Psychology - Social Influence - Minority influence Flashcards
Minority influence
Social influence which motivates individual to reject established majority group norms.
How is minority influence achieved?
Process of conversion where majorities are gradually won over to a minority viewpoint.
New belief/behaviour is accepted both publicly and privately. A type of internalisation
What would happen if people went with the majority all the time?
There would be no change or innovation
Why is minority influence always associated with internalisation?
It leads to disagreeing with the majority and this would usually only happen if they genuinely believed it was wrong
What are the Behavioural characteristics of an influential minority?
Consistency, Commitment and Flexibility
Who suggested it is important for the minority to show consistency, commitment and flexibility?
What is the most importantly behavioural characteristic of an influential minority?
Consistency in influential minorities
Minority influence will be persuasive if consistent with opinions/behaviours, if they are confident and unbiased as others reassess the situation and carefully consider it. Nemeth (2010)
What is the Research support for consistency as an important behavioural characteristic for minority influence?
Moscovici et al. (1969), Wood et al. (1994)
Wood et al (1994)
Meta-analysis of 97 studies of minority influence. Found those who were perceived as consistent were particularly influential.
What was the aim of Moscovici et al (1969)?
to see if a consistent minority could influence a majority to give an incorrect answer in a colour perception task
What was the method of Moscovici et al (1969)?
172 female pps did a colour perception task placed in groups of 6 (2 confederates) and shown 36 slides of blue, had to state each color. One condition (consistent) said was all green, second condition (inconsistent) 24 green and 12 blue
What did Moscovici et al (1969) Find?
Consistent condition they agreed on 8.2% of trials and in inconsistent they agreed 1.25%
What was the conclusion Moscovici et al (1969)?
Show that a consistent majority is 6.95% more effective than inconsistent
Commitment in influential minorities
Important as it shows certainty, confidence and courage and causes minority to take them more seriously. Augmentation principle shows how minorities can change the majority.
augmentation principle
the idea that people should assign greater weight to a particular cause of behavior if other causes are present that normally would produce a different outcome
Why does commitment of a minority influence suggest certainty, confidence and courage?
Because joining a minority has a greater cost for the individual than staying with the majority, the degree of commitment shown by minority group members is typically greater