PTSD Flashcards
What is the NICE definition of PTSD?
Can develop after a single traumatic event, like a serious accident. Can also be caused by repeated or prolonged experiences like abuse, or living or working in a war zone. PTSD can happen to anyone, at any age. PTSD usually involves reliving the event through vivid memories or nightmares, feeling angry or ‘on edge’, having negative thoughts and feelings, problems thinking clearly and difficulty sleeping. These symptoms in the first few weeks after a trauma are common and most people who have early symptoms do not go on to develop PTSD. For those who develop PTSD, these symptoms do not drop off. But for an important few, PTSD becomes an ongoing problem that makes everyday life very difficult, both for them and for their family, friends or colleagues.
What is the history of PTSD?
Psychological distress in response to traumatic events was recognised by the ancient Greeks. More recently traumatic stress disorders were recognized in the First World War as ‘shell-shock’. This is where there was first documented literature.
How is PTSD categorised in the DSM 5?
It is quite a complex process to see whether someone meets the criteria for PTSD. There are 7 criteria.
What is Criterion A (DSM 5)?
Exposure to the trauma – an event that must include actual or threatened death, serious injury or sexual violation (threat to self or threat to life) resulting from one or more of the following scenarios:
- Directly experiencing the traumatic event.
- Witnessing the traumatic event in person.
- Experiencing the actual or threatened death of a close family member or friend that is either violent or accidental.
- Directly experiencing repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the event (e.g. those experienced by police officers or first responders).
What is Criterion B (DSM 5)?
Intrusion symptoms - recurrent memories and/or dreams (flashbacks and nightmares), re-living/re-experiencing which causes distress.
What is Criterion C (DSM 5)?
Avoidance symptoms - avoidance maintains psychological difficulties. Memories, thoughts, feelings. External reminders of the trauma, e.g. in an environment that was not linked to the event.
What is Criterion D (DSM 5)?
Negative alterations in cognition and mood - poor memory, self-concept, detachment, loss of positive emotions, lose sense of who they are in the world - dissociated from a place/themselves.
What is Criterion E (DSM 5)?
Alterations in arousal and reactivity - hyper vigilance (e.g. not allowing a knife in the house), poor concentration, irritability, sleep disturbances, exaggerated startle response (turned on physiological arousal for threat, its heightened).
What is Criterion F (DSM 5)?
Duration - persistence of symptoms (criteria B, C, D and E) for more than one month, as these symptoms are common for anyone that experiences a trauma for a few weeks.
What is Criterion G (DSM 5)?
Functional significance - what impact is this having on their lives/is it negatively impacting their lives? Significant symptom-related distress or functional impairment (e.g. in social and occupational domains).
What is Criterion H (DSM 5)?
Attribution - disturbance is not due to medication, illicit substances or other conditions.
What is clinical presentation of PTSD?
Things you may see when working with someone with PTSD:
Intrusive thoughts/memories, sleep problems (nightmares/insomnia), ‘body memories’ (physiological arousal/pain, distress of disorder can manifest into bodily pain), dissociative episodes (flashbacks, reliving, not just recalling), numb and detached, hyper-vigilant, mood changes (depressed, irritable, short-tempered), behavioural problems e.g. delinquency and offending behaviours, cognitive changes e.g. guilt and shame (even if trauma was no fault of their own), suicidality (risk of self-harm and suicide).
What are flashbacks?
Quite unique to trauma work. A flashback is a vivid experience in which you relive some aspects of a traumatic event or feel as if it is happening right now. This can sometimes be like watching a video of what happened, but flashbacks do not necessarily involve seeing images, or reliving events from start to finish. You might experience any of the following:
¥ seeing full or partial images of what happened
¥ noticing sounds, smells or tastes connected to the trauma
¥ feeling physical sensations, such as pain or pressure
¥ experiencing emotions that you felt during the trauma (emotional flashbacks).
There can be intrusive images without a flashback!
What is complex PTSD?
May occur when exposure to trauma has been prolonged, e.g. violence, neglect, abuse. May have additional needs when thinking about help, may have greater difficulty with emotional regulation. May have developed coping mechanisms that prolong the symptoms. People with complex PTSD can find it hard to manage emotions and may be more likely to dissociate when under stress. People with complex PTSD often find relationships difficult and feel guilt/shame. Overlap in presentation with BPD.
What is the epidemiology of PTSD?
Many people (70.4%) will experience at least 1 traumatic event in their lifetime. The majority of people who experience a traumatic event never recover naturally. Only a small percentage of people who have experienced a traumatic event will develop PTSD (Kessler et al. 2017). Study of 9282 adults showed lifetime prevalence of PTSD ranges from 6.1 - 9.2 percent in the US and Canada (Kessler et al. 2005). Study of 1698 adults in South East London put lifetime trauma rate of 78.2%. Prevalence (of current symptoms) of PTSD was 5.5% (Frissa et al. 2013).