Psychologists Flashcards
Mental processes reduced to elements, structure of mind
Wihlem Wundt - father of modern psychology
Edward Titchner - founder of structuralism
Minds function in the environment
William James (founder of American psychology)
John Dewey - reflex arc
James Cattell - experimental psychology
Sum is greater than its parts
Max Wetheimer
Wolfgang Kohler
Kurt Koffka
Only observable behavior matters
John B. Watson
Ivan Pavlov - classical conditioning
B. F. Skinner - skinner boxes, operant conditioning
Thorndike - law of effect, instrumental learning
Tolman - rats, purposeful behavior
influence of the unconscious mind on behavior.
Sigmund Freud
Carl Jung
Alfred Adler - will to power, inferiority complex
Heinz Kohut - self psychology
Karen Horney - away, towards, against
Individual free will, personal growth and the concept of self-actualization.
Carl Rogers, client-centered therapy
Abraham Maslow
School of psychology that studies mental processes including how people think, perceive, remember and learn.
Aaron Beck
Hebb - fires together wires together, arousal
Johannes Muller - neuron
Sir Francis Galton
statistics, correlation coefficient
Gustav Fechner
experimental psychology
Stanley Hall
First president of APA, first to get PhD in psychology in US
Invented adolscence
Deryl Bem
Self Perception Theory
Johannes Muller
his theory suggested that nerves will always fire the same way, despite different types of stimulation.
Wrote “Elements of Physiology,” a book that suggested the existence of special nerve energies
Aaron Beck
Cognitive Psychology
Morton Deutsch
Known for his prisoner’s dilemma and trucking company game studies?
Max Wertheimer
Wolfgang Kohler
Kurt Koffka
Margaret Floy Washburn
First woman to get PhD in Psychology
Thomas Hobbes
One of first thinkers to suggest that our perceptions of sensation are all that we can be sure of
Edward Tolman
learning is acquired through purposeful behavior,
running rats through mazes
Dorothea Lynde Dix
One of the founders of the American movement to provide better care for the mentally ill
Immanuel Kant
Enlightenment-era thinker who believed we were active shapers of our own worlds with inborn traits that skew our perceptions.
Harold Kelley
Attributions made on:
consistency: how consistent is this information over time?
distinctiveness: how distinct is this information from the other information we have about the subject?
consensus: how would others have responded given the same information?
Clark Hull
The mechanistic behavioral equation Performance = Drive x Habit