Psychology As A Science + Usefulness Of Introspection Flashcards
Arguments for psychology as a science
“Research in modern psychology… the same…”
Research in modern psychology can claim to be scientific because it has the same aims as natural sciences: to describe, understand, predict and control behaviour
Arguments for psychology as a science
“… approaches rely on…”
Cognitive and biological approaches rely on scientific methods
Arguments against psychology as a science
“The ____ approach rejects…”
Psychological approaches don’t always use objective methods.
The humanistic approach rejects scientific approaches, and focuses on individual experiences and subjective experiences.
Arguments against psychology as a science
“The _______ approach makes use of the …”
The psychodynamic approach makes use of the case study method which does not use representative samples
Arguments against psychology as a science
“Humans are _____ participants…”
Humans are active participants in research, responding to demand characteristics (a cue from the researcher or situation that may be interpreted by the participants as revealing the purpose of the experiment, therefore they will change their behaviour)
Arguments for introspection being useful
“… used introspective methods as a way of…”
Csikszentmihalyi + Hunter used introspective methods as a way of making ‘happiness’ a measurable phenomenon.
Therefore, introspection may be useful because it offers a way of understanding momentary conditions that affect happiness.
Arguments against introspection being useful
“…implicit attitudes…”
Nisbet and Wilson discovered that introspective methods would have little value because implicit attitudes exist outside of conscious awareness