Psychology Test 1 Flashcards
What is psychology?
Psychology is the systemic study of behavior and mental processes.
Is psychology diverse?
Psychology is diverse such as behavioral neuroscience and cognitive psychology.
What is psychology stereotypically viewed as?
Psychology is viewed as “Freudian”
What specialty is connected to psychology?
Clinical psychology is most connected to psychology.
Is psychology really a science?
science is a way of addressing questions; defined by methods, not content.
what is systemic empiricism?
systemic empiricism is the use of structured observations. ‘wilhelm wundt” first experimental psychologist.
what is publicly verifiable knowledge?
publicly verifiable knowledge is peer review process.
what are empirically solvable problems?
empirically solvable problems are theories that must be testable.
what are the early approaches?
the early approaches are structuralism, functionalism, and psychodynamics.
what is structuralism?
structuralism is when one identifies the basic elements of the mind via introspection.
what is introspection?
introspection is when the person reports what is going on in their mind, which is then used for data.
what is functionalism?
functionalism is how does the mind function and adapt, (william james).
what are psychodynamics?
psychodynamics play the role of the unconscious; connected to sigmund freud.
what are projection tests.
projection tests are windows into the unconscious mind such as the Rorschach test.
are all of the approaches heavily concerned with the mind?
yes, all approaches are heavily connected to the mind.
what is psychology’s foundational problem?
psychology’s foundational problem is how to study the mind
what is folk psychology?
folk psychology is the common sense explanations we use to understand behavior. These are very mentalistic
what are problems with folk psychology?
problems with folk psychology are that they are not directly observable and often results in adequate explanations
what is behaviorism?
behaviorism rejected common sense notions about mind. all behavior is caused by environment and psychology is a natural science.
when was the cognitive revolution and who was apart of it?
the cognitive revolution was from mid 1950s-1960s. Herbert simon and noqm chomsley. They came up with mental processes, computer metaphors, and all modern psychology is “cognitivist”
what is cognitive psychology
cognitive psychology is the mental processes involved in remembering and language
what is perceptual psychology?
perceptual psychology is perception and how is it that we come to know objects out there in the world.
what is biological psychology?
biological psychology is cognitive neuroscience and how mental processes are accomplished by brain processes
what is behavioral neuroscience?
behavioral neuroscience is how we link psychological processes to underlying biological processes
what is evolutionary psychology?
evolutionary psychology is how we apply principles of evolution to understanding mind and behavior
what is social psychology?
social psychology is when one wonders how the presence of other people influence our cognition and behavior.
what is cultural psychology?
cultural psychology is how the culture shapes cognition and behavior
what is the main brain structure the book mentioned?
the brain structure mentioned was called the amygdala and it is activated whenever people are afraid and often when they have strong emotional reactions in general
what is behavior?
behavior is the outwardly observable acts of a person, either alone or in a group
what is the level of the brain?
the level of the brain is when psychologists focus on both the activity of the brain and the structure and properties of the organ itself.
what is the level of the person?
the level of the person is when psychologists focus on mental events- the contents and functions of the mind
what are mental contents?
mental contents consist of knowledge, beliefs, desires, and feelings
what are mental processes?
mental processes consist of sets of operations that work together to carry out functions, such as attention, perception, and memory
what is the level of the group?
the level of the group is when psychologists focus on the ways that collections of people, shape the mind and behavior.
what is culture, related to psychology?
culture is related through psychology through language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors. and even material objects.
what is gestalt psychology?
gestalt psychology is emphasized through the overall patterns of perceptions and thoughts; “the whole is more than the sum of parts”
where does psychology lie?
psychology lies in the roots of philosophy and physiology.
what is humanistic psychology?
humanistic psychology is when people have positive values, free will, and deep inner creativity
what is psychotherapy?
psychotherapy involves helping people change so they can deal with troublesome feelings, thoughts, and behaviors
what is a counseling psychologist?
counseling psychologists are trained to help deal with issues that arise during everyday life.
what is clinical psychology?
clinical psychology is how we help people with troublesome behaviors, thoughts, and feelings; psychodynamic approach is a specialty.
what is academic psychology?
academic psychology is used to teach and conduct research
what is applied psychology?
applied psychology is when you apply psychological knowledge to real world research
what is APA?
APA is the American Psychological Association which was founded in 1892. It is the oldest and largest psychological association along with the fact it is a heavily applied membership
what is APS?
APS is the Association for Psychological Sciences. It was founded in 1988 and it is the second largest association with a heavy research emphasis.
what are the research methods and goals?
the research methods and goals are description, prediction, and understanding
what is description regarding research methods?
description goals of research include variables that help the potential relationships identified.
what is prediction regarding research methods?
prediction is the ability to predict non-measured qualities.
what is understanding regarding research methods?
understanding is the cause and effect of relationship(s) that are established.
what research method deals with qualitative methods?
description methods are apart of qualitative methods.
what research method deals with quantitative methods?
prediction and understanding are apart of quantitative research methods.
what are qualitative methods?
qualitative methods are naturalistic observations that are “passively” record events in their natural environment. They are case studies that involve examining a single situation or individual in detail
what are quantitative methods?
quantitative methods are correlation approaches that get at prediction
what are experimental approaches?
experimental approaches get at understanding
what are correlational methods?
correlational methods explore associations between variables, if correlations are found you have achieved the goal of prediction, and each variable has at minimum 2 levels.
what is population regarding psychology?
population regarding psychology is the complete set of people/data that a researcher wishes to learn something about
what is sample regarding psychology?
sample regarding psychology is a smaller subset of people/data drawn from the larger population of interest.
what are inferential statistics?
inferential statistics are calculated indices that reveal which data patterns in the sample are likely to reflect real data patterns in the population
what is a correlation coefficient?
a correlation coefficient is an inferential statistic that indicates how well two measures vary together.
what are the two correlation coefficients that indicate correlation?
Correlation coefficients indicate strength of relationships {0 (none) to 1 or (perfect)}. It also indicates direction of the relationship (positive or negative).
is a positive or negative a stronger correlation?
a negative is considered a stronger correlation
what is the definition of statistically significant?
the definition of statistically significant is data patterns in the sample which is not likely to be due to just chance.
what are some of the important features of statistically significant?
some of the features of statistically significant are that it is not about certainty, it is about probability, and “p<0.05”= less than 5% chance it is not found in population.
what is a dependent variable?
a dependent variable (DV) is interested in predicting or understanding (called criterion or outcome variable in some correlational research).
what is an independent variable?
an independent variable (IV) is interested in determining it’s influence on the DV or predictor variable (PV) in some correlational research (similar to IV).
what is a confounding variable?
a confounding variable are variables that are not of specific interest to investigation, but are systemically associated with the IV (or PV) and will thus complicate understanding of cause and effect
what are two reasons correlation does not equal causation?
two reasons correlation does not equal causation is because there is a directionality problem and a third variable problem
what are directionality problems?
directionality problems are correlations alone that provide no information about casual direction, (assuming there is one)
what is an example of directionality problems?
an example of directionality problems is dyslexia and how it is believed to be caused by deficient oculomotor skills. It was first based on observational data and then correlational research established association.
what is a third variable problem?
a third variable problem is a correlation between two variables that may be caused by them being influenced by and/or associated with some other variable.
what is an operational definition?
an operational definition is when one redefines the “conceptual” variable in terms of concrete observable operations.