PTL & IOL Flashcards
ch. 29 in Varney
The leading cause of neonatal mortality?
& neuro morbidity
When should someone be evaluated for PTB?
>\=6 cntxns per hour Painful ctxns Vaginal bleeding Leakage of fluid Pelvic pressure or back pain
Differential dx for PTB
Braxton Hicks
Round ligament pain
Lax vaginal time
What is fFN (fetal fibronectin) and when is it most useful?
fFN is an extracellular glycoprotein found in the amniochorionic membrane, serving as an adhesive for the decidua and membrane.
Present before 20 wks and after 37 wks, therefore if present between 24-34 wks, may indicate inflammatory process and possible PTL Poor PPV (if positive, unreliable) High negative predictive value—if negative, have a 1-2% chance of giving birth within 7-14 days.
When and how to collect fFN
What could cause false positives?
Confirm if h/o bleeding, recent intravaginal sex, or lubricants (as they can give false positives) ➡️ if all negative, collect swab in posterior fornix for 10 seconds & place in tube with buffer
(No need to collect if >3cm dilated or >/=80% effaced)
History collection for PTB
Confirm gestational age Review risk factors On 17h P? Any recent cervical lengths? ROS: fever, n/v, gu-UTIs, strenuous activity, trauma, sex, vaginal dc or bleeding?
Physical risk factors for PTB
Cervix that is <25 mm between 16-24 wks & 20-29 mm after 24wks
(You can discard fFN if >30mm)
Best drugs to use for PTL
Calcium channel blockers (nifedipine/procardia)
Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors (indomethacin/indocin)
What is the goal of Tocolysis?
Delay birth long enough to get corticosteroids on board—May discontinue tocolytics after steroids are given!
Name and give doses of corticosteroids
Between 24- 36/6wks
Betamethasone (Celestone) 12.5mg IM x2 24hrs apart
Dexamthasone (Decadron) 6mg IM x4, 12hrs apart
Can give rescue dose if 7-14 days since last dose
When should GBS prophylaxis be given?
GBS positive or unknown, in labor
Why and when do we give magnesium sulfate?
Neuroprotection (decreases CP)
Before 32 wks
What is ACOG’s recommendations for post term inductions?
Consider induction:41-41&6
Recommend induction: 42-42 &6
induction indicated >42&6
How many women with PPROM have chorioamnionitis, & how many have PP endometriosis?
15-20% for chorio
15-20% for endometriosis
Management for PPROM 23-36 & 6 wks
If no signs of infection, labor or fetal compromise, expectant mgmt:
Antibiotics -GBS prophylaxis
NO cervical checks (reduce chorio)
Mag sulfate if <32wks & contracting w/cervical change
What cervical ripening agent has the highest rate of success in 24 hrs but also most likely to have tachysystole?
Vaginal misoprostol (cytotoxic) 25mcg q3-6h, max dose: 200mcg
Cervical ripening agent least likely to have tachysystole?
Cervical foley balloon
Cervical ripening agent least likely to have c-section
Oral misoprostol (cytotec) 25-50mcg q3-6h
Dose for Dinoprostone (Prepidil)
0.5mg in 2.5mL syringe, endocervical gel—place for 6-12 hrs, can remove if necessary
Dosing for Dinoprostone (Cervidil)
10mg (0.3mg/hr) intravaginal q6hrs, max 3 doses
When can oxytocin be given after cervical ripening agents? (Varies)
4 h after last dose of cytotec via P.O. or I.vag
6-12 h after last dose of cervidil or Prepidil & must wait at least 30-60 mins after REMOVAL
What is the purpose of membrane sweeping? (It is NOT an induction agent)
Shorten the time interval to onset of labor
Ideal situation to AROM?
- favorable cervix
- 0 to +1 station
- no infection risk factors
- used concurrently with oxytocin (p. 1066)
Oxytocin has what effect on the kidneys?
Antidiuretic effect—hot why women get so edematous in labor!
Dosing for low dose pitocin
Increase 1-2mU/min q30-40 mins
Dosing for high dose pitocin.
6mU/min increasing 3-6mU/min q15-40mins
Side & adverse effects to pitocin
Tachysystole (more than 5ctxns in 10mins avg over 30 mins)
Pulmonary edema
EKG changes r/t myocardial ischemia
Down regulation of oxytocin receptors (which can lead to hemorrhage in third stage)
Uterine rupture
—> turn down or off (pit has a short half life)
How often do you have to assess a woman and fetus with pitocin drip?
Every 15 mins & 5 mins in 2nd stage
Interventions you can perform if fetal compromise
Decrease or turn off pitocin Turn to side 500cc LR Oxygen administration Terbutaline 0.25mg IM (to decrease contractions)
How do you correct down regulation of receptors?
Stop pitocin for 10-12h
Pros of nipple stimulation
If starting with a favorable cervix, in labor within 72h
Decrease PPH
No episodes for tachysystole or abnormal FHr changes
List herbal remedies for inducing labor & safety concerns
Castor oil 2oz/60mL mixed w/juice-generally considered safe
Black cohosh—unknown effects
Evening primrose and raspberry leaf—safe but not shown to be effective
Blue cohosh—unsafe, perinatal MI & stroke.
When is a cervical ripening agent indicated?
IOL with bishop score of 6 or lower