Psychology 100 Final Exam Flashcards
how many paragraphs should an essay have?
as many as it takes to fufill the prompt
only type of study that can demonstrate a causal relationship
Cause and effect exp.
What are scientifically supportted study strategies?
Interweaving, wrote memorazition is not effective. Try teaching to others.
What does it mean if a theory is falsifiable?
There is information that can prove a theory wrong.
Why is replication important?
We want other scientists to validate our studies, and what we found.
Representative sample
You have characteristics that are not representative of the entire group.
Random sample
everyone has the same chance of being picked.
Positive Correlation coefficients
As the temperature goes up, people buy more ice cream. No correlation between what you ate for breakfast, and what you’re wearing today.
Negative Correlation Coefficents
As weeks increase in number, the amount of people that show up go down.
carry chemical signals (“messages”) from one neuron (nerve cell) to the next target cell.
Four lobes of brain & what they do:
- Frontal: executive function, higher order skills. e.g. math problem.
- Occipital Lobe: depth perception, memory formation
3: Poritial lobe: Senses.
4:Temporal lobe: Hearing and speech.
Relay center of brain
3 divisions of brain
Hindbrain, Midbrain, Forebrain
Difference between monozygotic, and dyzygotic twins:
dysogotic=2 gyzo eggs
monozygotic= 1 egg split, twins share 100% dna. This is due to an enviornmental influence
Evolutionary Psychology
Based on natural selection
Absolute threshold
The minimum stimulus needed to detect something.
Difference threshold
The difference that needs to happen before you notice the strength of the stimuli.
Hormones vs Neurotransmitters
Hormones go through the bloodstream, and have a slower effect. Neurotransmitters stay in the brain.
Natural pain killers. e.g. running high
Rods and Cones
Gray black white: rods
Cones: color
Sex assigned at birth is determined by:
Your genes
Gender Identity/ Gender
The way you feel. Gender is a cultural construct.
Taste, taste responds to chemicals
Smell. a chemical.
4 parenting styles
Authorotative (I have authority, but reasoning behind it), Authoritarian (do it because I said so), Negligent (not involved, not there), & Permissive (says yes to anything)
Pavlov’s experiment on classical conditioning
Pavlov trained his dogs to salivate to the sound of a bell.
When you gain a new skill.
You jump when you hear a gun shot, not a loud knock.
All loud sounds you hear you jump
Goes away. If dogs don’t get food for long enough, they won’t care about the bell.
Positive vs Negative condition
Add something new +
Take something away -
do more of that
don’t do that
Social learning theory
Says that we learn from observing and imitating others.
When does adolescene start?
Zone of proximal development
Can learn something new, but needs help.
A pattern of the way you think & behave.
Informative vs. Normative social influence
Informative: Other people may know something that I do not know.
Normative: I want to be seen as normal, and apart of the group.
When are we more likely to be attracted to someone?
Proximity (close to you), similar to you.
Bystander effect
You’re less likely to help if multiple people are around.
Soloman Asch Conformity Study
Whole group says one. thing, and you conform to that.
Milgrim’s Obedience to Authority
When the person in the white lab coat asks you to shock someone. They found people would go further if there was a person with an authority role in the room.
Repressed memories
Are not real. But, we can purposely forget things, or experience dissociation.
You believe if you’re an good person, good things happen to you, and vice versa.
Reciprocal determinism
Theory of personality, where you personal factors, behavoir, and enviornment all affect eachother.
3 factors that controlm prejudice
Discrimination, Stereotypes, Negative emotions
When are memories used for eye-witness testimony more likely to be accurate.
Above the age of 4, you weren’t asked leading questions. If it was recovered under hypnosis not accurate.
Atkinson and Shifrin’s 3 step memory model
Sensory, Short Term, Long Term
Big 5 personality traits
Openness to experience, Consientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism/Emotional Instaility
Mainly determined by genetics
What leadz to prejudice?
Just world phenomenon, Them vs us
Longer lasting relationships
supporting your partner, having 5:1 positive interactions, being vunerable, sharing responsibilities.
Fundamental Attribution error
Thinking someone is a bad person because something is fundamentally wrong with them, not because of outside factors.
Generalized beleifs about groups of people that aren’t true.
Social identity theory
the study of the interplay between personal and social identities. groups, ex: preppy vs emo.
4 D’s of psychology
Eating disorders
Dissasociative disorders
2 most common psychological disorders
2 neurodevelopmental disorders:
Antisocial personality disorder
Someone not having empathy for others, and disregarding the rights of others.
Someone experiencing schizophernia may experience
auditory, visual hallucinations
Not a moral failing and can be treated with the right approach
flaschbacks, depressed mood.
Fully thinking you can fly for example.
Less than full blown mania. Might just not be able to sleep, making poor financal desicions but not spending it all.
People with ADHD have different brain structures, it’s not that they can’t control themselves, and they can’t just work harder
Can’t be cured/caused by vaccines. Defecits in social situations, & repetitive/restrictive behaviors.
Effective, people get better faster and more efficiently. Won’t get bad if you don’t.
Theraputic Orientation
Your style of therapy.
Change in Theory
outside factors
APA Ethical Codes
Required rules you must follow.
Insight based therapy
Help people understand themselves better
Cognative behavorial therapy
About changing thoughts and behaviors.
3 things that are common to all psychotherapies?
Generating hope, gaining new perspectives, creating an alliance.
DoDo Bird Verdict
all psychotherapeutic techniques are equally effective in the end
Unconditional positive regard
No matter what happens you respect and non judgmentaly care for them.