Psychotherapies Flashcards
Thoughts, feelings and behavior are all connected, and that individuals can move toward overcoming difficulties and meeting their goals by identifying and changing unhelpful or inaccurate thinking, problematic behavior, and distressing emotional responses.
Cognitive Therapy by Beck
The therapist and client work as equals. The therapist must demystify therapy from the beginning to show the client that she is her own rescuer, and the expectations, roles, and responsibilities of both client and therapist must be explored and equally agreed upon. The therapist recognizes that with every symptom a client has, there is a strength.
Feminist Therapy
Therapist joins with family through mimesis then moves to tracking and maintenance, then evaluation (family map) then intervening through unbalancing, reframing, boundary making, enactment.
Structural Family Therapy by Minuchin
remember U in structure and MinUchin
Combines systems thinking with the view that mind is made up of relatively discrete sub-personalities each with its own viewpoint and qualities.
Internal Family Systems Model
Humans do not get emotionally disturbed by unfortunate circumstances, but by how they construct their views of these circumstances through their language, evaluative beliefs, meanings and philosophies about the world, themselves and others.
Rational Emotive Therapy by Ellis
Subsystems; boundaries; power hierarchy; enmeshed or disengaged; rigid family triads = stable coalition, unstable coalition / triangulation, detouring
Structural Family Therapy by Minuchin
(remember U in structure and MinUchin)
stable coalition = 1 parent excluded;
unstable / triangulation = tug of war with kid
Detouring = blaming kid for parental problems
Power; control; hierarchies; stages of initial session = social, problem, interactional, goal-setting, paradoxical directies
Strategic Family Therapy by Haley
Focuses on problem-solving and making better choices in order to achieve specific goals; focused on the here and now rather than the past.
Reality Therapy by Glasser
Concerned with the exploration of relationships between real and external people as well as internal images and the relations found in them.
Object Relations Therapy
No diagnosis; dominant discourse, unique outcomes, “sparkling moments” exteranlize, opening space questions
Narrative Therapy by White and Epston
A goal-directed collaborative approach to psychotherapeutic change that is conducted through direct observation of clients’ responses to a series of precisely constructed questions; focuses on addressing what clients want to achieve without exploring the history and provenance of problem(s).
Solution-focused Therapy
Restructure family by unbalancing / reorganizing / disrupting dysfunctional patterns, promoting behavior change rather than insight,
Structural Family Therapy by Minuchin
remember U in structure and MinUchin
Replace problematic stories with alternative stories that support more satisfying and preferred outcomes. Use of therapeutic letters, certificates, and ceremonies.
Narrative Therapy by White and Epston
Alter family rules and communication patterns that maintain problematic behavior, help family develop communication patterns that increase ability to adapt and change and increase awareness through circular questioning.
Strategic Family Therapy by Haley
Homeostatic rules; circular questioning; rituals; paradoxical interventions;
Systematic Family Therapy by Milan
Paradoxical interventions; double binds; prescribing the symptoms; symmetrical and complementary interactions
Communication Therapy by Bateson & Satir
Differentiation; emotional triangles; multigenerational transmission process; emotionally fused; genogram
Extended Family Systems by Bowen
The overall goal of the therapy is to establish a relationship between client and community in order not only to challenge the client’s unhealthy and unrealistic thoughts of the world, but also to challenge them to replace self-defeating behaviors for ones that will lead to a more positive and healthy lifestyle.
Adlerian Therapy
Alter the family rules and communication patterns that maintain bad behavior, help family develop communication patterns that increase ability to adapt and change. Increase awareness through circular questioning.
Systematic Family Therapy by Milan
Improve communication, confront double binds
Communication Therapy by Bateson & Satir
Increase family members differentiation, defuse emotions, alter triangulated relations.
Extended Family Systems by Bowen
Emphasizes personal responsibility, and focuses upon the individual’s experience in the present moment, the therapist–client relationship, the environmental and social contexts of a person’s life, and the self-regulating adjustments people make as a result of their overall situation.
Gestalt Therapy by Perls
Individuation, symbols, the personal unconscious, the collective unconscious, archetypes, complexes, the persona, the shadow, the anima and animus, and the self.
Analytical or Jungian Therapy