Psychological Therapies CBT Flashcards
Cognitive therapy
Patients are encouraged to trace back to origins of their symptoms
Set behavioural assignments
And develope alternatives to previous maladaptive beliefs
Out come studies measure
How well a patient is after a particular treatment compared with the accepted treatment (antipsychotics)
Cognitive Theory is when
They think irrationally or faulty
CBT outcome studies suggest…
Patients who receive CBT experience fewer hallucinations and delusions and recover to a greater extent than antipsychotics
Dury et al
Reduction of pos symptoms and recovery time when they had a combination
Kuipers et al
Confined advantages but also noted that there were lower patient drop out rates and greater patient satisfactory when using CBT
Ethical issues of CBT
Protection from harm
Side effects of therapy - could trigger episode? If stressful
Farrier interviews
Found they develope methods of dealing with stress (e.g. Hallucinations cause stress- coping by distraction and self talk
Coping is called
CSE - coping strategy enhancement - things that alleviate stress reducing frequency and intensity of psychological symptoms
Effectiveness - Tarrier ET al
Trial - found significant alleviation of positive symptoms
The study was well-controlled but out of 49 people 45% dropped out causing a loss of valuable data
Effectiveness Gould et al
Found that in all seven studies in a meta analysis reported a decrease in positive symptoms after treatment
However all studies were done on the people taking medication so they don’t know how much is due to CBT
Appropriateness 1
It’s not a cure but if it improves the quality of life it is appropriate
Negative symptoms appropriateness
They are safer than the positive symptoms ‘safety behaviours’
it alleviates positive symptoms but not negative symptoms making it appropriate because negative symptoms are safer
This might be helpful but it could make positive symptoms worse
Appropriateness benefit
People benefit the most when it is combined with antipsychotics
Kingdom and Kirschen
Their study found many people were not deemed suitable for the therapy as they thought they would not be able to engage with the therapist
Another type of cognitive therapy
Based on the work of Ellis and Beck
Aim – to challenge the irrational beliefs about self and significant events and put them to test
Chadwicks study
Studied a man who thought he could predict things that were going to happen
They showed him the video and made him predict things he didn’t get one out of 50 right
however this was only done on one person so is not representative
Another cognitive therapy – belief modification
Teach strategies to counter act inappropriate beliefs and thinking
Jones Et al – meta analysis on belief modification
Reduced intensity and frequency of hallucinations
Effectiveness of other cognitive therapys
Not very well researched
Research has shown it can bring about significant reduction in the severity of delusional symptoms
Other therapy is also put forward integrated psychological therapy - improves attention
Overall effectiveness
Pilling – meta analysis comparing family intervention with cognitive behavioural therapy found higher rates of important improvement with CBT