Psychological Treatment For Schiz Flashcards
Psychodynamic therapy - psychoanalysis
Based on assumption individual is unaware of influence of unconscious conflict - helps bring into the conscious where they can be dealt with
- need to build trust and rel with therapist to replace harsh and punishing conscience
- Freud himself believed schiz could not be analysed as they could not for transference
- establish rapport
- transference
- identity unresolved issues from the past
- repair ego
Includes free association, TAT tests, dream analysis etc
Psychoanalysis effectiveness and appropriateness
Effectiveness -
Gottdiener - reviewed 37 studies covering 2642 patients - overall 66% improved after treatment - shows similar results as CBT
Appropriateness -
Dialogue unreliable - psychoanalysis techniques overstimulate which can worsen symptoms and increase hospitalisation
Behavioural - Social skills training
“Token economy” - positively reinforce appropriate beh so the person is prepared for release - initially awarded for not displaying schiz symptoms, then for normal beh
Social skills training effectiveness and appropriateness
Appropriateness- allows more freedom and experience which helps the therapeutic process considerably
Paul and Lentz - as a process of managing beh it is a form of manipulation and encourages suppression - ethical?
Effectiveness - learning group, milieu therapy and control group 90% on antipsychotics - 4 1/2 years later token economy dropped to 11% and control rose to 100%
Allyon and Azrin - sig decreased bizarre beh and increased norm beh
NICE “offer CBT to all people with psychosis or schiz”
- establish rapport
- identify life history
- understand faulty thinking leads to emotional resp leads to inappropriate beh
- understand connection
- challenge faulty thinking
CBT appropriateness and effectiveness
- schiz characterised by incoherent thinking so cog therapies inappropriate
- CBT used to change patients minds about antipsychotics so beneficial in this way
Effectiveness - effective in 50/60% of cases but only when combined with drug therapy
- challenges catastrophic beliefs about schiz and reduces risk of relapse as can see stressors coming