Psychology Flashcards
Piaget’s theory says…
We learn through developing schemas
Language depends on…
Though (thought and understanding come first and language comes after)
Young children
Hebe language without understanding but will not be able to use it effectively
Sensorimotor stage
0-2 years children have object permanence
Pre-operational stage
2-7 years they are egocentric and lack conservation
Concrete operational stage
7-11 years children are non-egocentric and have logical thinking
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states that its…
Not possible to think about something you have no words for
SW: Thinking dependes on…
Language, language comes first, thought afterwards.
Sw: strong version: language DETERMINES thought
If there are no words for an object or idea then you can’t think about it.
Sw: weak version language INFLUENCES thinking
Words help to ‘carve up’ the world. You can still imagine things with no words for them
Sw: which version is better S or W?
Weaker version is preferred. We have limited memory for things we have no words for
Our recall of the world: Variation in recall of events: The Hopi
Hopi don’t distinguish past, present and future. This affects the way they think about time.
Our view of the world: Variation in recall of events: LANGUAGE AFFECTS RECALL OF EVENTS
Memory for pictures affected by labels given this suggest that that language influences memory
Out view of the world: Variation in recognition of colours: Native Americans: The Zuni:
Zuni people have only one word for shades of orange and yellow, in a research study had difficulty distinguishing them. (Brown and Lenneberg)
Our view of the world: Variation in recognition of colours: Language affects recall of colour:
Berinmo people had difficulty recalling colours as they only have five words for colours (Roberson)
Von Frisch’s BEE study changed the…
Way scientists thought about animal communication.
Von Frisch’s bee study AIM:
To describe dance of honey bees to understand their communication.
Von Frisch’s bee study METHOD:
Put food source honey close to hive from10-20 meters up to 300 meters. Observed bees 6000 times over 20 years.