Psychology Unit 4 Flashcards
What is Classical Conditioning?
We learn to expect and prepare for significant events or stimuli (like food or pain) INVOLUNTARILY
What is Operant Conditioning
We learn to repeat acts that reward and avoid acts that punish. VOLUNTARILY
What is reinforcement?
Any event that strengthens a preceding response
How does punishment differ from negative reinforcement?
Punishment is an event that decreases behavior while negative reinforcement still wants to increase behavior
What is cognitive learning?
We learn things that we have neither experienced or observed
What is associative learning?
Learning that two things/events occur together
An example of unconditional stimulus
Smelling food and getting hungry
What is unconditional stimulus?
A stimulus that naturally triggers a response with no training
What is the neutral stimulus Pavlov used in his experiments?
He used a buzzer, bell, and tones that later became a conditioned response.
What is generalization?
The tendency for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to cause similar response
What is the Law of Effect?
Behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely and behaviors followed by punishment become less likely
What is an example of habituation
Day one of a teacher asking for attention vs day 100
What is Habituation?
Repeated stimulation produces reduced responsiveness
Extrinsic Motivation
A desire to preform a behavior to receive promised rewards or avoid punishment
Intrinsic Motivation
A desire to preform a behavior effectively for its own sake.
What is learned helplessness?
The hopelessness and passive resignation a person acquires when unable to avoid aversive events.
Personal Control
Our sense of impacting and directing our environment rather than feeling helpless
Self Control
The ability to control impulses and delay short term gratification.
Continuous Reinforcement Schedule
Reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs
Partial Reinforcement Schedule
Reinforcing a response only part of the time
Problem Focused Coping
Attempting to alleviate stress by directly facing the problem
Emotion Focused Coping
Attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring a stressor.
What is a unconditional response?
A response that does not need to be learned and occurs naturally
Neutral Stimuli
A stimuli that elicits no response
What is Over justification effect?
Excessive rewards can destroy intrinsic motivation.
Latent Learning
Learning that occurs naturally and apparent until a test.
The initial stage of linking a NS and US together.
What is higher order conditioning?
The conditioned stimulus in one conditioning is paired with a new neutral stimulus