Psychosocial Issues in Aging Flashcards
What % of the population is >65 today, what will it increase to in the next 25 years
- today: 13%
- in 25 years: 20%
List 8 prevalent psychosocial issues in older adults
- dementia
- anxiety disorders
- Suicide
- Sleep problems
- Hypochondriasis
- Substance/alcohol abuse
- Depression
- Behavioral disorders
often accompanied by emotional disturbances, anxiety, paranoia, etc.
Anxiety disorders
- prevalence in geriatrics
- which type MC
- 6% older adults
- GAD usually (lots of life changes, retirement, etc.)
Suicide rate is highest in what population
older, white males
Substance dependence/alcohol abuse
- usually in form of rx medications
- 2-4% people >65
- 25% of Rx written for older adults in US
Often manifests as physical sx, easy to overlook
Behavioral disorders
- physical aggression, wandering, verbal outbursts
- can be from delirium, dementia, depression, or psychosis
List four psychological and social adjustments often have to be made
- Grief and loss
- “living losses”
- Other losses
- Work roll loss
What are living losses
- person is still here but everyone else has died
- lost place in community (retired, etc.)
What are examples of “other” losses
- loss of identity
- loss of lifestyle (have to diminish bc of income)
- loss of independence
Explain work role loss
- when loss work role, impact can be phenomenal if don’t have something to replace it
- important to prepare for the transition!!
Common feelings related to losses
- Sorrow, anger, loneliness, confusion, despair
- Society’s devaluation of older adults can be very devaluing…
- Feel like everyone views them as “stuck in the past”
Response to physical and functional changes
- can result in limitations that negatively affect quality of life and can contribute to increased health care costs (even if insured!)
- might have to chose between CT scan or new dentures
What is an important predictor of how someone will respond to physical and functional change?
a lot will depend on their personality, how they have reacted to stressors in the past