psychology exam Flashcards
Attachment as related to mother-infant interaction.
Mary D. Salter Ainsworth
A study of the Strange Situation
Mary D. Salter Ainsworth
Effects of group pressure upon the modification and distortion of judgements.
Solomon Asch
Opinions and social pressure
Solomon Asch
Studies of independence and conformity: A minority of one against a unanimous majority.
Solomon Asch
An experimental investigation of group influence
Solomon Asch
Influence of models reinforcement contingencies on the acquisition of imitative behaviors
Albert Bandura
Behavior theory and the models of man.
Albert Bandura
Social Learning Theory
Albert Bandura
Social foundations of though and action: A social cognitive theory
Albert Bandura
Conclusions: Reflections on nonability determinants of competence
Albert Bandura
Self-regulation of motivation through anticipatory and self-reactive mechanisms
Albert Bandura
Exercise of personal agency through the self-efficacy mechanism.
Albert Bandura
Self-Efficacy: The exercise of control
Albert Bandura
Social Cognitive Theory
Albert Bandura
Environmental sustainability by sociocognitive deceleration of population growth.
Albert Bandura
Health promotion by cognitive means
Albert Bandura
Imitations of film-mediated aggressive models
Albert Bandura
The face of man
Paul Ekman
Emotion in the human face
Paul Ekman
Facial expressions of emotions
Paul Ekman
Afterword. In Charles Darwin (1872/1998), The expression
of the emotions in man and animals.
Paul Ekman
(2003). Emotions revealed: Recognizing faces and feelings to
improve communication and emotional life.
Paul Ekman
Childhood and Society
Erik Erikson
Insight and responsibility
Erik Erikson
Identity: You and crisis
Erik Erikson
The life cycle completed
Erik Erikson
The experience and vital involvement in old age
Erik Erikson
The interpretation of dream
Sigmund Freud
The psychopathology of everyday life
Sigmund Freud
Three essays on the theory of sexuality
Sigmund Freud
Analysis, terminable and interminable
Sigmund Freud
Libido Theory
Sigmund Freud
Beyond the Pleasure Principle
Sigmund Freud
The ego and the id
Sigmund Freud
Some psychical consequences of the anatomical distiniction between the sexes
Sigmund Freud
Civilization and its discontents
Freud Sigmund
Moses and monotheism
Freud Sigmund
From mathematics to motivation
John Garcia
Psychology is not an enclave
John Garcia
Learning with prolonged delay of reinforcement.
John Garcia
Relation of cue to consequence in avoidance learning
John Garcia
The structure of the psyche
Carl Jung
The concept of the collective unconscious.
Carl Jung
Memories, dreams, reflections
Carl Jung
Man and his symbols
Carl Jung
On death and dying
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
A Theory of Human Motivation
Abraham Maslow
Motivation and personality
Abraham Maslow
Toward a psychology of being
Abraham Maslow
Motivation and personality
Abraham Maslow
Issues in the study of obedience
Stanley Milgram
Behavioral study of obedience
Stanley Milgram
Issues in the study of obedience
Stanley Milgram
Some conditions of obedience and disobedience to authority
Stanley Milgram
Obedience to Authority
Stanley Milgram
On maintaining social norms: A field experiment in the subway
Stanley Milgram
On conditioned reflexes
Ivan Pavlov
Conditioned Reflexes: An investigation of the physiological activity of the cerebral cortex
Ivan Pavlov
Client-centered psychotherapy
Carl Rogers
A note on the Nature of Man
Carl Rogers
A therapists view of the good life: The fully functioning person
Carl Rogers
The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change
Carl Rogers
A theory of therapy, personality, and interpersonal relationships, as developed in the client-centered framework.
Carl Rogers
On becoming a person
Carl Rogers
Toward a modern approach to values. The valuing process in the mature person.
Carl Rogers
Personal Power; Inner Strength and its revolutionary impact
Carl Rogers
A way of being
Carl Rogers
On the generality of the laws of learning
Martin Seligman
Phobias and preparedness
Martin Seligman
Learned optimism
Martin Seligman
Helplessness: On development, depression, and death.
Martin Seligman
Can happiness be taught
Martin Seligman
Positive psychology, positive prevention, and positive psychotherapy.
Martin Seligman
A visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being
Martin Seligman
Failure to escape traumatic shock
Martin Seligman
Positive psychology process: Empirical valdiation of interventions
Martin Seligman
The behavior of organisms: An experimental analysis
B.F. Skinner
Superstition in the pigeon: Journal of Experimental
B.F. Skinner
Science and human behavior
B.F. Skinner
Teaching machines
B.F. Skinner
Some response to stimulus
B.F. Skinner
Psychology as the behaviorist views it
John B. Watson
The place of the conditioned reflex in psychology
John B. Watson
A schematic outline of the emotions
John B. Watson
Conditioned emotional reaction
John B. Watson
Prologue: Reflections on the Stanford Prison Exper-
iment: Genesis, transformations, consequences. In Thomas Blass
Phillip Zimbardo
A situationist perspective on the psychology of
evil: Understanding how good people are transformed into perpetrators.
Phillip Zimbardo
Power turns good soldiers into bad apples.
Boston Globe.
Phillip Zimbardo
You can’t be a sweet cucumber in a
vinegar barrel:
Phillip Zimbardo
The Lucifer effect: Understanding how good people
turn evil.
Phillip Zimbardo
Communicator effectiveness in producing public conformity
and private attitude change.
Phillip Zimbardo