Psychopathology Flashcards
A- SI-
Intellectual personality disorder.
Average IQ is 100.
68% have an IQ of between 85 and 115.
Only 2% have an IQ of below 70.
Below 70 is deemed as unusual, so considered abnormal.
Antisocial personality disorder.
(Impulsive, aggressive and irresponsible)
One symptom of APD is ‘the absence of pro social internal standards associated with failure to conform to lawful and culturally normative ethical behaviour,’
We are making a social judgement that psychopaths are abnormal because they do not conform to our moral standards.
Intellectual disability disorder.
Having a vary low IQ.
An individual must me failing to function function adequately before a diagnosis is given.
Ideal mental health requirements?
No symptoms of distress
Rational and can perceive others accurately
We self actualise
We can cope with stress
We have a realistic view of the world
We have good self esteem and lack guilt
We are independent of other people
We successfully work, love, enjoy our leisure
Phobias- BA- E-
Mowrer (1960)
Proposed the two process model
Phobias- BA- E-
Watson and Rayner (1920)
Little Albert
Phobias- BA- E-
De Jongh (2006)
73% of the people who had a fear of dental treatment, had experienced a trauma involving dental experiences.
Within a control group, only 21% had experienced a traumatic event
Phobias- BA- T- f-
Gilroy (2003)
Followed 42 people who went through SD. In three 45 minute sessions. At both 3 and 33 months, the SD group were less fearful than a control group who just learnt relaxation, without exposure.
Phobias- BA- T- F-
Wechsler (2019)
Concluded that SD is effective for specific phobias, social phobias, and agoraphobia.
Phobias- BA- T- F-
Schumacher (2015)
Found that pps and therapies rated flooding as more stressful that’s SD. Which raises ethical issues.
Depression-CA- E-
Beck (1967)
He created Becks negative triad, this took a cognitive approach to explaining why people are more vulnerable to depression.
Depression-CA- E- ABC-
Ellis (1962)
He proposed that good mental health s the result of rational thinking, defined as thinking in ways that allow people to be happy and free from pain.
Depression-CA- E- ABC-
Clark and Beck (1999)
Not only were cognitive vulnerabilities more common in depressed people but they predicted later depression.
Depression-CA- E- ABC-
Cohen (2019)
Watched the development of 473 teens, regularly measuring cognitive vulnerability. It was found that showing cognitive vulnerability predicted later depression.
Depression-CA- E- ABC-
David (2018)
REBT can both change negative beliefs and relieve the symptoms of depression.
OCD- BA- E- G-
Lewis (1936)
37% of parents had OCD, and 21% had siblings with OCD
OCD- BA- E- G-
Taylor (2013)
OCD- BA- E- G-
Nestadt (2010)
68% with MZ twins and 31%with DZ twins
OCD- BA- E- G-
Cromer (2007)
Over half the people with OCD had experienced a traumatic event.