Psychology & Biology Flashcards
Define Microevolution
The idea that living things incorporate small, adaptive changes over time
Define macroevolution
The idea that a first speck of life that emerged from non-living material slowly evolved into one-celled organisms
God works in and through the natural process of evolution is defined as:
Theistic evolution
The biblical basis supporting creationism is:
Genesis 1-3
T/F: Macroevolution shows minor changes within species such as wide variety of dogs
T/F: it has not been scientifically demostrated that life only comes from prexisting life
Why are many postmodernist unwilling to endorse any particular theory of origin?
Meta narrative
Spell DNA
Deoxyribo-nucleic acid
What is a meta narrative?
Story that explains life
From the definition of psychology, ________ refers to all of a persons actions others can observe
Marxist theories of psychology are based on the work of ________
Ivan Povlov
What is Povlov’s psychological theory called?
What is behaviorism?
Respond in a predetermined way to any given set of circumstances in our environment.
T/F: the Islamic worldview believes that every child is born with a true faith of Islam
T/F: Postmodernism believes that all ideas of human reality are social constructs
5 Types of Psychology
Family Health School Sports Educational
5 Aspects of Christian Human Nature
Humans have free will, are relational, are made in image of God, have fallen, are not limitless and need boundaries.
Secular definition of psychology
The science of behavior and mental processes
Biblical definition of psychology
The study of the soul
How does the Islamic view of human nature contrast to the Christian view of human nature?
They believe every person is born free of sin.
Marx defined religion as “the opiate of the people.” What did he mean by that statement?
Religion was the response to the pain of being alive, the response to earthly suffering.
What are the 3 assumptions about the self, mind, and mental processes that Secular-Humanists make?
We are good by nature and are therefore perfectible.
Society and its social institutions are responsible for the evil we do.
Mental Health can be restored to those who get in touch with their inner(good) self.
Define behavior
Refers to all of persons overt actions that others can directly observe.
Define mental processes
Refers to the private thoughts, emotions, feelings, and motives that others cannot directly observe.
How does humanity reflect the personality of God?
God is a “person,” a real being with personality
What are the 3 “musts” of Christian psychology?
Guilt happens when we rebel against God.
The holy spirit convicts us to restore us.
Guilt is dealt with through the cross and by acceptance of personal responsibility.
What occurs when we rebel against God?
The Holy Spirit convicts us to restore us.
Which worldviews deny the belief that man is born with a sinful nature?
What is Marxist psychology based on?
The work of Ivan Pavlov
What is the role of psychology for Cosmic Humanists?
To move people into godhood
What do Postmodernists believe has become obsolete?
The concept of soul
What do Secular Humanists say is responsible for the evil we do?
Society and social institutions
Worldviews that believe mind/body dualism
Problems with theistic evolution
“Survival of the fittest” = “destruction of the weak.” Deny fall of man & original sin.
Adam & Eve must be taken not as history but as an allegory.
The significance of Christ’s sinless life and sacrificial death is undermined.
Why must “modern” science rule out creation? Does this reasoning pose a problem for evolution as well? Why or why not?
Creation would demand a supernatural Creator who cannot exist.
Science studies what can be measured and observed and God doesnt fit into that category.
Why are many Postmodernist’s unwilling to endorse any particular theory of origins?
Evolution is seen as a “metanarrative” to explain life & metanarratives are rejected.
List the 4 problems with the theory of evolution?
The gene pool and the limits to change.
Significance of DNA.
The impossibility of spontaneous generations.
Fossil gaps.
Define teleology
The study of design and purpose in the universe.
What is DNA?
Genetic code
What is natural selection?
Those best suited for survival will live, thrive and reproduce.
Definie theistic evolution
God works in and through the natural process of evolution.
What is spontaneous generation?
The supposed production of living organisms from nonliving matter
Which worldview(s) believe in punctuated evolution?
What is cosmic evolution?
The progression (evolution) of collective humanity toward an age of higher consciousness.
What is punctuated evolution?
change occurs over a relatively quick period of time, followed by periods of little or no change.
o Theology – Trinitarian Theism
o Philosophy – Supernaturalism
o Ethics – Moral Absolutes
o Biology – Creationism
o Theology – Unitarian Theism
o Philosophy – Supernaturalism
o Ethics – Moral Absolutes
o Biology – Creationism
Secular Humanism
o Theology – Atheism
o Philosophy – Naturalism
o Ethics – Moral Relativism
o Biology – Neo-Darwinism
o Theology – Atheism
o Philosophy – Dialectic Materialism
o Ethics – Proletariat Morality
o Biology – Punctuated Evolution
Cosmic Humanism
o Theology – Pantheism
o Philosophy – Non-naturalism
o Ethics – Moral Relativism (karma)
o Biology – Cosmic Evolution
o Theology – Atheism
o Philosophy – Anti-realism
o Ethics – Cultural Relativism
o Biology – Punctuated Evolution
What is creationism?
Each living creature was created separately and in their present form by God.
What is irreducible complexity?
The philosophical concept that considers the complexity of living organisms- if any part is removed, the system loses function.
Who is credited as the founder of the evolutionary theory?
Charles Darwin
By using your Bible, find and explain a portion of scripture, other than the Genesis story, that demonstrates God’s design and purpose in creating our world.
Hebrews 3:4