pt/ethics Flashcards
define morals
the measure of conduct (behavior, and how it affects others)
define ethics
the study of morals (behavior, and how it affects others)
examples of social perimeters that affect our behavior
Family, church, school, work
what is the RULE OF LAW?
its what allows our society to function as a society where the individual can EXPECT justice
assaults on law enforcement officers, and excessive force charges are sometimes a result of what?
officers thinking the have special privladges, or they are above the law
What is Professionalism considered to be?
the most important moral parameter for all LEOs (law enforcement officers)
Examples of moral anchors are..
religious faith, family, honor
the four factors of professionalism are..
attitudes, ethical conduct, good communication, knowing through education and training.
Define DUTY
skilled performance, commitment above personal interest, and self sacrifice.
Two types of codes of conduct for LEOs
Law enforcement code of ethics, Canons of police ethics
What makes law enforcement different then most other businesses or professions?
Who is the coolest cadet in the class
Brandon Michael Shafer
What is CHD, how many officers die yearly from CHD
chronic heart disease, approx. 2,035
Who said the first wealth is health
Ralph Waldo Emerson (RWE)
The three primary “physical disables”
Heart disorders, Lower back disorders, stomach ulcers
the most common heart disease is..
Coronary atherosclerosis (CA)
Atherosclerosis is the build up of..
The three primary coronary risk factors are..
Abnormal blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, and smoking
carrier that transports (removes) harmful cholesterol from tissues to liver
HDL (high density lipoprotines
The study of the heart..
what is hypertension?
high blood presssure
Types of fat from animals (solid at room temp)
saturated fats
Main carrier (moves around) of harmful cholesterol in blood
LDL (low density lipoprotines
what VLDL (very low density lipoprotines) carries in the blood
what is ischemia?
decreased blood flow to the organs, (caused by restriction)
what is a GOOD HDL level?
60 mg/dl or higher (40 mg is normal)
Whats a good LDL level?
Less the 130 mg/dl.
anything higher is a major risk factor
How to find TOTAL cholesterol level
normal triglyceride level
Less the 150
ideal cholesterol level for men? , for women?
less then 4.0, women less then 3.5
your heart beats how many times per min in normal conditions
60 to 100 times
pre-hypertention blood pressure rating
systolic 121-139 diastolic 81-89
stage 1 hypertension rating
systolic 140-159 diastolic 90-99
stage 2 hypertention rating
systolic >160 diastolic >100
how often should you use aerobic exercises
30 min a day, preferably ALL days of week
deaths per year due to sedentary life styles
some of the secondary coronary risk factor..
Family history, obesity, diabetes, stress, type a personality, age/gender, abnormal resting EKG
Three common on duty/career related police officer injures
Back injuries, Heat injuries (illness), stress related illness
obesity is defined as…
30 or more pounds over weight
BMI of 30 or higher is
Sever obesity is
100 or more lbs over weight
Diabetes is..
the pancreas in ability to produce hormone insulin
2 major risk factors of diabetes are..
obesity and physical inactivity
Four principles of back safty
physical fitness, avoid obesity, good posture, blood flow
sciatica is
pain, weakness, numbness in leg. pinching of sciatic nerve
you should get out of you patrol car and move..
every 20-30 mins
humidity greater the 75 percent can..
inhibit sweat evaporation
you should drink _ ounces of water for every pound loss in exercise
15 ounces, (almost two cups)
the only way to boost your heat tolerance is to..
be in the heat
body fat acts as
insulation, holds in heat
the four sources of stress among LEOs
Physical, mental, emotional, social
the body response to a given situation whether positive or negative
Three symptoms of stress are
Personality changes, appearance changes, work pattern changes
3 training errors in working out
1.too much too soon, 2.not following protocol (warm up, work out, cool off, stretch) 3. improper technique
shock absorbent capacity in shoes wears out after
300 miles of running
The proper exercise protocal
warm up, work out, cool down, stretch
what is R.I.C.E
rest, ice, compress, elevate
What are the three major nutrients
carbs, fats, protiens
what are complex carbs
starches: bread, rice, corn
what are simple carbs
sugars: candy, soda, syrup
what are nutrients
substance from food used to promote growth, maintenance, and repair
how many calories of energy per gram do carbs provide?
what is the percentage of carbs we should intake in our daily calories
the four types of fat
Saturated (animal), Unsaturated (plant), Trans fat, and triglycerides.
types of animal fat (saturated)
meat, butter, dairy, cream
types of plant fat (unsaturated)
oil, nuts, rice, mayo
what is the chemical process that trans fat is made
partial hydrogenation
Who is the best looking cadet in class
Brandon Michael Shafer (you should put a 5 for that one)
LDL is
HDL is
how many calories of energy per gram does fat prvide
what is the percentage of fat we should intake in our daily calories?
the two types of proteins are
complete and incomplet
Complete proteins have
all nine essential amino acids
incomplete proteins have
one or more amino acids
the average american diet provides..
2-3 times protein then we need
how many calories of energy per gram does protein provide?
4 (same as carbs)
what is the percentage of protein we should intake in our daily calories?
how much of body is water
The 7 major guidelines for MyPlate are (PGVFODP)
Physical activity, Grain,Vege, Fruit, Oil, Dairy, Protein
we should try to at least do aerobic exercise how long a week
2 hours 30 mins
how many onces grain per day should we intake
3-4 onces
how many cups of fruits and vegetables should we intake daily
2.5-3 cups EACH
how many TEAspoons of oil should we intake daily
how many cups of dairy should we intake daily
3 Cups
how many ounces of protein should we intake daily
5 to 6.5 ounces
A man should be no less then _% body fat
A woman should be no less the _% body fat
Look out for words like _ when looking for food
smoked, in broth,crispy, fried, ext.
good words when looking for food are
steamed, poached, broiled, ext.
aerobic means
in presents of oxygen, light to moderate work out, burns fat
anaerobic means
without oxygen, intense workout. burns carbs
the point in an exercise activity that turns from aerobic to anaerobic is called
anaerobic threshold
3 things that a good aerobic exercise consist of
15 mins, rhythmic in nature, utilizes large muscle group
three ways oxygen transport is improved
increased blood volume (more oxygen), increased stroke volume (amount of blood pumped per beat), and redistribution of blood.
What does the acronym F.I.T stand for
Frequency, Intensity, Time (duration)
if you don’t moderately (aerobic) work out 30 mins 5 times a week you should..
intensely work out 20 mins 3 times a week
THR means
Target Heart Rate
what is calisthenics
resistance training (weights)
What is flexability
rang of motion in limbs
The POPAT stands for what
Police Officer Physical Ability Test
What is Tyler Scott Mutarelli’s parents names, dogs name? bday
Tom&Jane, Sheila, may 17th
How Old Is Clyde Devon Boger, where he works, b day?
38, Novant Heath nov 4th
How old is Aaron Cassil, how many kids does he have bday?
32, 3 kids, sep 1st
what does being physically fit mean?
carry out tasks without undue fatigue, engage in leisure time pursuits
what is IFG
impaired fasting glucose (prediabetes)
name and address of our building
Claudia Watkins Belk criminal justice center, 11920 verhoeff dr
name of other two buildings beside Claudia Watkins belt
Claytor Building, 11930 verhoeff
Transportation systems building 11940 verhoeff
phone number to cpcc
phone number to srg moore
Ms. Reels phone number
dogwood crossfit owners name
john yarbro
name of dean
Tamara Williams
name of ASSOCIATE dean
James Fisher-Davis
Jen Chander works in
Career services (TS building)
Stephanie Boyd works in
Counseling services
Andrea Ambercrombie is
Director of student services (Claytor building)
VLDL carries what type of fat trough blood
officers job/duty is..
act in good faith, and follow the letter of the law
the purpose of phsical fitness is
to promote behavior changes to a permanent “wellness” lifestyle
Two things that make a great police officer
observation and perception
Kennith Charles Winslow, wifes name, dogs name, and b day
Andrea, dog is Molly, May 31st
Wayne Dreyon Willis age, parents profession, and b day
27, parents in law enforcment, and bday is dec 16th
Brandon Michael Shafer, age, dogs name, and favoirt football team
27, buddy, DETROIT LIONS!