Psychology of Personality Flashcards
What does Eric Fromm’s humanistic psychoanalysis look at?
perspective of psychology, history, anthropology and history.
Who influenced Fromm?
Bible, Freud, Marx, and socialist ideology
What is Fromm’s basic assumption?
humans have been torn away from their prehistoric union with nature and left with no powerful insticts to adapt to a changing world. Because we have the ability to think and reason, we can think about our isolated condition.. the human dilema
How can our human dilemma be solved?
By fulfilling our uniquely human needs , an accomplishment tha tmoves us toward a reunion with the natural world.
Name the 5 distinctively human needs and explain each?
Relatedness- submission, power and love.
Transcendence-transcend nature by destroying or creating people or things
Rootedness- establish roots to feel at home again.
Sense of identy- awareness of ourselves as a separte person
Frame of orientation- road map or consisten philosophy by which we find our way into the world
What is the burden of freedom?
humans are freaks of the universe. As we gained more political freedom, we begain to experience more isolation from the world. As a result, freedom becomes a burden and people experience anxiety
Name the 3 mechanisms of Escape and explain each one?
Authoritarianism- give up ones independence and unite with a powerful partner,
Destructiveness- do away with epole or other things
Conformity- surrendering of ones individuality in order to meet the wishes of others
What is positive freedom?
The resolution for the human dilemma. It is the spontaneous activity of the whole, inegrated personality and which is acheived when a perosn becomes reunited with others
Name the character orientations?
1) Using things (assimilation)
2) Relating to self and others (socialization)
They can do these productively or nonproductiviely
Name the 4 non productive orientations and explain them?
receptive orientation- source of all good lies outside themselves- they receive things
exploitive orienteation- source of good lies outside themselves but they agressively take what they want rather than passively receiving it
Hoarding- save what they have already obtained including opinions, feelings and possessions
Marketing- sees themselves as commodities and value themselves agains the critier of their ability to sell themselves.
Explain the Positive Orientation
Psychologically healthy people work towards positive freedome through productive work, love and reasoning. The Passionate love of life is Biophillia
Name 3 personality disorders and explain each
Necrophilia- love of death and hatred of humanity
Malignant narcissim- Everything belonging to oneself is of great value and everything else is worthless
Incestuous Symbiosis- extreme depencenc on ones mother or mother surrogate
What was the goal of Fromms Psychotherapy
Work towards safisfaction of basic needs of relatedness, trancendence, rootedness, sence of identy and frame of orientation. This is accomplished through shared communication.
Discuss Fromms Method of Investigation
Fromms personality theory rests on date he gathered from a vareity of sources including psychotherapy, culthural anthropology and psychohistory
What did from Find in the mexico experiement?
All of the character orientations except for the marketing one
What historical person did From study? and what syndrom did he have?
Adolph HIlter, syndrom of decay ( all three personality disorders
Explain Sullivans Interpersonal Theory?
Even though he had a lonely childhood, he emphasized the importance of interpersonal relationships. He insisted that personality is shaped by the relationships we have with other people. He developed developmental stages
What are Sullivans two tensions and explain both? Tension is the potential for action; Energey transformation is the actions themselves
1) Needs- general well being of a person or to specific body zones. Needs can be physiological such as food or oxygen or tenderness. They are conjunctive.
Anxiety-Disjunctive and calls for no consistent actions for its relief. . It is the chief disruptive force in interpersonal relationships
What is Euphoria?
complete absence of anxiety and other tensions
Name the 4 Dynamisms and explain each?
1) Malevolence- disjuntive of evil and hatred. LIving among ones enemies
2) Intimacy- Conjunctive, close personal relationship between 2 people of equal status. Decreases anxiety and loneliness
3) Lust- isolating dynamism. Self centered that can be satisfied in the absence of in intimate interpersonal relationship.
4) Self System- most inclusive of all dynamisms. Pattern of behavior that protect us against anxiety and maintains our interpsonal security. Conjuctive, It stifles personality change.
Experinces that are inconistent with our self system threaten our security and necessitate our use of security operations which consist of behaviors to reduce tensions. Name the 2 security operations.
Dissociation- we block from awareness
Selective inattentions- blocking only certain experiences
Name the 3 Personsonifications and explain each?
1) Bad mother, Good mother- grows out of infant experiences with a nipple that does not sastify even though the mother is nuturing and loving.
Me Personification- consistes of bad me, good me, not me. Bad me is from punishment, Good me is from reward and approval. Not me is from dissocate or not attending the experiences
Eidetic Personification- Imaginary traits projected onto others. . Imaginary friends.
Name and explain the 3 levels of cognition?
1) Protaxic- experiences that impossible to put into words. These are momentary and incapable of being communicated.
Parataxic-Prelogical and nearly impossible to communicate
Syntaxic-can be accurately communicated to others.Words have same meanings (12 to 18 months old)
Discuss Sullivans Infancy Stage of development
birth until syntaxic language is used. The child receives tenderness from the mothering one. Also learns anxiety through an empathic linkage with mother. Anxiety may increase to terror but it is controlled by apathy and somnolent detachment. Children use autisc language which takes the place of protaxic and parataxic
Discuss Sullivans Chldhood Stage
Beginning from syntaxic language until the need for playmates of equal status. Primary interpresonal realtionship continues to be with mother, who is now differentiated from other persons
Discuss Sullivans Juvenilee Stage
Need for peers of equal status until the child develops a need for an intimate relationship with a chum. Children should learn to compete, compromise and cooperate
Discuss Sullivans Preadolesence
Most crucial stage of development because mistakes made earlier can be corrected during preadolescence. Errors made during are nearly impossible to overcome later in life. Spans from the need for a single best friend until puberty. Children who do not learn intimacy at this stage will have difficulties later in life.
Discuss Sullivans Early Adolescence
lust dynamism. co-existence of intimacy with a single friend of the same gender and sexual interest in many persons of the opposite genter.
Discuss Late Adolescence
Anytime after or about age 16. Person feels intimacy and lust towards the same person. Stable pattern of sexual activity and the growth of the syntaxic mode.
Disoredered behavior has an interpersonal origin and can only be understood how?
by refering to a persons social environment
What is participant observer (Sullivan)?
Establishes an interpersonal relationship with a patient. He is concerned with understanding patients and helping them develop foresight and improve relations and their ability to to operate on a sytaxic level
What is co-rummination associated with?
better friendshps for both boys and girls. It is assoicated with more depression for gils but not for boys,.
Children who have imaginary friends develop higher levels of ?
creativity, imagination and intelligence
Explain Eriksons post Fruedian theory
8 stages of development. He differed from Freud in his emphasis on ego and social influences.
Who pychoanalyzed Erik Erickson
Ana Freud
What was Eriks contribution to personality theory?
emphasis on ego rather than id functions. the ego is the center of personality and is responsible for for a unified sense of self
Name the 3 parts of the ego?
body ego, ego ideal, and the ego identity
What is a pseudospecies?
fictional nottion that they are superior to other cultures
What is the Epigenic principle?
it grows according to a genetically established rate and in a fixed sequence
Each development state is is marked by a conflict between two elements. Name them
syntonic- harmonious, dystonic, disruptive. One or the other produces a basic strength or ego quality. After adolenscence, each state is characterized by an identity crisis ( which produces either an adaptive or maladaptive adjustment)
Discuss Eriksons Infancy stage
oral sensory, basic trust versus mistrust, Hope is the basic strength of the stage
Discuss Ericksons Early Childhood stage
anal urethral muscular. Autonomy versus shame and doubt. Will is the basic strength, Compulsion is the pathology. Body functions
Discuss Ericksons Play Age Staget
Genital Locomotor, initiatve versus guilt. The basic strength is guilt and the pathology is inhibition. Oedipus complex, interest in genital activity
Discuss Ericksons School Age Stage
Latency. Industry versus Inferiority. Competence is the basic strength, Inertia is the pathology. Sexual development. develop sense of inferiority
Discuss Erickons Adolescence Stage
Ego Identity/Puberty, Identity vs. identity confusion. Fidelity, Pathology is role repudation
Discuss Ericksons Young Adulthood
Generaltivity, mutual trust between partners in a stable sexual relationship. Intimacy verses isolation. . Capacity to love. Pathology is exclusitivy ( inability to love)
Discuss Ericksons Adulthood
31 t0 60 years old. contribute to society. Pro creativity. Generativity vs. Stagnation. Crises results in care. Rejectivity is the core pathology
Discuss Erickson Old Age
Generalized Sensuality. Integrity vs. Despair. Wisdom is the basic strength. Disdain is the pathology
Name Ericksons 2 Methods of Investigation
Anghropoligical Studies and Psychohistory
What is Maslows Holistic Dynamic Theory
people are continually motivated by one or more needs, and they can reach a level of self actualization
Name the 5 basic assumptions about Maslows motivation?
1) whole organism is motiveated at one time, 2) motivation is comples and unconscious motives underlie behavior, 3) people are continually motivated by one need or another4) people in differnet culstures are nmotivated bysame need 5) needs are in hiercy
Name the hierchy of needs
Psychological nees, safety needs, love and belonging, esteem, and self actualization
What is an aestheic need
need for beauty and order
What is a cognitive need
desire to know, to understand and to be curious. Knowledge
What are neurotic needs
desire to dominate, inflict pain or to subject oneself to the will of another person
What are expressive behaviors
no aim or goal but are merely a person expressing himself
What are coping behaviors`
a person attempting to cope with the environment
What is metapathology?
absence of values, lack of fulfillment and loss of meaning in life.
Name the B-Values
truth, goodness, beauty, justice, and simplicity
What 4 criteria must be met before a persons achieves self actualizaton?
1) absence of psyhopathology2) satisfaction of each of the four lover level needs 3) full realization of one’s potential 4) acceptance of the B-values
Name the 15 self actualizing characteristics
e1) efficent perception of reality 2) acceptance of self3) spontanety and simplicity 4) problem centered 5) need for privacy, 6) autonomy, 7) continued fresheness of appreciation 8) peak experiences 9) Gemeinschaftssgefuhl, 10) profound interpersonal realations 11) democratic character struggle 12 discrimination between means and ends 13) philosphical sense of humor 14) creativeness 15) resistance to enculturation
What is D love
deficiency love
What is B love
love for being or essence of another person
What is toaistic attitude
resacrialize their science (instill human values and view participants with job, wonder and rapture
What is POI
Personal Orientation Inventory, 150 force choiced inventory that assess self actualization faucets
What is the Jonah Complex
fear of being or doing one’s best. We all have this condition to some extent
Carl Rogers is know for what type of therapy?
Client centered
What are the two basic assumptions of Client centered therapy?
Formative tendency, evolve from simpler to more complex forms 2) actualizing tendency- all living things move towards fulfillment of of potentials
In order to become actualized, what must be present?
relationship with another person who is genuine, congruent who demonstrates complete acceptance and empathy
When does self actualization begin to emerge
What is self actualization?
a subsystem of actualization tendency–tendency to actualize the self in perceived awareness.
What are the 3 levels of awareness according to Rogers?
1) those that are sybmolized below teh threshold of awarness and ignored 2) those that are distoreted and reshaped to fit into an existing self concept 3) consistent with selpf concept.
What are the two basic human needs according to Rodgers?
maintenance- food, air, and safety. Enhanancement- need to grow and reach ones potential
What is positive regard
to be love or accepted from another person
What is self regard
They perceive someone else love or cares for them
What is conditions of worth
they feel loved is they meet conditions set by others.
According to Rogers, when is a person vulnerable?
the greater the incongruence is between self concept and the organizmic experiences
What do people do to prevent incongruence
react defensively, distortion or denial. If this fails, behavior becomes disorganized or psychotic.
For client centered therapy to be effective, what 6 conditions ust be present?
1) vulnerable client 2) have contact with congruent counselor who has unconditional postive regard and who listens with empathy. The client must percieve the congruence , unconditional postive regard and empathy. If all of the conditions are met, the process of therapy will take place and certain predictable outcomes will result
What are these conditions called
necessary and sufficent
When client centered therapy is successful, what happens?
the gap between their ideal self and their true self narrows and the the client feels less tensin.
What is a person of tomorrow
fully functioning person.
What are the 7 characteristics of a person of tomorrow
1 adaptable and flexible 2) open to experiences 3) live fully in moment 4) harmonious with others 5) more integrated 6) basic trust of human nature 7) greater richness in life
What is Mays Existential Theory?
modern people frequently run away from making choices and from assuming respsonsibility
What did May emphasize in his theory
Balance between freedom and responsibility. People acquire freedom by expanding their self awareness and assumign responsibility for their actions
According to May, What is extentialsim?
Process and growth are more important than product and stagnatiion. Noi split between subject and object. People search for meaning for their lives. we are responsible for who we are
According to May, Name 3 simultaneous modes of the world
Umwelt- environment around us 2) Mitwelt- our world with other people 3) Eigenwled- our relationship with ourselves
What is the most obvious form of nonbeing
Accoarding to May, When do people experience anxiety?
when they become awar that their existence or something identifed with it might be destroyed
Accoarding to May, what produces normal anxeity?
According to May, What is neurotic anxiety?
a reacation that is disproportionate to threat and that leads to repression and defensive behaviors
According to May, what is guit?
It arrises whenever people deny thier potentialities and fail to accuratelypercieved the needs of others, or to remain blind to thier depnendence on the natural world
According to May, what is intetionality?
the structure that gives meaning to experiences and allows people tp make decisions about the future
According to May, what is care, love and will
active process which suggest things matter
According to May,why can people combine love and will?
because both imply care, concern, choice, action, and responsibility
What are the four kinds of love?
Eros- union with loved one, PHilla, intimate non sexual friendship with two people, Agape, altursic spiritual love that caries the risk of playing God. 4) Sex
According to May, where does freedome come from?
our understanding of destiny.
According to May, Name 2 forms of freedome
freedom of doing / action 2) freedom of being or inner freedom
According to May, Define destiny
the design of the universit speaking through the design of each one of us