systematic use of tests to quantify and to make predictions about psychological performance
Psychological Testing
measurement of psychological construct through instrument
Psychological Testing
label for cluster of covarying behaviors
Psychological Construct
components of psychological testing
Norm-Referenced test Interview Observation Informal Assessment Psychological Functioning
standardized on a norm group
Norm-Referenced test
more open and less structured
can provide additional valuable assessment information
involves taking information gathered from psychological assessment
Informal Assessment
intellectual abilities, cognitive skills, etc
Psychological functioning
measurement device for quantifying behavior
used to measure human behavior
Educational Test
helps measure more detailed aspects of cognitive functioning
Neuropsychological Evaluation
scientific discipline concerned with construction of assessment tools, measurement instruments, and formalized models
process of assigning numbers or scores to individual that represent some characteristics
Psychological Measurement
methods that allow to estimate the attributes of a person, group, or program
Assessment Procedure
types of setting where assessment are conducted
Educational Setting
Diagnostic Test
Clinical Setting
Group Testing
tests are administered early in school life to help identify children who may have special needs
Educational Setting
tool of assessment used to help narrow down and identify areas of deficit to be targeted for intervention
Diagnostic Test
test and many tool of assessment are used to help screen for or diagnose behavioral problems
Clinical Setting
used primarily for screening - that is identifying those individuals who require further diagnosis evaluation
Group Testing
clinically evaluates child experiencing learning difficulties
School Psychologist
uses assessment procedures to determine if a particular methods of psychotherapy is effective in treating a particular problem
Psychotherapy Researcher
called to give an opinion as to the reality of client’s psychological problems
give an opinion as to defendant’s competency to stand trial
Court-appointed Psychologist
give an opinion regarding the extent of a convicted violent prisoner’s rehabilitation
Prison Psychologist
the ultimate objective of many such assessments is the improvement of the client in terms of adjustment, productivity, or some related variables
Counseling Setting
in decision-making about the careers of personnel. a wide range of achievement, aptitude, interest, motivational, and other test may employ in the decision to hire as well as in related decision regarding promotions, transfer, job satisfaction, and eligibility for further training
Business and Military Settings
government licensing, certifications, or general credentialing of professionals
Governmental And Organizational Credentialing
testing was instituted to select who would obtain government jobs
2200 B.C. China
attempts to categorized people in terms of personality types which included some bodily fluid as factor believed to influence personality
Ancient Greek-Roman writing
anticipated psychology as a science and psychological assessment as a specialty within that science
Christian von Wolff
clear distinction between insane and mentally defect; differentiated between hallucinations and illusions
Jean Etienne Esquirol
pioneered in the training of the mentally retarded. He believed that mentally retarded individuals could be trained and learn to do things. He introduced ________
Edward Seguin
The Physiological Method
the first experimental psychologist. Known as the “father of experimental psychology” and the founder of the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany 1879.
Wilhelm Wundt
primary responsible for launching testing movement
Francis Galton
he is an important figure in psychology thanks to research on intelligence, his use of quantitative methods and his focus on establishing psychology as a legitimate science
James Cattell
an American who is prominent in developing of psychological testing. In his article in 1890, the term ______ was used for the first time in the psychological literature
James McKeen Cattell
mental test
also known as g factor
General Intelligence
underlies specific mental skills related to areas such as spatial, numerical, mechanical, and verbal abilities
General Instrument
defined intelligence as “the tendency to take and maintain a definite direction: the capacity to make adaptations for the purpose of attaining a desired end the power of autocriticism.”
Alfred Binet
helped develop a statistical technique known as factor analysis, which allows researchers to use several different test items to measure common abilities
Charles Spearman
intelligence is adjustment or adaptation of individual to his total environment
intelligence as the ability to plan and structure one’s behavior with an end in view
“mental activities” involve in purposive adaptations, shaping-off, and selection of real-world environment relative in one’s life.
Howard Gardner