Psychophysical scaling Flashcards
Psychophysical scaling
refers to the process of quantifying mental
events. Distances in stimulus space are mapped onto distances in
psychological space.
Psychophysical functions
refer to mathematical relations between
physical and psychological scales
Psychophysical scaling
Weber’s law suggests that physical scales are not appropriate for
psychological experience
Fechner’s law: S = k log(I)
Psychophysical scale based on size estimations
(numbers/sizes attributed to experience)
Stevens’s law: S = k I^b
Scaling in general
Evolved from attempts to measure ‘non-observable’, abstract concepts
In many cases there is no physical variable, so these are ‘psychological’ instead of ‘psychophysical’ scales.
Why do we do scaling
hypothesis testing
Different types of scales related to different levels of measurement
Nominal: Label switching
Ordinal: Rank ordering matters
Interval: Difference matters
Ratio: Ratio matters and zero point
Usually scaling aims to arrive at interval or ratio scales
Empirical procedures do not gaurantee arrival at a certain scale that was intended
Scaling by discrimination methods
Rationale: “differences between sensations can be detected, but
their absolute magnitudes are less well apprehended” (Luce &
Krumhansl, 1988, p. 39).
Inferring sensation magnitudes from “proportion greater than“
Methods to come to psychological scales
Confusion scaleing: Pairwise comparisson Partition scaling: -Category -Equisection Magnitude scaling ( search for ratio scale) compairing series of light flashes to a reference flash
Fechnerian discrimination scales
Discriminatory ability increases as difference between psychological
magnitude increases.
Fechner himself relied on the JND to construct scales of sensation
magnitude (JNDs define pairs of stimuli that are equally discriminable)
Combination of assuming that one JND equals a unit increase in
sensation magnitude and Weber’s law gives the logarithmic law
Weber’s law does not hold across the entire physical scale, thus
Fechner’s assumptions are not completely valid.
JNDs can be used, by calculating them as a function of stimulus
intensity (rather than relying on Weber’s law)
Are JNDs equal changes in sensation magnitude
Hellman 1987 not the case in hearing
Durup and Pieron 1933 not subjectively equal in visual modality.
consequence: JND can not be used as a basic unit for sensation magnitude
Ekman propsed modification
Subjective size of the JND is not constant, but increases with sensation magnitude (weber’s kaw but in psychological space)
Δψ = bψ
Thurstonian scaling
Law of comparative judgment: Theoretical model describing internal
processes that enable the observer to make paired comparison
Based on a series of pairwise judgments, it is possible to calculate
psychological scale values.
Thurstone assumes that stimulus presentation results in a discriminal
process that has a value on a psychological continuum.
The variability in this process, e.g. due to neural noise, is called discriminal dispersion
The psychological scale value is the mean of the distribution of discriminal processes.
Only indirect measurements can uncover this, by considering the proportions of comparative judgments between stimuli.
Discrimination of two stimuli results in a discriminal difference. The standard deviation of discriminal differences is given by Si-j
On each presentation of the stimulus pair, the observer chooses the
strongest one
Check ppt voor formules
Thurstonian scaling: When assumption holds
The paird comparison method is consistent iwth fechner’s law if weber’s law holds
Thurstone’s model requires transitivity: If A > B and B > C, A > C must follow.
Sometimes transitivity fails because psychological experiences vary in
more than one dimension: Multidimensional scaling
Thurstonian scaling is applicable to dimensions that are not easily quantified
Scaling with multiple dimensions
What are the underlying dimensions
how many dimensions
Technique to analyze multivariate data: Principal Component
Analysis (PCA)
Principal Component
Analysis (PCA)
- Description of multivariate data in terms of a smaller set of uncorrelated (=non-redundant) variables (components or ‘eigenvectors’)
- Variables extracted in order of decreasing importance (percentage of
explained variance)
(=> with ICA variables are extracted that explain a unique portion of data)
Multidimensional scaling (MDS)
Starting point is no longer the multivariate data matrix, but the similarity/difference among stimuli
Similarity can be given for each stimulus pair (e.g. correlations), or it can be computed from the multivariate data.
Purpose: Representation of the stimuli in a low dimensional space so that the proximity between stimuli approximates their similarity
Metric MDS assumes a particular distance metric (e.g. Euclidian,
city-block) : check ppt for formula
City-block distance frequently applies for dimensions that can be
intuitively added, Euclidian distance for so-called “integral” dimensions
Nonmetric MDS assumes that only the rank order of distances need to be modelled.
Number of dimensions is usually unknown. “Stress” is a measure to quantify the difference between the data and the predicted data obtained by the MDS solution
Often used as a useful data reduction technique.
Visualisations easy to grasp.
Application of MDS in neuroscience
Use similarity analyses (often with MDS) to compare datasets from different measurements
Behavioral responses
Responses of single neurons in a nonhuman brain
fMRI responses in a human brain
Quantitative analyses of the stimuli
Computational models