Psychology Application Flashcards
Define Stress
- Nonspecific response of the body to any demand, whether psychological or physiological
- Response of the body to any demand, whether it is caused by, or results in, pleasant or unpleasant situation (Selye)
Describe eustress.
- Positive stress response that motivates and enhances functioning
- Experience when an individual feels stressed, yet prepared to complete a task or deal with a situation
- Associated with positive feeling, optimal health and performance
Describe distress
- A negative stress response typically accompanied by physiological reactivity and negative emotions.
- Psychological changes triggered by distress can lead to significant health risks, particularly when it combines with maladaptive ways of coping
Describe the flow between stress level and performance.
- As stress increases, performance and general well being increases (eustress).
- Once stress level reaches an optimal level, performance reaches its peak - fully energised, focused and able to work with minimal effort and maximum efficiency.
- However, when stress exceeds optimum level, it is no longer a positive force and becomes debilitating and excessive.
Define stressors.
A stimulus or event that is appraised or perceived as being aversive and causes a ‘stress response’ that comprises a series of behaviour, emotional and biological changes aimed at maintaining an organism’s well being.
Stressors refers to sources of stress from internal or external factors.
List four type of stressors.
- Environmental stressor
- Psychological stressor
- Social stressor
- Cultural stressor
Describe environmental stressor
Factors whose influence is to constrain productivity, reproductive success, and ecosystem development
Describe psychological stressor
Any situation or event that the individual deems to be a threat or challenge
Describe social stressors
Behaviors and situations, social in nature, that are related to physical and psychological strain
Describe cultural stressors
Unique stressors experienced by people navigating multiple cultural streams and negotiating cultural identity, tradition and values