Psychology 9 Flashcards
What are the stages of prenatal development?
Germinal stage- conception to two weeks
Embryonic- two to eight weeks
fetal stage- eight weeks to birth
what is the germinal stage
Germinal stage- conception to two weeks
egg becomes zygote (fertilized)
what is the embryonic stage?
Embryonic- two to eight weeks
zygote attaches to uterine wall becomes an embryo
organs starts to function heart pumps blood sexual differentiation
what is the fetal stage
fetal stage- eight weeks to birth
fetus- by 7th month has chance of survival if premature, growth of organs bones harden
what is an ovum
ovary matures and releases an egg
what is a zygote
if egg is fertilized by sperm while in fallopian tube it results in a zygote- fertilized egg
what assistive infertility technologies are there
IVF- vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection
what is a teratogen
toxic substances that can harm the embryo or fetus during prenatal development
what are examples of teratogens
alcohol, malnutrition, x-rays, painkillers, paint fumes, sertain antibiotics
what is grasping reflex
in infants an automatic tendency to grasp an object that stimulates the palm
what is rooting reflex
in response to contact on cheek tendency for infant to turn its heads toward stimulus and open its mouth
a deep and emotional bodn that an infant develops with primary care giver
Harlow’s experiment
Rhesus monkey studies
are infants drawn to their mothers because they provide food and nourishment or is it because of their comfort
two inanimate mothers one covered with cloth one with food monkeys liked the cloth one
without real mother they were socially awkward, sexually immature
secure attatchment
parent-infant relationship where baby is secure when the parent is present distressed by separated and delighted by reunion
insecure attachment
parent infant relationship where baby clings to parent cries at separation, reacts with anger or apathy to reunion, can be anxious or avoidant
what happens in the strange situation test
insecure attachment and secure attachment kids
Piaget’s theory
children are curious active and constructive thinkers who want to understand the world around them
piaget’s theory mental representations of the world that guide the processes of assimilation and accommodation
schema for dog
piaget’s theory the process of incorporating and if necessary changing new information to fit existing cognitive structures
using or changing what you are seeing to fit into what you already know
schema for dog is that all dogs have four legs and fur when they see a new dog it fits into their existing schema
piaget’s theory the process of modifying existing cognitive structures in response to new information
changing what you already know to fit new found info
when they see a cat that fits the dog schema they must change the original schema
sensorimotor stage
piaget theory first stage of cognitive development from birth to 2 infant come to know the world through their own actions
object permanence= awareness that objects still exist when not in view 6-8 months
separation anxiety- infants with no object permanence fear when care giver is absent
pre-operational stage
piaget second stage of cognitive development 2-6 year olds become capable of reasoning in an intuitive prelogical manner= increased verbal skills and abstract thinking
egocentric- self centered
conservation- physical properties of an object remain the same despite superficial changes in appearance
water moved to a different glass is not more water
Concrete operational stage
piaget theory third stage of cognitive development when children become capable of logical reasoning
Formal operational stage
piaget fourth stage of cognitive development when adolescents become capable of logic and abstract thought
ability to formulate solutions in advance and to reason on a logical level