Psychological Well Being Flashcards
Factors that affect the perception & the effects of stress and crisis
- Severity—age,motivation,impairment of function, dependency
- Anticipation of Incapacitation–(how long is rehab)
- Past Experience in Coping with stress/crisis
- Threat to personal systems–how much of life changes
- Patient’s ego-strength–emotional stability
Signs of Response to Stress
- alarm (short term): fight or flight
2. resistance (long term)
Personal Systems that affect a patient
- -Roles (what are their life responsibilities)
- -Physical-Perceptual (how a pt perceives themselves, perception of future, making adjustments)
- -Emotional Factors—Internal(personal coping)/External(support)
- -Financial/Economic
- -Beliefs (religious/cultural/etc)
- -Behavioral
Definition of Illness
an active disease process
- -helpless
- -narrow focus
- -increased concern
- -constriction of goals
Stress Definition
a disturbance of equilibrium, induced by over-arousal or under-arousal
3 Components of Stress
- Poses threat of bodily harm
- disrupts motivated behavior
- severity of stress determined by impact on the person as a whole
Immediate response to stress depend on
- Intensity of threat
- type of situation in which threat occurs
- personal variables affecting the person’s perception of the threat
PTSD: longer than 4 weeks
Anxiety def and characteristics
a feeling state, somewhat like fear which has 3 important characteristics
- normal fundamental response to stress
- defense mechanism
- accompanies coping and growth
someone has unsuccessfully dealt with stress–hopeless/depressed
Universal Law of Rehabilitation: assisting chronically ill will be tempered by…
- emotional response to the situation
2. acceptance and adaptation the the condition
overwhelming of an individual’s ability to cope, so that their response to stress in rendered inadequate (represents a turning point)
4 stages of response to Crisis
pre-impact (approach/avoidance)
Impact phase—shock/encounter
post-impact phase: growth and resolution (retreat/ acknowledgement)
Typical Response to Illness
- Emotional response (psychological defense)
Defense Mechanisms
Denial Compensation Disassociation Fantasy Regression Repression Suppression Displacement Intellectualization Absolution Atonement or penance Devaluation Isolation Withdrawal