in age, her servants are preparing for one last, momentous spawn. Ariados have been raiding the nearby towns, packaging up helpless citizens in silk cocoons and bringing them back to the feast. In order to save them, the heroes will have to delve deep into the lair, and even face the Brood Mother herself.
A fair maiden has run afoul of a dangerous brute. A Lilligant of the woods is on the run from a thuggish Heracross, who will stop at nothing to suck her dry of her sweet, sweet sap. Anyone who can save her from the cad will surely earn her favor.
A Heracross, particularly fond of wrestling, has named himself King of a rather unassuming hill. He’s lived there for years, accepting any challenger who hikes up the trail - even if they have no idea that they’re a challenger. Some say he’s accumulated a fair bit of wealth from all the folk he’s hurled off the hill, and that if anyone manages to displace him, the wealth is theirs.
In a particularly vicious fight, an unfortunate Heracross’s horn was snapped right off. It wandered for years, its spirit just as shattered. At long last, it came across a Zoruark warlock, with whom it made a solemn pact. Now, the horn has grown back - sickled and grizzled - and its eyes bear a vicious emptiness.
The local museum has an extensive prehistoric wing, exhibiting a number of inert fossils - ones which have no remnants of life to revive. The prize of the collection is an almost entirely complete Archeops skeleton. One foggy night, a Haunter passes through in search of mischief, and finds the skeleton. Possessing the old bones, the grim beast skulks the night, looking for those who might join it in death.
Long ago, a pack of ravenous Archeops was hit hard by a cold snap. For eons, they remained there in what is now the northern tundra, frozen solid. But all it took was a wandering Magmar to awaken them once again. Their bellies now full of fire, they look for more prey that might sate their ancient hunger.
A plane has crashed on an unknown island, filled with uncanny beasts. They’ve managed to send out a distress signal, but they report that the survivors of the crash are being picked off by an opportunistic pack of brightly colored hunters. If someone doesn’t intervene, and fast, there will be no survivors to speak of.
A woman has reported that she’s being followed by a fearsome Poochyena. It hasn’t attacked her yet - and in fact, it never intends to. The woman is a shameless litterer, and the omnivorous Pokemon has come to see her not only as a source of food, but as a friend. If someone tries to stop the Poochyena from following her, it will attack - not out of rage, but out of loyalty.
The town mortician has an unsettling secret. Instead of wasting time and money on cremations, he’s made a habit of giving bereaved families urns full of wood ash and sand. As for the bodies, his trio of Poochyena pups have to eat somehow…
An orphaned Poochyena was taken in by a pack of Houndour, who treated it as one of their own. The little pup doesn’t understand that it’s not the same species as its adopted family, and has become terribly worried that it can’t breathe fire. It even made a little skull-cap for itself that keeps falling off. The growing anxiety manifests as aggression, and it’s started to pull its pack into all sorts of unnecessary fights.
A girl’s Archen has been defeated so entirely - and so often - that it has completely lost the will to fight, thinking itself entirely useless. If her dreams of becoming a Gym Leader are to be fulfilled, someone will have to help her boost the little bird’s morale.
A pack of tiny, violent reptiles have been terrorizing the surrounding area, leaping onto anything that moves and shredding them to bits. The locals are as stumped as they are horrified, as they don’t look like any Pokemon known to man. Turns out, a poacher has been reviving Archen for their valuable feathers. Once they’re plucked, he simply releases the agitated Pokemon into the wild.
Most Archen have a crippling fear of defeat, and all the pain and disappointment that comes with it. However, this Archen couldn’t care less. It’s something of a Truant, only bothering to fight when there isn’t anything better to do. However, this might be a deep-seated defense mechanism; if it never really tries to win, then a loss can’t harm its fragile ego.
An ancient temple in the middle of the desert has become a battleground. Treasure hunters and archaeologists have sworn off the place, as the native Sigilyph and Claydol populations - both under an ancient oath to protect the place - have come to see each other as intruders. Unless one side is brought low, or a peace can be brokered, there’s no way to traverse the ruins safely.
Some say that Sigilyph are the atrophied remains of primeval deities, somberly wandering the halls where they once were worshiped. If someone were to figure out how to give them proper veneration, the sort of sacrifice they were given in ages past, they might reveal long-forgotten secrets, or grant wondrous boons.
Each of Arceus’ elemental plates has a solemn guardian: a watchful Sigilyph whose type matches the plate. They represent a dire threat to anyone who might wish to gather the artifacts, but they can also be a clue to treasure seekers. If a Sigilyph is seen manipulating uncanny elemental forces, there’s no doubt that a plate is nearby.
Every thousand years, Arceus appears at the Spear Pillar. It’s said that those who present it with the elemental plates will transform it into an avatar, bringing forth a new age based on the types gathered. Bringing him the Fire, Dark, and Poison plates, for example, will create an avatar of destruction and usher in an age of tyranny and famine. Water and Grass might create an avatar of rejuvenation, and an age of nature reclaiming civilization. Gathering all 16 plates will usher in a golden age of prosperity and enlightenment.
A terrorist organization has created their magnum opus, a gigantic steel robot of destruction built to look like Arceus. When they unleash it, devastation quickly ensues, and many assume that this is the world’s final hour. However, the mechanical monstrosity may be the least of the world’s problems, as Arceus does not take kindly to being imitated.
A magnificent egg has been found. It’s no larger than a normal Pokemon egg, but it’s incredibly heavy, and seems to warp the light around it. Professor Rowan has put forth the contentious hypothesis that the egg has been laid by Arceus, and that the entire universe hatched from a similar egg long ago. As the egg begins to move and slowly crack, people being to wonder what sort of universe might emerge from it - and what will happen to the current reality if it does hatch…
When their prey is too big to be swallowed whole, Arbok are content to drain them of blood. Those Arbok who reside near volcanoes diet almost exclusively on Fire-type blood, and soon enough, magma runs through their veins as well. The patterns on their hoods glow with heat, and they become even more relentless predators.
A wild Arbok has been lording over the woodland population. Using its hypnotic, frightening hood, it has convinced its fellow Pokemon to offer it a “protection fee:” the first egg that each pair lays in each breeding season. The Arbok has grown fat on the spoils of its racketeering, and if someone were to put a stop to it, the Pokemon who have lived in fear for so long would be incredibly grateful.
When an Arbok swallows their prey whole, indigestible objects sometimes remain in their stomach indefinitely. One Arbok is widely feared and reviled for the huge number of trainers that it has defeated and swallowed, and there are always new challengers that seek it out, only to become its next meal. The hunters are egged on by the rumor that the Arbok’s belly is crowded with the indigestible Pokeballs of dead trainers, each containing latent, powerful Pokemon.
The Farfetch’d have put up with the relentless poaching long enough. No longer content to end their lives as roasts and paté, a small band of Farfetch’d have taken up their leeks with intent to wage war. Their last-ditch effort has no chance of success, and if someone doesn’t stop them, the endangered species will force themselves into extinction.
The select Farfetch’d that guard Shaymin’s isle are rewarded with a rare gift. Their leeks are replaced with onion staves, pulsing with primal life, allowing the Farfetch’d to manipulate the forces of nature (becoming Flying/Grass). Armed with ancient power, they will not suffer trespassers to live.
When a Farfetch’d sees his friends and family killed off for their delicious meat, one by one, he begins to wonder what all the fuss is about. The emotional trauma pushes him over the brink, and he starts hunting his fellow Farfetch’d, brutally devouring their flesh. In order to preserve the dwindling population, he must be stopped. However, he must be taken alive, as killing an endangered Pokemon is a serious offense - even a cannibalistic one.
Ampharos communicate through flashing lights. One, separated from its flock, has been wandering in isolation for years. It yearns for contact with its kind, and when it comes upon a gleaming metropolis, it convinces itself that the bright lights are the flock that it’s searched for all these years. When it approaches, and finds that the lights are only cars and streetlights, the poor Pokemon snaps, flying into a violent rage.
An inventor is on the brink of discovering a new form of generator. To finish the project, he needs one last reagent: the highly conductive wool of an Ampharos. The problem is, he doesn’t have the foggiest notion of how to find one. And even then, convincing the Pokemon to part with its wool is a whole ‘nother matter.
The fortress has been holding fast against the siege for weeks now. Last night, a trainer’s Ampharos was caught sneaking out to the battlements and flashing its light, conveying some sort of code. Both the trainer and the Pokemon are now under arrest for treason, but the truth is that the Ampharos was communicating with its wild brethren, hoping to gather reinforcements.
Recent research has revealed that a mainstay of Anorith’s diet was the eggs of ancient populations of Goldeen. By looking at areas where modern Goldeen are common, it might be possible to find concentrated troves of Anorith fossils. An expedition has been planned for a lake teeming with Goldeen, but they need trainers to aid the expedition, as the residents will no doubt take issue with invasive digging in the lakebed.
An Anorith is the prize of a wealthy Pokemaniac’s collection. However, the Pokemon has always been restless and wistful, never showing its owner any affection, to the man’s deep chagrin. One day, it breaks loose, trekking deep into the watery caves where its fossil was found. The ancient Pokemon is looking for its mate, who hasn’t been alive for millions of years.
An expert in fossil revivification has taken to tinkering with the Pokemon’s genetic makeup before reviving them. He’s made minor modifications to the Anorith genome, elongating their wings and allowing them to truly fly. The experiment is a success, but a few break free, and the airborne predators are terrorizing the local ecosystem.
After a trainer’s Doduo was hit by a powerful Dark-type attack, the two heads started bickering and pecking at each other. Furthermore, the Doduo finds itself unable to run, as its left and right side no longer move synchronously. It would seem that the attack severed the two heads’ empathic link - could there be a way to reforge the vital bond?
Some prankster at the racetrack has taken to tying the Doduo’s necks in knots, which is profoundly uncomfortable for the Pokemon and difficult to undo. A night-time reconnaissance reveals that the culprits are a Plusle and Minun, who don’t lay a finger on the Doduo, instead taking advantage of the birds’ minimal brainpower. They each attract the attention of a head, and then run around and leap over the Doduo until it twists its own necks into knots. Though it looks like a uproariously good time, the rodents do have to be stopped.
The empathic connection between a Doduo’s two heads extends to other Doduos, albeit weakly. However, this ensures that if one Doduo is panicked, the whole flock is. When a scampering Rattata spooks just one member of the flock, the stampede is tremendous. They must be stopped before they overrun the small, nearby village.
Like most fungus, Amoonguss feeds off the dead. Plant matter, Pokemon matter - it doesn’t matter. As long as it’s decaying, it’ll sit on it, absorbing nutrients. After feeding off a Kadabra whose time had come, the Amoonguss began to hear voices, and notice objects floating out of the corner of its eye. The elderly Kadabra’s mind had been absorbed along with the nutrients, and now it lives on in the Amoonguss. It harbors no ill will, but the dualistic Pokemon needs to learn how to manage its crowded body, as well as its chaotic psychic impulses.
After a night of camping in the jungle, the players reach for their Pokeballs in the morning, only to find that they’ve been replaced by a gang of Amoonguss! Dealing with the belligerent mushrooms is the first priority, but after that, they’ll need to figure out where on earth their Pokeballs went.
While most Amoonguss are content to pose as Pokeballs, the residents of the Fleshswamp have a more gruesome way of attracting prey. When a person or a Pokemon approaches them, they drive them insane with Rage Powder. The enraged wanderer then ineffectually beats on the Amoonguss until it collapses, exhausted, and is finished off by the sluggish fungus. One of the player’s allies has gotten lost in the swamp, and the players must rescue them - without becoming a bloated, slowly consumed meal themselves.
The lumber industry uses a wide variety of Pokemon as laborers, and Scyther are foremost among them. They zip from tree to tree and hack them down in the blink of an eye, clearing swaths of forest in no time. But when the lumber industry pushed into the habitat of wild Scyther, their mantid workers refused to continue. When the foremen insisted, the Scyther rebelled, and now the humans in charge are in terrible danger.
In the Kyton Shogunate, warriors seek martial transcendence by fighting alongside their Pokemon. Pinsir and their trainers head the infantry, while the Scyther masters - along with the Shogun’s Scizor - form the elite shock troops. Their martial ideal demands warfare, and unless a diplomatic miracle is achieved, the nearby Nuro Shogunate, a pacifistic nation of psychics, will be overrun.
Scyther are vicious carnivores, even more deadly in swarms. Near Goldenrod, five manage to escape the boundaries of the Bug-Catching Contest, and are making a beeline for the plentiful, defenseless prey being looked after by the Day Care Couple.
The rule of law is weak around these parts, but the bounty hunter Ichabod Flint and his trusty Arcanine mean to change that. Riding across the plains at breckneck speeds, the Arcanine ruthlessly tracks the scent of outlaws, bringing many a ne’er-do-well to justice. But when the Arcanine charges into town alone, howling loudly before it collapses, the townsfolk fear that ol’ Flint has bit off more than he can chew.
The royal palace is lavishly decorated with scores of life-size stone Arcanine, who are said to protect the royal family and ward of evil. The legends are more literal than most expect; each heir to the throne is taught the sacred words that can awaken the Fire/Rock gargoyles, to be used only in a time of dire need.
Wild Arcanine are few and far between, and it’s a good thing, too. A Poochyena might be content to mark its territory with urine, but an Arcanine establishes its sovereignty with a mighty forest fire, laying claim to the entire charred landscape.
A Lucario has become a grim vigilante, murdering those with the blackest of auras. Sometimes his victims are horrifying criminals who have managed to evade the law, but often they’re seemingly innocent people with vile wishes and intentions. It always leaves its calling card: a white feather left over the victim’s heart, stained with blood.
An ancient tomb, full of untold riches, has remained undisturbed for hundreds of years. This is partly due to its winding halls, the harrowing traps, and the native, vengeful Cofagrigus. But the true terror is the watchful Lucario, walking the halls for eternity, sworn to protect its ancient master.
A Lucario runs a monastery, deep in the mountains, for Pokemon and people alike. Those who study there emerge as unparalleled masters of philosophy, martial arts, and aura use. Most of those who seek it are turned away, however; the Lucario only lets those with the purest and most vibrant auras past its ancient gates.
A Banette wanders the streets of this small village, crying out for its ‘mommy’ with a child’s voice. The villagers have taken to shutting their doors and windows at night; if the Banette finds someone who isn’t its ‘mommy,’ they’re never seen again. Years ago, there were twin boys. One died, and the other was given a doll as consolation. The boy named it after his dead twin, and treated like his brother. Now, abandoned, the doll thinks that it is the dead twin, and it yearns for its family.
A woman was attacked in her house by a Banette, and in desperation, she unzipped its mouth. Dark energies spilled out of the doll, and the woman burned the husk, thinking that would be the end. But such powers do not simply dissipate. Now, every object in the house bears some fraction of the Banette’s power and will, and it longs for a host that can unite it once again.
A master craftsman longed for children, but he was miserable and loveless. He made a clockwork doll out of the finest materials, promising himself that if he ever had a child, it would be a magnificent gift. But as the years rolled by, the man lost hope that he would find love. He begged and prayed, every night, that the clockwork doll would spring to life and be his son. The wrong powers heard him, however, and a Steel/Ghost Banette was born.
An unsettling clown has been giving the children free balloons, handing them to carnival goers without a word. Each child has proceeded to disappear when their parents aren’t looking, lead away by the subtle tugs of the Drifloons. If the party manages to track the clown down to the abandoned House of Mirrors, they’ll find themselves in a life-or-death struggle, enacting one of the horror genre’s oldest tropes.
A Drifloon has been following a member of the party, only appearing when a specific Pokemon is out. The Drifloon, as it so happens, was formed from the spirit of the Pokemon’s mother, and she has chosen to watch over it after death. However, not all of the Drifloon’s actions are benevolent, as the mother was not the only spirit involved in forming the ghost.
Like a balloon filled with air instead of helium, this particular Drifloon can’t fly. It awkwardly bounces and rolls from place to place, often swept away by passing breezes. If someone could figure out a way to help it float again, it would be very, very grateful.
The traveling circus touts an Ambipom as its main act, a fantastic creature capable of juggling scores of objects at a time. One performance, it suddenly drops all of its balls, becoming a total klutz. Has something spooked the circus’ ringleader, or does it have a reason for refusing to perform?
Ambipoms are generally genial creatures. This one is no exception, but disquieting events seem to follow it. At first it’s just a few items going missing, bruises showing up on its allies’ Pokemon, etc. But when someone is almost strangled to death, it becomes apparent that one of the tails has a sinister mind of its own.
The heist of the century has been pulled off flawlessly, an agile Ambipom taking the world’s largest and most ornate diamond from a highly guarded museum. The police assume it has a trainer, and are hoping that someone will try to fence it. As the weeks drag on, they have no luck. It turns out that the ambitious Ambipom is a free agent, storing the diamond among its hoard of ill-gotten goods.
A baby Zangoose shows up at the players’ campsite, furiously sobbing. A pair of Seviper have ambushed his parents, and devoured the rest of his litter, forcing him to beg the humans for help. If they can avenge the underhanded assault, they’ll gain a staunch ally.
A ship bearing hunters lands on an unexplored planet, on the look out for exotic prey. They take on more than they bargained for when a pack of Zangoose begin shredding through the ship’s hull, shrugging off the hunters’ chemical weapons. Now, the survivors are hiding out in the crannies of the ship, hoping someone finds their distress beacon before they become prey.
When the local Ekans population explodes, threatening herbivores and small children, biologists hope that introducing Zangoose into the population will balance things out. However, they soon find themselves out of the frying pan and into the fire. The Ekans are now all but gone, and the belligerent Zangoose run unchecked.
Altaria’s dulcet Soprano voice is the stuff of legends, and the Slateport Concert Hall’s trio attracts crowds the world over. One night, right before a performance, the Altaria’s voices entirely disappear, and even the best throat lozenges and herbal remedies are powerless to aid them. The solution lies in a Mismagius, who has taken the voices as part of a dark bargain.
The idyllic appearance of Altaria can be deceptive. To their prey, they are fearsome hunters, indistinguishable from clouds until they unveil their sharp talons and searing-hot breath. When a drought makes smaller prey scarce, a few of these stealthy predators expand their diet to include humans.
Some folk tales feature Altaria as a gentle psychopomp, taking the souls of the dead - and daring travelers of legend - into the afterlife. In a small, secluded village, a man suffers an untimely death, and these tales are the son’s only comfort. In a moment of both luck and desperation, he manages to grapple onto a wild Altaria, flying to who knows where. When the players track the Altaria back to its nest, there’s no sign of the boy ever being there. Has the boy truly crossed over - one way or another?
Anyone can see why four arms are better than two. But when an imbalanced researcher’s grisly experiments start to produce Machamp with six, eight, even ten arms, someone needs to step in and teach him the dangers of playing Arceus. That is, if they can get past the researcher’s brolic abominations.
No matter how you feel about them, the Labor Pits drive the empire’s economy. They’ll pay top dollar for Machamp, who, though small in number, are the backbone of the workforce. When the abuse of their Lashers becomes too much, the Machamp rebel, and threaten to topple the city. Will the players fight back, preserving the smoothly running society, or help the Machamp, ushering in a revolution?
Entire buildings have been disappearing on the outskirts of town, mostly summer homes and sections of old factories. This remains a shocking mystery until someone witnesses a Machamp uprooting a house from the ground - foundation and all - and bearing it off. Where on earth is it taking all these buildings, and for what purpose?
Legends speak of a fountain of immortality, an island lake where Alomomola swim freely. The water will supposedly cure any ailment, and grant everlasting life to anyone who drinks from the pool. When an ally of the players falls ill, it becomes increasingly evident that this pool is the only remedy - if the players can find it.
With the pollution of the oceans reaching an all-time high, Alomomola populations are dwindling. Circe, a reclusive practitioner of the dark arts, has taken notice. Vile, twisted Alomomola of Circe’s design are popping up all over, terrorizing seaside communities. Their myriad healing abilities are reversed, sapping health and inflicting status effects instead. But after they sink an oil barge, spilling tons and tons of oil, Circe realizes that they’re only making matters worse - but at this point, they’re beyond her control.
In the wild, wounds are not so easily ignored. The Pokemon who live by the lake have grown strong, as the Alomomola are generous, healing all who suffer in their training. When a trainer catches the native Alomomola, the surrounding Pokemon grow restless, and expand their territory, threatening the nearby towns.
Sandslash packs roam unchallenged in the desert. They trap their prey with Sand Tomb before shredding them to bits, a tactic that even much larger foes are helpless against. Caravans spare no expense to protect themselves as they journey across the dunes, and will gladly hire freelance trainers if they can proves their skill.
The spines on the back of a Sandslash are constantly shed, immediately replaced by new ones. They maintain their edge, however, and make surprisingly effective makeshift knives. When a spine becomes a murder weapon, finding the culprit should be as easy as finding the Sandslash - but as it so happens, it was traded to one of the players not long ago.
Sandslash can innately sense danger, rolling up into impenetrable spiny balls until they know they’re safe. As soon as the cruise sets sail, Jacob’s Sandslash curls up and refuses to emerge. Most passengers dismiss it as an understandable fear of water, but Jacob suspects that there’s more to it than that.
The mind of an Alakazam is the perfect encryption engine. Simply feed the Zam data, and it’ll respond with stacks of impenetrable code that only it can decipher. These days, all of the most sensitive of government, scientific, and corporate documents are encoded by elite Alakazams. There is one flaw, however; when one of the Psychic ciphers is kidnapped, all that code becomes nothing but nonsense, just when the information is needed most.
Some say that Alakazams gave humankind sentience, uplifting us from lesser beings. Whatever motives they may have had are entirely unknown. When psychic powers erupt in select individuals throughout the world, some say the second stage of the Uplift has begun. However, reports of grisly husks, unremarkable people found dead for no discernible reason, make this prospect decidedly more grim.
Though they are anything but simple, some Alakazams desire a simple life. One pair has traded their spoons for scissors, and become barbers, specializing in ornately groomed facial hair. Most of their customers wear their mustaches proudly, but a few are reluctant to speak about the barbershop. When pressed, they admit to seeing their mustaches move on their own accord, even communicating with each other - “Wriggling about with a mind of its own.”
A key archaeological site has been discovered, which may disclose long-awaited answers about the ancient civilization that constructed the Ruins of Alph and the Spear Pillar. However, the archaeologists aren’t the only ones digging; a Larvitar, burrowing underneath, threatens to reduce the entire site to craggy droppings if it isn’t stopped. When the players attempt to investigate, a gnawed-out sinkhole drops them deep in the ruins. They must contend with the ancient defenses and recently awakened Pokemon if they are to escape, let alone catch the pesky Larvitar.
One young Larvitar, by some fluke, hatched far from its usual mountain habitat and ended up living by a river deep in the forest. Constantly forced to flee from Water- and Grass-types, the poor Pokemon has developed a deeply skittish disposition, with zero confidence in its abilities. If caught, it will be frustratingly difficult to train, but the rewards will be tremendous.
Not all Larvitars tend towards darkness. One young specimen shows uncanny potential, levitating rocks - and sometimes foes - with its mind. However, its trainer’s careless and cruel style promises to quash this potential and it revert to a more vicious, cookie-cutter nature. And a psychic mind is an especially terrible thing to waste.
One morning, the players wake up to find that all of their elemental stones have been stolen! The indigenous Aipom are in a territorial struggle with invasive populations of Pansage, Panpour and Pansear, and stole the stones before the Pans could try to do the same. If the Pans were to evolve, the Aipom would certainly lose their home.
In dystopian Neo-Castelia City, Aipom are the only way the resistance movement has stayed alive. Their combination of intelligence, agility, being small enough to fit in the city’s endless system of vents, and opposable digits makes them stellar thieves and saboteurs. It’s a closely guarded secret that they make even better assassins.
An Aipom without a tail is a sorry sight. No one has asked Morrigan the Mystic how her Aipom lost his, and she’ll probably never tell. Her enemies learn one piece of the puzzle, however: in battle, Fighting-type attacks shoot right through the Aipom, and his tail reappears as a ghostly claw, ready to drag his foes to the grave.
The village elders have always relied on the Xatu of the Mountain, a sagacious Pokemon that readily offers prophecy and advice. However, when the youth in the village start disappearing, the Xatu suddenly falls silent. Does it refuse to speak for the good of the village, or is some dark power stopping its tongue?
A group of Xatu have formed a literary society, dictating their essays and short stories to like-minded humans, and publishing their works in a monthly journal. The society gains the respect of a number of critics, and the anthologies sell quite well. However, a radical paramilitary group has redoubled its anti-government efforts, claiming that the Xatu have embedded codes in their writings that foretell disastrous political schemes and hint at the government’s weak points. Are the radicals dragging the Xatu’s reputation through the dirt, or are these codes the only way they can speak out against an increasingly oppressive state?
When a comet appears, streaking across the night sky, normally placid Xatu all over the world (including any owned by the players) become absorbed in panic, ranting frenetically about “The Final Omen.” At the same time, odd artifacts from a previously unknown civilization begin washing up on shores and emerging from the earth. The nights grow longer with the approach of winter, and as the Xatu grow crazed, unable to sleep, they insist that the day will never return.
Aggron are fiercely territorial Pokemon, often claiming an entire mountain for its own. However, Haxorus are just as aggressive, and when the two clash over ownership of a mountain, the Aggron was sent away with its iron tail between its legs. On the hunt for a new home, the Aggron is laying waste to all in its path, and it seems to have its sights set on a nearby mountain town.
The siege of Saffron Keep has been going well for the defenders. None of the would-be conquerers can break the heavy stone walls, and any enemy that tries to fly over the walls is shot down by the Kadabra-guided ballistae. But the tide of battle shifts when the attackers bring an Aggron from foreign lands, a fearsome beast that promises to turn the walls to rubble, shattering all ballista bolts aimed at it.
A Coordinator’s Aggron has been begging its trainer for the opportunity to take part in beauty contests. It’s been carefully polishing its metal hide for months, desperately wanting to prove itself. However, when the day comes, it’s a disaster; the stage collapses under the steel Pokemon’s weight, bringing the ceiling down (which ruins all the careful polishing), and causing the audience to flee the hall. In abject shame, the Aggron has run off into the wild. At the very least, it should be easy to track.
Upbeat, cheerful rhythms stimulate Ludicolo, making them tenacious combatants. A DJ has created the ultimate beat, capable of inspiring Ludicolo to untold levels of power. However, the DJ has been kidnapped by a jealous enthusiast, who will not release the prisoner until he relinquishes his sick tunes. Should the villain succeed in obtaining the Alpha Funk, his dancing Ludicolo will become unstoppable.
A Ludicolo only needs two things: water in its dish, and a song in its heart. So long as it has both, it’s a joyous, peaceful creature. A distracted researcher has let a captive Ludicolo go far too long without either, and now it has escaped. Without water and music, it has gone violently insane, and the researcher is in grave danger.
A Kricketune and a few Ludicolo have formed a band, happily singing and dancing the nights away. One Ludicolo wants to join, but his peers consider him a horrifying abomination, and he’s ruthlessly shunned. The reason: he has a piss-poor sense of rhythm. Even his swimming is jerky and slow. There must be some way to teach the poor Pokemon to keep a beat, or at least show him that rhythm isn’t everything.
A barge transporting fossils - the prize of which is an almost complete Aerodactyl skeleton - has sunk, spilling its cargo into the deep sea. The recovery of the fossils has become a veritable free-for-all, with all sorts of divers and illicit submersibles trying to claim the hoard for their own. Will the players assist the fossils’ rightful owners, or be yet another faction of opportunists?
The Safari Warden has unveiled a radical new section of the Zone. Through fossil revivification and careful breeding, he’s created an area populated by Pokemon as they were millions of years ago, and Trainers from around the world are invited to safely explore the area. Safe, that is, as long as the barriers around the area hold. Through some fluke, one of the Aerodactyls was revived with Flying/Ground typing instead of Flying/Rock, and is undeterred by the electrical current running through its fencing.
Far in the wilderness lies a mountain range, untouched by civilization, where the last wild Aerodactyls roam free. They used to be content in their isolation, but when a group of explorers reached the mountain, they acquired a taste for human. Now, they’re expanding their territory towards nearby settlements.
Two factions of mercenary ninjas, the Accelgor Clan and the Ninjask Clan, are locked in a bloody rivalry. What used to be a simple competition for contracts has become an all-out war of subterfuge and assassination. Little do they know that the same person is at the head of both Clans, pitting them against each other to separate the wheat from the chaff.
A trainer and her Accelgor have been taking the Pokeathlon Dome by storm, taking home gold medal after gold medal. When the Pokemon is injured just before a big race, foul play is suspected, and there are a number people with possible motives - including the trainer herself!
A factory has started dumping its waste into a nearby swamp, already well known for its noxious gases. They figure it can’t get much more disgusting in there. However, workers have started disappearing, and the locals speak of two guardians of the murky marsh - the Spear and the Shadow, which are, of course, an Escavalier and Accelgor duo.
A Vespiquen has gone berserk, dishing out Attack Orders to forest residents like they’re going out of style. Turns out an enterprising Teddiursa is lodged in one of her honeycombs, and is happily slurping up all of her sweet, sweet honey.
A girl in town has befriended her first Pokemon, a little Teddiursa that gets the two into all kinds of rambunctious trouble. But when the mother Ursaring tracks her cub down, her father’s scolding quickly becomes the least of her worries.
A Teddiursa and a Lunatone have formed an uncanny friendship, the Teddiursa sitting on the other as they float through the caves. Their minds have empathically merged; Whenever the Lunatone buffs itself, its ally’s crescent glows red, and it receives the buff as well. What are they searching for in these endless caverns?
Absol horns are incredibly valuable on the black market, and are widely believed to ward off disaster. The maimed Absols, however, become fundamentally unbalanced, going on feral sprees of violence.
An Absol is seen on top of a cliff just before a ruinous plague arrives, trapping the players in the quarantined town. Many of the citizens are out for blood, believing that the plague will be lifted if the Absol is defeated. If the players can find another cause for the outbreak, then the Absol and the town will be saved - but as they struggle to find clues, they’re forced to face the possibility that maybe the Absol is the cause.
A band of opportunistic ne’er-do-wells have taken to tracking Absols, following them to disaster areas and robbing the vulnerable victims. They’re devilishly clever, and the police have had no luck apprehending them. Maybe if the Absol is lured with the possibility of some artificial disaster, a trap could be laid for the bandits.
A wandering monk, known as the Fist of the Missing Path, has trained his Abra in martial arts. It has become an uncannily effective combatant, teleporting right where it needs to be to deliver a decisive blow. If the player’s Pokemon can beat the Abra one-on-one, then the monk will happily tutor their Pokemon in his ancient art.
Abra need over 18 hours of sleep a day to keep their burgeoning psychic powers stable. When a noisy railroad is placed through their habitat, bizarre bursts of psychic energy cause unusual, frightening events on passing trains. When one of the speeding trains nearly derails, it’s unsure whether these sleep-deprived Abra are unable to contain their powers, or whether they’re trying to reclaim their lands by force.
A famous scientist has postulated that the teleportation energies of Abra may be harnessed in order to allow faster-than-light travel, finally opening up the possibility of space exploration. The necessary procedure would require thousands of Abra, however, for whom the process would be decidedly unpleasant - possibly lethal.
The eruption of a nearby volcano had an unexpected effect on the nearby town. Instead of being threatened by magma or clouds of ash, the town finds itself inundated by endless hail, making it impossible to go outside. It turns out the eruption let loose a menagerie of Slugma, Magmar, and other fire-types, who have forced the Snovers and Abomasnows of the mountain into the foothills surrounding the town.
Children have been disappearing in this little mountain hamlet, and frosty footprints left behind suggest that an ice-type monster took them. It turns out that the children, suffering in the brutal cold, are being forced to make ornaments for a particularly festive Abomasnow.
When the city’s water supply suddenly stops, maintenance teams are immediately dispatched to the city’s cavernous sewer system. Imagine their surprise when they find that it’s hailing inside the sewers, causing all the flowing water to freeze over! Someone needs to find out who’s turning the sewers into an icy hideout, and stop them, preferably before the city’s power station - which relies on water - shuts down.
There’s an ongoing fight between Pokemon on the road.
Pokemon are protecting something valuable.
Pokemon are agitated by an external source.