Psychological Issues Flashcards
What are the sections of core studies?
- individual differences
- social
- cognitive
- biological
- developmental
- criminal
What are the 4 studies in the individual differences area (in their pairs)?
- Freud and Baron-Cohen
- Hancock and Gould
What are the 4 studies in the social area (in their pairs)?
- Levine and Piliavin
- Bocchiaro and Milgram
What are the 4 studies in the cognitive area (in their pairs)?
- Grant and Loftus and Palmer
- Simons and Chabris and Moray
What are the 4 studies in the biological area (in their pairs)?
- Sperry and Casey
- Blakemore and Cooper and Maguire
What are the 4 studies in the developmental area (in their pairs)?
- Chaney and Bandura
- Kohlberg and Lee
What is the psychological issue in Freud?
Phobias and the unconscious mind
What is the psychological issue in Baron and Cohen?
- Theory of mind in people with Autism, Tourette’s, and ‘normal’
- Gendered differences = women better theory of mind
What is the psychological issue in Gould?
Invalid measures of intelligence
What is the psychological issue in Hancock?
Objective language analysis of psychopaths
What is the psychological issue in Sperry?
Split brain
What is the psychological issue in Casey?
Delay of gratification as a stable characteristic
What is the psychological issue in Maguire?
Brain plasticity - impact of experience on brain structure
What is the psychological issue in Blakemore and Cooper?
Brain plasticity - impact of experience on brain structure
What is the psychological issue in Loftus and Palmer?
Reconstructive memory