Psychology Flashcards
Organ in head made up of nerves, processes info and controls behaviour
Anterior part of brain, including hemispheres and central brain structures
Middle section of brain that forms CNS (central nervous system)
The lower part of the brain that includes the cerebellum, pons and medulla oblongata.
Directed towards the front (when used in relation to our biology).
Directed towards the back (when used in relation to our biology).
An area of the brain near to the brainstem that controls motor movements (muscle activity).
Medulla oblongta
Connects the upper brain to the spinal cord and controls automatic responses. It controls involuntary responses such as sneezing and breathing, as well as heart rate and blood pressure.
Involuntary response
A response to a stimulus that occurs without someone making a conscious choice. They are automatic, such as reflexes.
Neural connections
Links formed by messages passing from one nerve cell (neuron) to another.
sorting obejects into an order. Develops during concrete operational stage.
The child knows that quantity, length or number are not related to shape e.g. juice test
Ability to take on anothers viewpoint.
Symbolic Play
Children use other objects e.g. toys to represent other things. This develops at the pre-operationals stage.
Unable to see the world from another’s point of view.
Belief that objects can behave as if they were alive.
Understanding that action can return something to its original state. Develops in the concrete operational stage.
General principle about what is right and wrong,
Symbolic play
Children play using objects and ideas to represent other objects and ideas.
Mental representations of the world based on one’s own experiences
Sensorimotor stage
Infants use their senses and movements to get information about the world. at first they live in the present. They develop object permanence and learn to control their movements.
Pre-operational stage
Children engage in symbolic play. They think in pictures and use symbols, including some words (the beginning of language development). Children are egocentric and show animism. Later in this stage they start reasoning and show centration and irreversibility.
Formal operational stage
Develops around 12 years old and is associated with the moral reasoning and deductive reasoning.
Concrete operational stage
develops afe 7 to 12 and involves development of abilities to such conservation, reversibility, seration and decentration.
When a child’s schemas can explain all that they experience - a state of mental balance may have resulted from new accomodation.
Incorporating new experiences into existing schemas.
When a schema has to be changed to deal with a new experience.
Three Mountian Task
An experiment by Piaget and Inhelder which tested egocentricism
A belief about something which infuence our perceptions, interpretations of situations and how we behave.
Fixed Mindset
belief that abilities are unchangeable
Growth Mindset
belief that abilities are changeable
Gunderson et al (2013)
A natural experiment showing process praise correlates to a belief that effort is worthwhile.
3 - 4 weeks
forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain develops.
6 weeks
cerebellum starts to develop
20 weeks
medula begins to develop
Another word for practice. Can lead to the behaviour/throught becoming automatic.
An individuals ability to manage their own behaviour. Willingham suggests delaying reward can help this develop.
This happens when something is paraticed and leads to the thought/behaviour being performed with little thought.
Working Model of Memory
A model of memory made up the central executive, visuo-spatial sketchpad and phonological loop
Motivational Framework
belief that effort drives ability (which can change)
Process praise
praising what is being done rather than the individual.
Person Praise
praising the individual rather than what they are doing.
hetronomous rules
rules put into place by others
autonomous rules
rules the individual decides themselves
Social Norm
the values and customs of a scoiety directs the individual within its behaviour
preconventional stage
A stage in Kholberg’s theory, whereby the child is moral believes rules are fixed and makes moral judgements based on their own interst e.g. avoid punishment
conventional stage
A stage in Kholberg’s theory, whereby the child is moral believes rules are fixed and makes moral judgements based on their own interst e.g. avoid punishment
post conventional stage
A stage in Kholberg’s theory, whereby the child is moral believes rules are fixed and makes moral judgements based on their own interst e.g. avoid punishment
Nativist theory of moral development, suggesting infants feel empathy and grown to understand why others feel upset
a natural theory/view point